
Chapter 9

Ye Xiao and Tang Youran, who was in a coma, stood beside them and looked down at Tang Youran.

Tang Youran's face looked very pale, probably because he had lost too much blood. Ye Xiao and he stared at her for a while.

Suddenly, he leaned over to Tang Youran's ear and said in a low voice that only he and Tang Youran could hear, "We're even!"

With that, he turned around expressionlessly and strode out of the ward.

"Goodbye, Sir!" Bai He followed behind Ye Xiao and Xiao Hongfei in confusion. She only turned around when she saw them enter the elevator and close the doors.

When she entered the ward and closed the door, she saw Tang Youran's bright eyes. Bai He was shocked. "Youran, are you awake?"

Tang Youran nodded. Bai He took a few steps to her bedside. "How do you feel? Does it hurt?"

"No, it doesn't hurt. I'm much better! Thank you, Sister He." These words came from the bottom of her heart.

"What are you thanking me for?" Bai Hebai glanced at her and sat down with her hands covering her chest. "What did Ye Xiao say to you just now?"

"Ye Xiao is talking to me? Is that true?" Tang Youran acted as if he didn't know anything.

"Yes, he bowed his head and left after saying a few words to you." Bai He felt a little regretful.

"Don't you know that you scared me just now? That Xiao Yunfei is so fierce. I thought he would die tonight. I didn't expect that Ye Xiao would be so easy-going. Youran, it seems that Ye Xiao really likes you."

Tang Youran didn't say anything. "Ye Xiao and I? Is that possible?"

Bai He didn't know what she was thinking, and she looked excited. "With Ye Xiao and such a person protecting you, I want to see who else dares to bully you!"

"Sister He, I'm hungry." Tang Youran didn't want to be entangled in this topic.

"I'll buy you some supper. How about chicken porridge?"

Tang Youran nodded, and Bai He left with her bag.

Silence returned to the ward. Tang Youran's heart was in a mess. What did Ye Xiao mean by that?

They were even? What were they evening?

Not to mention that Tang Youran was lost in thought, Ye Xiao walked out of the hospital and got into the car. Xiao Hongfei followed him closely. "Brother, what did you just say to Miss Tang?"

"Seventh Brother, were you afraid that I would hurt that woman just now?" Ye Xiao asked Xiao Yunfei instead of answering him.

"No way!"

"You don't have to pretend in front of me. Seventh Brother, if you really want to hurt her, can you stop me?"

"I..." Xiao Yunfei scratched his head. "Brother, I was wrong!"

"You're not wrong. Everyone loves beauty!" Ye Xiao said with a faint smile. "Miss Tang is so beautiful. It's understandable that you like her."

"Brother, I don't like Miss Tang. I just appreciate her a little." Xiao Hongfei quickly made a statement. "But brother, I can't figure out what you did tonight?"

Ye Xiao sneered. "Do you think I've taken a fancy to some woman?"

"Or what?" Xiao Yunfei asked.

"I'm just paying the debt!" Ye Xiao spat out two words.

"Pay the debt?" Xiao Yunfei was stunned and suddenly understood. "Is she the woman who saved you?"

Ye Xiao nodded.

"This Tang Youran is actually Xiaoxiao, whom we've been searching for half a month? Big brother, how did you know that they are from the same person?"

"I also suddenly thought of it." Ye Xiao was unwilling to say more.

Xiao Yunfei looked at his gloomy face and said, "Brother, I'm not going to strip her of her body tonight. I just want to scare her!"

"She's just a woman. So what if she's naked?" Ye Xiao said with a faint smile.

There was a chill in his dark eyes. Over the years, no woman had rejected his approach!

However, this Tang Youran did it. She thought she was very good at acting, but she didn't know that he had already seen through her.

A woman who could calm down in front of so many killers would never lose her composure and pour the wine on a guest. The only possibility was that she did it on purpose.

Ye Xiao and Jiang Sese had already guessed why she did this. She was trying to avoid eating with them in disguise. In order to be realistic, she did not hesitate to kill herself.

This trick was not brilliant. After all, no one in this place was willing to care about the life and death of a laughing woman.

In this way, she had already known who he was and dared to refuse him after knowing who he was. This woman was too arrogant.

Ye Xiao smiled coldly. In fact, before that, he just wanted to find Tang Youran to give her some compensation and let her save him. But now, he didn't want to do that.

Saving lives and paying debts was one thing, but challenging his authority and self-esteem was another.

As a man who kept his word, it was necessary for him to let this ignorant little girl know that some people could not be offended.