

The situation was under control and although no one knew who, except for the day, everyone was grateful. On the other hand, Esteban had already left the scene a long time ago, thanks to the manipulation of letters he could leave the chain that way and he only disappeared, because he ran out of energy, fortunately, the police had already arrived.

Esteban returned to the motel and kept thinking about what he should do. At some point it crossed his mind to join an organization like the Knights of the Round Table or the World Champions, because there, being "Awakened" he would be cared for and trained, the disadvantage was that he would have to risk his life being some kind of hero. or agent.

He had no problem with being a hero, in fact, he liked them a lot, but he knew it wasn't his way. He knew that he would not be able to sacrifice himself for a stranger or for the greater good, he knew himself well, at most he was a good person, but selfish, he would always think of himself and his loved ones first, even if they had to sacrifice others.

So, being a hero was a no and organizations like the Knights of the Round Table are worse since they existed to sacrifice themselves for the country and he was not so patriotic, what he wanted was to live a comfortable, calm life with some girls.

Yes, "Girls", in the plural, it must be understood that since the "Awakened" are so powerful, it is not abnormal for women to throw themselves at one of them, since their children have a high probability of being born with some ability, therefore, awakened harems are not strange.

Anyway, I got off topic, the point was that Esteban couldn't take that path and so he got to the beginning where he didn't know what to do. Reaching the limit of his ingenuity, he did not want to continue mortifying himself and went to sleep.

Unexpectedly, that night Esteban slept peacefully and the next day he was extremely rested as if he hadn't slept in a long time suddenly he had the best night of his life, he felt revitalized.

However, luck had a trick in store for him. After taking a bath and changing his clothes, he left the room in search of breakfast, but what he found was a city in ruins, as if a nuclear missile had hit it.

With his mouth open and an expression of panic on his face, he was paralyzed, he did not understand what was happening and when he was about to have an anxiety attack, his vision blurred and he lost consciousness.

If you want to support me or see chapters in advance, visit my pa--tron where there are chapters a week in advance in Spanish and English. patreon.com/user?u=25488787

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