
Carl The Jumper (original)

The author avatar, Carl, finds himself on one of those Jump Chain Adventures. [In the world of Desolate Era currently] in this story the MC travels from one world to another to become stronger and better he has a jump chain system which lets him change the new world according to his like for some points he can chose to have a powerful background for some points or a commoner for free etc. this is not my novel i ma just posting it so people will be entertained the original name is also same i didn't changed anything search the name and you will find the original the worlds he travels to are 1. Buffy the vampire Slayer 2. pokemon 3. Farmville 4. history's strongest disciple kenechi 5. sword art online 6. Harry Potter 7. against the Gods 8. Stargate 9. ASOIAF (game of thrones) 10. dinosaur goutlet (free world not any movie or show) 11. azeroth 12. Naruto 13. desolated era slow updates but it is still going it also has a harem not the Pokemon type harem but has a good size one. original in fanfiction. net link https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13488233/1/

tony_stark_3000 · Movies
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85 Chs

Ch 68 warehouse 6


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Carl sighed in annoyance as he woke up once more in the Warehouse between worlds. He loved going to new worlds and meeting new people. Learning new magic, new technology, new anything. He loved getting more family in a new world, he loved getting to know attractive girls and spending time with them.

But he hated having no control over how long he was in a world, when he left, or the manner of his departures.

That wasn't the first time he had been cockblocked and blue balled by the Jump Chain.

And he was sure it wouldn't be the last time, either.

He got up from his amazingly comfortable bed that he barely used anymore and approached Spere 037's terminal. There were only a couple perks that he got from ASOIAF, but he made sure to add those to his base body and once more passed out when he finalized the process.

A short time later, he woke up once more after the process was over. Getting up once more, Carl continued his normal routine of taking a shower to clear his mind as he cleaned his body.

It was all part of the process of adjusting his mindset so he was prepared for the next world. Take charge of the things he could control. Don't worry about the things he couldn't control.

After he finished drying himself off with a towel, the old fashioned way, he made his way down to the kitchen. His kitchen had gone through several iterations and alterations as he made his way through the worlds.

In the Pokemon world he had installed the standard equipment one could find there. Since most of the technology developed was influenced by the Pokemon, there wasn't much innovation in the technology for the kitchen. So the equipment hadn't been much different from what he had in his original world or the BtVS world.

The Farmville game world actually had some magical storage items and cabinetry, to Carl's surprise. So he had his shelves replaced so that a large amount of food could be stored there for emergencies.

In the HSDK world, he had spent most of his time in Japan at the Ryozanpaku dojo, so he had added a lot of cooking devices that made cooking Japanese cuisine much easier. Good thing he already had the magically bullshit cabinets to fit the large amounts of pots, pans, woks, and dishes that were added in that world.

That world was followed by the SAO world. Surprisingly enough, when he was in the Matrix, er…the Sword Art Online game, the magic of the Jump Chain had made the in game items real for him. So he was able to store them in his Warehouse.

He had gotten various cooking utensils that added bonuses while cooking, sped up the cooking process, magically infused flavors, etc. It had been a fun thing for him to collect all the miscellaneous items from various quests, and he never threw anything away. He had magical storage options, why should he pick and choose what he kept?

After that he had gone to the Harry Potter world and had gotten the truly bullshit magical expansion charms that made it so he basically had whole warehouses in his cabinets. The magical fetching charms and runes made it easy to get what he needed from the cupboard whenever he was looking to cook. Various runes automatically adjusted heating, cooling, stirring according to instructions, etc.

The ATG world had seriously expanded on the idea of BBQ for Carl. That was a world where everyone was obsessed with cultivation. Even the animals cultivated. Every meal needed to be packed with profound energy in order to help a person's cultivation advance, even if only by a fraction. So they had many methods of grilling and barbecuing the meat of the profound animals that preserved the energy in the meat perfectly. His kitchen had been expanded once more to add a grilling and barbecue section, which made the most delectable meat.

In his original world there had been groups of people that had attempted to use chemistry to create new ways of cooking food that would be innovative, add new flavors, and completely alter what everyone thought of as cooking. They had mostly failed in his original world, since it wasn't transformative enough, or some such. Carl didn't really know.

But in the Stargate universe, the number of foodies in his Empire had not been a small number. When they had access to the amazing technology of the ancient Alterans, they had embraced it as if it was the Second Coming. The amount of craziness that had resulted from such ardently devoted foodies gaining enough technology and science knowhow to really play with their food had blown his mind. He had promptly added a lot of the innovation they created to his kitchen.

So now there was a station in his kitchen that was controlled by a VI that could create the most amazing looking and tasting food. Sometimes the people had gotten so overwhelmed with the creation that they forgot to make the food edible, to the detriment of some customers besides Carl. With his Metavore addition to his base body, he could eat nearly anything.

But the food always looked amazing, at least.

So whenever Carl stepped foot into his expanded and enormously altered kitchen, with all the food items from several worlds and many cuisine types available, it was always a bit of a struggle to narrow down just what he was going to eat.

On this particular morning, Carl felt like having a simple meal. So he made himself a delicious bacon breakfast burrito. The potatoes were fried just right so they have a just a bit of crispness to them on the outside while the inside was soft. The onions were grilled just enough so they didn't lose their bite. The peppers added just that bit of a bite to spice it up. The mushrooms added buttery goodness. The eggs were bouncy and light, binding the whole thing together. Everything fused together into a pinnacle tier burrito.

And of course Root Beer goes with breakfast. It was just natural, Root Beer goes with everything.

Once he finished cleaning up, Carl spent a bit of time bustling around his Warehouse, checking that everything was settled and organized right. There was a sense of comfort in looking through his storage units and thinking of the worlds he got various item from. He spent some time reminiscing about the people he knew and loved in those worlds.

Looking at the shelf where his Book of Kelsor was located, Carl remembered one particular day back when he was a senior at Sunnydale.

The Sunnydale library in the early evening was quiet. Not completely silent, as occasionally the sound of a page in a book turning could be heard. The sounds of scribbling of a pencil on paper also broke the silence.

"And I'm telling you again, it was an accident!" A voice outside the doors could be heard exclaiming impatiently.

The doors opened up, letting in Carl, Buffy, and Xander. Carl was shirtless, while Buffy was wearing his shirt. She didn't appear to have anything on under the shirt, strangely enough. Xander stood off to the side, not getting involved in the argument, though he looked incredibly amused.

"You need to learn to guide those fireballs better! And you owe me for burning off one of my favorite tops!" Buffy angrily glared at Carl as she made her way to the cage where her spare clothes were located.

The rest of the group had put their research on hold to spectate the argument. Jonathan, Andrew, and Jesse may have to have surgery to put their eyes back in their head when they got a look at Buffy's almost completely bare legs. They got a slap to the back of the head by Cordelia and Harmony for their overt ogling though, which caused them to look away.

"Listen, there's no way I could have expected that lizard to be immune to fire! My fireballs just ricocheted off his scales. I canceled the spell immediately!" Carl protested his innocence.

"Yeah, but somehow not quick enough to save my outfit!" Buffy growled. "That was one of my favorite tops!"

"How many times have we told you, Buffy." Carl growled in exasperation. "Stop patrolling in your nice clothes! You're gonna get dirty and ripped clothing that way! We have more rugged and disposable clothes for you to wear while patrolling."

The rest of the group just smiled at the argument. Trying to get Buffy in non-fashionable clothes was an impossibility, even when she knew full well they would most likely get ruined. Giles was furiously cleaning his glasses. Carl thought it was a method to distract himself from saying what he really wanted to say, which would no doubt be something quite undiplomatic.

"You still owe me, since it was your fireball!" Buffy called out with finality while making her way to the cage where her spare clothes were.

"Fine! I'll pay for some replacement clothes." Carl could tell Buffy looked smug that she won the argument. "But I'm only paying the cost of a sweater from Walmart." Carl laughed at her expression like she had smelled something nasty. "I'm not paying name brand prices for clothes you brought on patrol. You were likely tired of that top anyway and wanted it destroyed so you could con someone into replacing it with something new."

Carl could tell from Buffy's expression, as well as Cordelia and Harmony's smirks, that he had hit the bullseye with his wild guess.

"Fine." Buffy gritted out between clenched teeth, accepting that while she won, she didn't win as much as she had hoped to.

Carl smirked as he moved to talk with the rest of the gang. He had a dinner invitation to join Harmony, Amy, and Marcie that night. He was doing his best to keep them from going completely wildcat and attacking each other in their competition. He was completely wondering just how he was going to handle that mess.

Being preoccupied with his "win", he failed to see Harmony, Amy, and Marcie smirking at each other over the fact that Carl hadn't given in to Buffy and gone on a "date". There was hope for them still!

Sitting down while chatting with the girls, he started looking through the Book of Keslor for just what kind of demon that lizard thing had been. If it hadn't been hawking acid loogies instead of fire, he might think it was an immature dragon…

Carl put the Book of Kelsor back on the shelf with a little smile at the memory. Now that he thought about it, he should have just gone with Buffy and bought her a nice blouse. Maybe his relationship with her would have been quite different if he had seen the signals she was putting out.

But back then he had been a typically clueless guy. He had been completely distracted by the issue with Harmony, Amy, and Marcie fighting for his affection. He hadn't seen how maybe Buffy was demanding the blouse as a roundabout means to have a date-like activity from him.

"Lost opportunities, ah well." Carl chuckled. There were thousands of afternoons like that where he spent time with his girls in study, dating, exercising, and other activities. "Good times."

Moving further along, he spotted the rebreather he had purchased with CP from the Pokemon world sitting on a shelf.

"It's been quite a long time since I actually needed this to go underwater." Carl muttered as he remembered one of the expeditions under the water he and Serena took.

"Are you sure this is where they said the Gorebyss congregate?" Serena asked Carl as she stood atop a cliff, looking down into the surf of the ocean below.

Carl walked up behind her, hugging her from behind while he too looked down into the blue ocean water.

"That's what the locals said." Carl replied while Serena leaned back into his embrace. "Some of the old timers at the docks said that the Gorebyss only appear here every three years. Once the full moon appears, they come out of the ocean depths and dance across the surface while the shimmering salt sprays float in the air." Carl chuckled a bit. "Who knew that crusty looking old man had the heart of a poet."

Serena giggled while continued to look out at the waters.

Hearing a commotion behind them, the two of them looked back and saw that their Pokemon were mock battling each other. They were careful to avoid the campsite that was set up for them, but they were going all out otherwise.

Fiona and Rhona seemed to be the referees for the battle. Fiona stood there, waving her fire burning stick and sending out orders occasionally, while Rhona floated next to her, her white dress billowing in the wind as she watched the commotion with a smiling body language.

"Looks like they'll be just fine up here while we explore." Carl muttered as he watched the battle. Serena's Pokemon looked up to his and had immediately and enthusiastically joined in the training that he did with them. Due to that, the couple's Pokemon were the strongest and most enthusiastic battlers they had come across.

They hadn't met any trainers that truly gave them a challenge, so the large group of Pokemon that Carl and Serena trained often battled each other for the fun and excitement of it.

"Let's go then." Serena began pulling Carl to their tent to grab their gear. "I want to be down there tonight when the full moon rises."

Carl laughingly agreed, following along willingly.

A few hours later, the sun had fallen below the horizon, and night enveloped the ocean. Carl and Serena were floating in the darkness of the ocean, their rebreathers equipped so they could stay underwater indefinitely.

Well, Serena was floating in the darkness with just a small light on. Carl's enhanced senses could see out beyond the light.

Carl reached out and turned off the little light that Serena had on.

"What are you doing?" Serena asked, disconcerted at first about his shutting off the light. She then gasped in awe as she looked around. Just like that Avatar movie, once the light was shut off, the surroundings lit up in all its phosphorescent glory.

They were surrounded by a multitude of normal animals and Pokemon that glowed in the dark. The whole gamut of colors shone in a dance of beauty to take one's breath away. Thankfully they had rebreathers on.

They spent a few hours there, floating amidst the glowing lights. Carl had some recording equipment that captured the amazing view. But nothing could compare to actually being there with his girl and seeing such a magical scene.

Eventually they noticed that the dance and display was part of the various species reproductive cycle. Plenty of eggs were laid that night, and in the future many Pokemon were born.

Carl and Serena eventually made their way out of the ocean to their campsite to have their own time together in their tent. It was a wonderful end to a beautiful day.

Carl chuckled low in his throat at remembering how worked up Serena would get whenever she saw something beautiful connected to the world of Pokemon. He placed the rebreather back in its storage shelf before moving on.

There were a lot of memories attached to the various items he had stored in the Warehouse. He was still thinking over his time with Serena when he saw something unusual.

"Huh." Carl looked at a strange door that he hadn't seen before. "That's a strange door that I haven't seen before." Carl redundantly said again out loud once more.

He moved on over to the large airlock looking door and plucked up the electronic tablet that was placed in a small bin attached to the wall next to the airlock door in an obvious location, waiting for someone to come along and find it. Pressing on the screen, an information sheet came up, which Carl began reading.

Space Dock Add-on

Are you upset that you can't store your favorite hard earned (or stolen) Starship in the Cosmic Warehouse? Well, let me introduce to you the Orbital Docking Station, or O.D.S. for short. This station will follow you on your adventures across the multiverse, and serve as a place to store your own personal capital ship. The O.D.S. is accessed via a command tablet. This tablet will allow you to open portals to your O.D.S. and monitor the station's status at all times. You're the only one who can use the tablet, and if lost, it will reappear nearby a short time later.


·Dry-dock size: 10,000 m2. (100m x 100m)

·Dry-dock capacity: 1 starship

·Rooms: 1 (Airlock/docking port)

·Docking Port: 1

·Containment System: Magnetic anchor hooks

·Defenses: None

·Mobility: None


1.The O.D.S. will automatically move to a secluded location nearby whenever you arrive in a new universe. You will have to manually pilot your starship back to the station whenever you either take it out of dock or add a new ship to the station.

2.You may only use your starship in worlds that have other starships capable of interplanetary FTL travel. If the O.D.S. detects that you're the only one with an FTL capable vehicle, it will lock your ship in dry-dock along with any other vehicles stored on your vessel.

3.Living sentient beings can be stored on the O.D.S. and your ship, however they cannot be taken with you if you move on to a different universe.

4.Portals opened to the O.D.S. can be closed. The portals to the O.D.S can be up to 50 ft2. Only one portal to the O.D.S. can be open at a time.

5.Other people can be brought to the O.D.S. with you, but they do not have to leave with you.

6.You can open doors to the Cosmic Warehouse through the O.D.S.

"Well, damn. This thing kind of sucks." Carl snorted. "It wants to stop me from using a spaceship if no one else has one in the galaxy? That would have been too cheap if I couldn't use my ships in Westeros, for example." Carl made the decision on the spot that he would never dock the Yamato inside the O.D.S.

He might make another ship to keep stored inside the O.D.S., but leaving the Yamato there was right out. He liked having his ship in his pocket dimensional space so he could access it anywhere and anytime.

Carl took another look at Rule 3, and had a faint hope in the back of his mind. In order to test the idea, he first made his way over to the Pokeball storage and organization vending machine. Pulling out the ball for Fiona, he made his way back to the newly discovered door, and opened it. Inside was a small room with only an airlock that would presumably go to whichever ship was docked in the station.

Carl clicked the button on the pokeball that would release Fiona from her ball, and dropped it on the ground.

Nothing happened.

"Damn. Guess that caveat of traveling to a different universe has already been applied for my Pokemon." Carl sighed sadly. "I suppose I will just have to wait until after the 15th jump, where whatever it is will allow me to gather my people."

Before putting Fiona's pokeball away, he held it in his hand for some time. It had been quite a long time since he last saw some of his people, but they still had a huge place in his heart. It was a curious thing that the longer he lived, the more he cherished the memories and people that grew close to him in the past.

He certainly wasn't getting more blasé and filled with ennui the longer he lived. If anything his habits that he formed early on were just becoming more pronounced. If he had made it a habit to live as an anti-social loner, then he supposed living that way for hundreds of years would make it very hard to change at this point. Start as he meant to continue on.

After returning the pokeball holding Fiona to the storage unit, Carl once more picked up the tablet and looked at the next section: Upgrades.

The tablet said that he had 200 cp to spend for just the O.D.S. upgrades, and that they couldn't be applied anywhere else. After spending some time thinking about it, Carl made his selections.

Since the O.D.S. wasn't big in his plans, but could prove useful in some cases, Carl didn't see the harm of buying the upgrades. He chose not to get any extra dry docks, but he would enlarge the one dock he had and add extra ports to it to accommodate random ships of other people's he might come across.

Extra Docking ports (10 cp): Adds several additional docking ports to every dry-dock on your station.

Size Increase 2 (50 cp) Increases the size of one of your dry-docks to 360,000 meters2 (300m x 300m).

Carl also decided that having the jump chain itself take care of maintenance would take a load off his mind. The same with providing fuel and any replacement crew bots so he wouldn't need to program them himself.

Maintenance Drone (15 cp): 200 large floating robots that automatically clean and repair any vehicle stored in your dry-dock. Can be assigned to serve more than one vehicle.

Fueling Station (20 cp): A machine that can replicate any type of fossil, nuclear, or energy based fuel source used by your vehicles. Each fueling station can only service one dry-dock.

Crew (25 cp): 200 humanoid robots that can automatically adapt to any crew position assigned to them. They're good for piloting, navigation, weapons control, basic combat, cooking, pretty much.

And since there were options for engines and protection, Carl went ahead with those too. Especially the cloaking device that would keep this space station from being detected was necessary.

Built in Engines (20 cp): FTL engines that allow you to move the O.D.S. to different locations. Can only be purchased once.

Shields (20 cp): Magic based defense shields that deflect all forms of attack. Can only be purchased once.

Defense Turrets (10 cp): Your choice of either plasma, laser, or kinetic guns. Automated and have Infinite ammunition. Each purchase adds 20 turrets.

Carl carelessly chose to have 10 plasma and 10 kinetic turrets. He didn't really care if someone could destroy the O.D.S., since he wouldn't be using it to dock his main ship. Not to mention it would probably be replaced if anything happened to it. But it felt wrong to have no defenses or weapons for what was essentially an orbital space base.

Cloaking Device (15 cp): A standard invisibility device that renders the O.D.S. completely undetectable. Can only be purchased once.

And of course if no one can find his space base, no one can attack it. With 15 cp left, he didn't have a lot of options. But he chose to go with the external airlock over the observation deck. Function over form.

External Airlock (5 cp): An exit that allows you to explore the exterior of the O.D.S. Includes 1 free spacesuit. Can only be purchased once.

And finally, with only 10 cp, Carl was left with the choice between the hanger bay doors, or another round of turrets. Since Carl wasn't really planning on using the station in any meaningful manner, he didn't feel the need for more weapons. He could always pull out more ships if he needed more fire power. So he chose the hanger bay doors.

Hanger Bay Doors (10 cp): A pair of large doors built onto the surfaceof the O.D.S. Designed to allow a better entrance for small starfighters and dropships. Can only be purchased once.

After finalizing the purchases for the O.D.S., Carl took a tour of the facilities. When he opened the door, he saw the previously small space was expanded to accommodate the new additions. The enormous docking space stretched out quite a distance. 300m x 300m was a pretty decent size.

Carl saw that the maintenance and crew bots were on standby in units set aside for them to maintain themselves. They lined the halls of the O.D.S. that looked out over the dry dock area.

After looking around a bit, he followed the signs to the external airlock, and made a tour of the outside. Currently in between worlds, the O.D.S. floated in a dark void, with nothing to see anywhere nearby. Something about the dark void gave Carl the willies, so he soon stopped staring into it.

Looking at the O.D.S., it basically looked like a giant flying saucer, which somewhat amused Carl. Thinking about it, he supposed he could pretend to be a Roswell alien on one of jumps. Buzzing military bases, appearing to civilians as lights in the sky, abducting and prob- on second thought, Carl decided he didn't really need to go that far for a prank. That last one was a bad touch too far.

"Well." Carl muttered to himself as he mentally distanced himself from his poor idea of a prank. "What to do now?"

He made his way back to the normal Warehouse and stood looking at the terminal that would send him to the next world. "It's not like a week is a long time. And I don't have any burning goals to learn or practice anything at the moment. Might as well jump early."

Carl strolled over to the terminal and selected an early insertion into the world.


Cooking Show Jump

In this world, jumper, you will be a newly hired Cooking Show Chef. You gain 1000 CP to make your choices on cooking styles. You will start off with a cooking show during the late night hours. How long you stay on the air will depend on you, jumper.

Carl had to stop reading as he was laughing too hard to continue.

"Damn, so random." He wheezed to himself. "I've been to all kinds of dangerous worlds, learned both martial and mystic arts. Fought zombies, demons, and beasts that are 5 stories tall. But now I've got to do a cooking show! So lame!"

He didn't stop laughing for a good 10 minutes.

Wiping a tear out of his eye, he chuckled a bit more. It had been quite a while since he laughed like that.

He eventually returned to reading the document.

Note: Your show getting cancelled is the equivalent to death in this world. Fortunately, since most cooking shows don't last too long in the real world usually, Jump-chan has agreed to make it only last four years.

Leaving your current show to start a new one does not count as being cancelled, but adds 6 months to your stay time.

Items bought in this world will furnish your warehouse home should you have one or build one. Otherwise they'll appear in whatever home you make for yourself elsewhere.

"That's not too bad." Carl muttered. "This jump will only last for four years. I'm sure I can manage to do a cooking show for four years. I've got plenty of experience cooking all kinds of food. It shouldn't be hard to make it interesting enough for the audience to not cancel my show."

"Well, let's see what's on offer." Carl spent a few minutes looking through the sparse options.

Drop-in: You came to this world with no name, no identity, and no cameras. It's going to be a lot harder to make a living here, but at least you've got all the recipes from the other jumps, right? Now, on what aisle do they store the Chocobo powder?

Home Cooker 50 cp: You've got the touch of home. Full of comfort food, lots of butter, and a slightly endearing or annoying accent. You can make everything a family would want. Just make sure they don't catch you talking in any way racist from an event years ago.

Foreign Chef 50 cp: Whether a Screaming Scot or a Jumpin' Jamaican, you are a foreign chef catering to those that love the different cultures, and more importantly palates, of the world.

Le Cordon Bleu 100 cp: You've been trained at one of the many famous cooking schools of the world, and as such have a very refined palate and an almost innate understanding of what items compliment others to make fantastic foods.

Carl frowned contemplation as he considered how very…generic this world seemed. "At least if you were going to drop me in a cooking world, it should be something like Toriko. Something where there are delicious and powerful monsters to fight, kill, and eat. Where the very food you eat empowers your body, making your stronger and better able to hunt more delicious food. Where the cooking techniques are beyond human. But no. I get stuck in normal, generic cooking show world."

Carl sighed depressedly. Maybe he was getting used to exotic locations a bit too much?

"The benefits of these origins are just too lame to spend CP on. I mean, if I didn't have senses beyond human from the time I got my body upgrade, I might be interested in having a 'very refined palate'. But with my upgraded senses, including from getting an Animagus form, my palate will probably be the number one in this world."

He selected Drop-in. He could already see that he was going to use this world to bank CP, since the skills available here were…pitiful.

Basic Cooking Classes 50 cp: You've got experience with some of the less mediocre chefs in the state, teaching you how to properly season things and what things should look like when they're done cooking.

Carl laughed. He read the rest of the skills and laughed some more.

"Damn. I've been cooking my own food for hundreds of years by this point. I think I'm a little beyond the basics. Look at these skills. Southern Cookin' 100 cp, Creole 100 cp, Oktoberfest 100 cp, Asian 100 cp, Mediterranean 100 cp, Advanced Cooking Classes 150 cp, Barbeque 300 cp, Old World Cooking 300 cp, Cabinets and Kings! 500 cp."

"I mean, my original farms had one that was solely dedicated to Oktoberfest alone! I certainly don't need to waste my CP on these skills that I've already picked up from my experience in cooking." Carl chuckled in disdain.

"And if there are really amazing cooking skills here in this world, I can work hard to learn them while I'm there."

"So I'll just drop in. I definitely won't spend any CP on these mundane items. A Gas Range 50 cp, Basic Cookbooks 100 cp, Basic Cookware 100 cp, etc. It's not like I can't spend regular cash for these items. I've already got a head full of cooking skills, and a Warehouse full of cooking items, so I think I'll be just fine."

He continued scrolling down past the skills and items in the jump document.

"Now, to pick some drawbacks to get some more points. Looks like I'm limited to only gaining 600 points from Drawbacks."

Pre-Dinner Mayonnaise +0 cp: It's good for you.

The corners of Carl's mouth were twitching. He was really trying not to smile. He had no idea what was up with this…weirdness. He must have missed a joke about mayonnaise somewhere. He could only imagine what the internet would make of this joke. Maybe he could find the joke on the internet of this planet? Maybe search through the saved archived internet pages from the Stargate Universe?

Carl shook his head and moved on.

Bad Ingredients +100 cp: Something was wrong with the milk you bought. If you don't check the ingredients almost immediately before the show every time, they might spontaneously go bad, and ruin the dish in such a way that everyone sees it go bad.

Carl frowned at that drawback. As someone who had enjoyed fine foods for many decades and centuries, the idea of getting something that would be so disrespectful to his ingredients was an eyesore. He didn't choose that awful drawback.

Test +100 cp: You have a bad habit of tasting what you're cooking. If you don't counteract it through exercise or other methods, you'll very quickly get fat.

"But, how is a cook supposed to know if their food is tasty and up to par if they don't taste it?" Carl blankly asked himself, before chuckling. "I will certainly not get fat, not with the Metavore perk that I got from the body mod. This goes in the maybe pile."

Bad Attitude +200 cp: Off camera you're very off-putting. You don't get along well with the general public, and if you don't reign in your tendencies you may wind up in a bad spot.

Carl frowned. He really didn't like the idea of drawbacks that affected his behavior or mind. At the very least he wanted the freedom to treat people as they should be treated. If he attacked or berated a loyal and hard working employee or fan because of some lame drawback, that would be a poor repayment to that person's dedication. He put that one in the rejected pile.

Sold Out +200 cp: You have a tendency to name specific brands constantly during the show, to the point that it annoys people on how much you love the Borden'sTM brand butter on your Wonder BreadTM toast with SchmuckersTM strawberry jelly with a glass of Minute MaidTM orange juice.

Carl chuckled a bit while remembering that movie Wayne's World where they make fun of exactly that kind of selling out to sponsors.

"It's like people only do things because they get paid. And that's just really sad."

He put that drawback into the no pile. As funny as the joke was for a small one minute bit in a movie, being stuck in that mode for four years would be a bit…tiresome.

Exotic Cooker +300 cp: You keep requesting more and more specialized equipment and ingredients, to the point where it's getting harder and harder to find them. You'll have to spend your weekends off either hunting them in the wild, growing them yourself, or finding other ways to get them. If you don't, and keep requesting from the producers, they might start to think of you as too much trouble.

"That's a perfect drawback for me with my Farms. I'll have no trouble producing rare cooking ingredients. I dare say some of my audience will be surprised when I bring out chicken wings the size of a cow…" Carl was thinking of some of the animals he had stocked his farms with from the cultivation world.

Despite how the drawback would affect his behavior, Carl didn't think this drawback was too bad. He had plenty of means to insure that it didn't negatively affect his show since he could simply get the ingredients himself rather than begging the producers to get it for him.

Twice as Bright +300 cp: Your show will advance quickly and wonderfully within the first two years. But you'll hit a peak with the audience, and they'll start to trickle away on the basis of "He wasn't as good this year". If you don't figure out a way to win them back, they may abandon you.

"I don't think that this drawback will be a problem. All I have to do is stay on air. It doesn't matter how big my audience is. And there are plenty of ways to game the system and remain on air." Carl smirked, ideas already coming to mind.

"Very nice. I'll have 3300 cp banked after this. It's finally getting back up there after that ATG world spending spree." Carl nodded as he finalized his selections and hit complete on the terminal.

His vision went dark.