

The arsonist didn't understand where the chain had come from, which is not surprising, after all, Esteban was behind him and he couldn't see it coming, but even so, Esteban was surprised by his ability.

He had never fought anyone, much less used a chain, but somehow when he activated the card it was as if he became an expert in its use.

He understood that this mastery is only temporary and worse still limited in many aspects, but it was not the time for that. He quickly made sure to have a good hold on the arsonist, he disarmed him and when the fire maniac started hurling threats and profanity, he kicked him hard in the face knocking him unconscious.

He went over to the girl to see if she was okay. Fortunately, she was just scared and although teary-eyed, she was completely unharmed. Esteban charged her with paternal affection and gently caressed her head, letting her understand that everything was fine and the girl calmed down.

After a few minutes, the police appeared accompanied by some heroes, but they only found an arsonist tied to a post with black chains and that confused them, they did not understand what was happening.

"What the hell happened here?" asked one of the heroes and a child's voice appeared from nearby, "The older brother captured him", it was the girl that Esteban had saved and everyone, seeing her, came up wanting to know what happened.

The girl, despite her innocence and young age, recounted what happened in great detail, although as a child would, they looked super cute jumping and making gestures trying to explain and despite the fun of the scene, everyone understood what happened to a certain degree.

The arsonist was not an "Awakened", just a mentally deranged with a penchant for burning everything, so when he was unarmed he was a normal person and the police could easily arrest him.

However, seeing how tightly tied the chains were, the policemen knew that it would be difficult to remove them, so they decided to cut them, but when they requested a saw, the chains disappeared without a trace.

The disappearance surprised everyone present, even the arsonist was surprised not to feel the chains recovering quickly he tried to flee, but his effort was in vain, he could only advance about 4 steps when he was knocked down by several policemen who handcuffed him and put them in the patrol.

If you want to support me or see chapters in advance, visit my pa--tron where there are chapters a week in advance in Spanish and English. patreon.com/user?u=25488787

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