
64. The Conference

Professor Klein quietly entered the conference room with Professor Shells behind her. She took a seat at the mostly empty table where President Walters and Dean Bachard were already sitting. They were in the middle of a videoconference. 

On the screen in the front of the room, there were four faces. One of them was Sharee Hart. She was still in the infirmary. Her skin was pale and her face was gaunt, but she was smiling. The other three faces were unfamiliar to her. There was an older black woman and two older white men. None of them smiled. 

President Walters didn't appear to be in a particularly good mood himself. His jaw was clenched so tightly Professor Klein was surprised his teeth didn't shatter. Dean Bachard, on the other hand, was far less tense. He sat in his chair, almost slouched. His expression was one of almost boredom.