
Carefree Path of a Wondering Stranger

This story is about a man who lives solely for himself. A man who travels from world to world for sole reason of leaning new things and bettering his skills. (fair warning I'm a first time writer and English isn't my first language) (all content within this story belong to their respective authors) (If the owner of the cover wants it removed just let me know)

MasterBeast7016 · Others
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66 Chs

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: First day

When I got back to the cabin, I made some lunch and had a great feast with the others. I had planned to move out, with the intention of sneaking into the massive UA grounds and simply live there for the time when the school term begins, as it would make things more efficient for me. So I had spent the week as usual with my training, cooking, fight with Black and playing with the little ones.

The following week I made my way to the post office to go get the UA mail. The one who delivered my acceptance message was the principle of the prestigious instutute himself, he was none other than Nezu. I had ranked 1st with 70 points and 50 rescue points. Second with 77 points and 0 rescue points was Katsuki Bakugo, and so on, my time to leave my forest was inching closer.

(Third Person POV)


After the exam teachers had gathered to discuss the candidates.

"Scores for the practical are out" announced Nezu.

"In second place the kid actually has zero rescue points, the one and two pointer faux villains were just itching to capture him, in the second half when others were slowing down, This guy just kept going at it. He's one tough cookie." a teacher added.

"And on the other end of the spectrum in eighth place, with zero villain points." another teacher continued.

"Yes, others have stood against the gimmick in the past, but… its been a while since we've seen someone actually take it down." another teacher continued.

"Kid just makes me wanna go YEAH!!!" said present mic.

"But he was considerably demaged by his own attack…" after a little thought "like a child getting a first glimpse of his quirk." said a teacher.

"A strange one for sure, he looks like a typical failure in every other way." commented another teacher.

"Who cares about the details! I like him! Kid makes me go, YEAH!!!" present mic said.

"What about the number 1?" one teacher asked

"What should we do with the boy?" asked All Might.

"maybe he can be put in the General studies class, or what about class B" a teacher commented.

"There is a reason quirkless individuals usually are not accepted" another teacher added.

"We cannot just disregard the boy he is the top scorer of the test and judging by the way he left before even all the time was up he knows he had a sufficient score." replied another teacher.

"We can't just put him in 1A, as we only accept 20 students per class, this is so that we can pair them up during tests and training, it would be unfair to those who are forced to pair up with him.

His use off his equipment is outstanding, however in real combat those equipments could be destroyed, making the boy a sitting duck." said another teacher.

" He earned his place and has already proven himself I believe he should be allowed into class 1A, however we have no right to decide, we have always had a Freestyle Education system for both students and teachers, so Aizawa should make the final call." Said Nezu

"Let the boy enter as the twenty first student, hell be an extra and we'll put him in a group of three, during tests and events, some will see him as a handicap but it will teach the others how to work with others since you don't always get to decide who you work with. Besides the boy might just be exceptional, he would serve as motivation to the others to work even harder then." said Aizawa.

"Then it's decided." concluded Nezu.


Spring Time


It was the early morning of the first day. Since it was my last time here, I was busy uprooting my crops and placing them in my inventory so they won't die or succumb to time. This took a while as the fields were quite massive, I fear it would have been discovered long ago if it wasn't for the concealment kido that I had placed all around the place. With Mayuri's knowledge it was quite a simple task. It felt my only limit to what I could create was simply my lack of my own imagination and ideas. After I was done I went down stream to clean myself up and to perform my final consert with my school of fishes. After having another fun Sing-Along, I gave them some of my special made fish flakes, I had made them as an experiment on how I would feed an army of aquatic animals if I ever desided to get one. The flakes themselves where extremely healthy for my little fishy friends who weren't so little anymore. Another side effect of my war rations, causing them to grow big and healthy, over the years my school had become massive both physically and numerically, I truly felt regret not being able to take them with me. I gave them all warnings to stay away from humans and food that just pops out of no where as it could be bait, with that I Bid my farewells. I would still have my birds gather information for me so wasn't really any need to bid them farewell I just cast a concealment kido around their nests that would last for about a decade so they wouldn't have to worry too much about them being discovered by unwanted guests. I put on the new uniform, my guns and their holsters where hidden within my blazer, and with that along with Yachiru who was on my back I left for the school. I also found out as the years past that either she aged very slowly over a few thousand years or would stay like that forever, I didn't mind either way, as her cheerfulness would always bring a smile on my face. I could see why Kenpachi was so attached to her, she was indeed very likable, the others were as well however they preferred staying in their own realms, mostly only coming out for meals, and when I would play with all of them.

I arrived at UA at about 06h00 the barrier didn't obstruct me since I had a student pass, and Yachiru was in my soul world till we were inside, after entering she immediately returned to my back, using the forest surrounding the place, I made my way to the far off cities on the campus, using Hirenkyaku to lessen the chances of discovery, I snuck in and selected a decent building in one of the deepest corners of the place, to my pleasant surprise I didn't need my generator as the place was actually fully functional, It had electricity, lights and running water, it was as if it was made to be used by someone, it only lacked furnishing and certain things such as stoves and fridges, which was all good as I had them on me. After being reminded of how loaded this School was, I set everything up and started cooking breakfast and snacks for the little ones, after we were all fed and watered, it was time to begin the day, at first I was planning on leaving Yachiru here or having her in my soul world but after I had brought this up, I had faced the hardest battle of my life, I was defeated by the legendary puppy dog eyes she used, remembering the freestyle educational system of the school, I decided, I would take her with me and would deal with the backlash later, and so, we maid our way to the main building that looked like an H from all four sides.

Walking through the corridors I passed multiple classes and stopped in front of a massive door with 1-A written on it. Opening the massive door, I entered the classroom, it was empty as expected since it was still quite early. I decided to take the window seat at the very back. Knowing it would probably take a long time before the class began, I told Yachiru to practice with her zanpakuto spirit or spirits, watching her sitting cross legged on the table with her zanpakuto in her lap I couldn't help but let out a smile, before entering my soul world, with my soul entering, my body seemed as if I was sleeping while sitting upright, and so I began sparing with Black.

(Third Person POV)

Nearly an hour later someone walked into the room, a fairly tall teenage girl with a rather mature physique, considering her age. She has long black hair that is tied into a spiky ponytail with a large strand hanging on the right side of her face and onyx eyes that point slightly inwards, which seem to resemble a cat. She wears the standard female uniform which consists of a gray blazer with blue-green stripes, a formal white shirt, red tie, blue-green pleated skirt, black knee socks, and brown shoes. Closely following behind her was, a girl of medium height, possibly set a little more broadly than some of the other females, with healthy thighs. Due to her Quirk, her skin is a light shade of pink, and she has somewhat square shaped eyes, with a black sclera and light yellow irises, and notably long eyelashes below and around the sides of her eyes. Her face is framed by short hair, fluffy and unruly, which is a pink color, slightly darker than her skin's. She has two thin, pale yellow horns protruding from her head, hooked squarely and leaning diagonally to opposite sides, which seem to be slightly flexible, able to bend a bit to each side. She wore the same uniform as the former. They saw two figures at the very back of the class, one was sitting in a cross legged position on the table and the other was seemingly asleep while sitting up.

As they entered the one who took notice of them was the pink haired little girl sitting on the table.

"Hello, what's your names?" cheerfully asked the little girl.

"I'm Momo Yaoyorozu!" Said the black haired girl.

"Mina Ashido, what's your name?" replyed the pink haired girl.

"I'm Yachiru," pointing at the man behind her, "that's Yhwa-chan. Nice to meet you Momo-chan and Mina-chan."


Opening my eyes, the surroundings where noisy, unlike before my battle with black, the place was noisy the boy with glasses was busy shouting at the Ash blond teen, he was shouting at him for putting his feet on the desk, as well the glasses trying to introduce himself. Ignoring them I started looking for Yachiru, she was currently with a few girls it seems, one had a spikey ponytail, another was pink, the other was a floating pair of clothing, then there was a petite, fair-skinned girl with a slender build. She has triangular, lazy-looking onyx eyes with notably long lower eyelashes and rather small eyebrows. Her hair is short, only around chin length, and is dark purple in color with an asymmetrical fringe, and two reflections shaped like heartbeat monitor waves on either side of her head. Her most prominent features are the flexible, plug-like earphone jacks hanging from each of her earlobes at the end of two thin cords, which act like extra limbs; she seems to be able to control these at will. The last one was a short girl with a frog-like appearance. She has straight dark green hair that ties into a bow at its bottom, and her eyes are considerably large, unlike any normal person. She has eyelashes at the bottom of her eyes and a mouth that dips down a bit in the middle. Adding to her frog-like appearance, she has notably large hands. As if sensing my gaze she immediately smiled brightly.

"Yhwa—Chan is done." she cheerfully exclaimed and rushed towards me.

This caused the girls eyes to snap towards me. Ignoring them I pat Yachiru's head and gave her one of the lunchboxes containing some snacks for her. It was a large one that had three rows of onigiri each row containing 7 Onigiri's with each row contain a different flavour.

In addition to rice and nori:

Pork meat with garlic & honey filling:,

•Pork belly,





Negishiodare filling:,

•Chicken breast,


•Spring onion/scallion,



•Chicken bouillon,


•Sesame oil and seed powder,

Shio kombu cheese filling:

•Sesame oil and powder

•Shio kombu (kombu simmered in soy; a common by-product of making use of 'discards' from dashi)


I gave the lunchbox to yachiru, she decided to share with her new friends giving them one of each and quickly began eating the remaining six. Leaving behind the girls who's legs were quivering, with a healthy blush on their checks, all from getting to sample the refreshing and hearty meal. Receiving the lunchbox I returned it into a bag I brought while secretly putting it in my inventory. With that a giant yellow caterpillar made its way into the room.