
Chapter 5

This night was destined to be not peaceful. After the man left, Tang Youran waited in the car for a long time, but he did not see the person sent by his mother.

She called her mommy, but she couldn't get through. She also called the others she knew in the nightclub, but she still couldn't get through.

Tang Youran found himself having a fever, probably due to the rain and excessive shock. He had no choice but to ask 120 for help. Finally, the ambulance sent her to the hospital.

It was said that illness comes and goes like a mountain. Tang Youran had been in the hospital for several days because of this illness.

When she was discharged from the hospital, she realized that it was not her mommy who had forgotten about her that night, but she was also busy with herself.

Because something terrible happened in the No.1 Royal Court that night.

This was what Bai Wei told Tang Youran. She said that about 11 o'clock after Tang Youran left, Boss Ma came with his men.

That night, it was Boss Ma's birthday. He had booked the venue in the latter half of the night. Everyone in the nightclub, including Boss Ma, was celebrating Boss Ma's birthday.

But before the candles on the birthday cake were lit, the gate of the royal court was kicked open.

A group of fierce people came with real guys. When they came in, they began to beat people and smash the place. Boss Ma's men were all captured before they could resist.

The group of people dragged Mr. Ma out of the box, and then the royal court witnessed Mr. Ma's miserable scene.

His hands and feet were cut off, and he was screaming over there.

Bai Wei covered her chest in fear.

"And then?" Tang Youran asked.

"There's no later. Boss Ma will definitely die. I didn't expect that such a high-spirited and rich man would disappear like this." Bai Wei felt a little regretful.

"Dead? How did you know?"

"Those people dragged him away like animals, saying that they were going to hand him over to someone else to deal with him. Do you think he's already in such a miserable state even before you see the main character? Can you still fall after seeing the main character?"

Sooner or later, he would pay for what he had done! But he didn't know who Boss Ma had offended.

The incident of Mr. Ma soon cooled down. In a place like the No.1 Royal Court, there were new things happening every day, and it was difficult for people to maintain the heat of one thing.

Half a month later, Tang Youran arrived with his bag.

"Youran, hurry up and dress up. An important guest is coming."

Tang Youran didn't care. To his mommy, anyone who could get her money was an important guest. Tang Youran had heard her say so many times in the past year.

After she sat down, she began to put on makeup in front of the mirror. Before she could do it, the door was pushed open and her mommy rushed in. "Little ancestor, why are you so slow?"

"It's all right." Tang Youran wiped his lips with lipstick. Mommy took her hand anxiously and left.

When they got out of the door, they found that the outside was full of people, all of whom were famous beauties of the number one imperial court.

Tang Youran was stunned. She had been here for more than two years. She had never seen such a situation where the number one of the Royal Court would go all out. It could be imagined that the guests who came tonight were really unusual.

While she was deep in thought, an extremely lazy and charming voice suddenly sounded. "What's wrong? The emperor's consort selection?"

"Bai He!" Tang Youran followed the voice and saw Bai He, who had disappeared for more than half a month.

At this time, Bai He was wearing a long black dress with a mocking smile on her beautiful face. She stood in the corridor with her hands crossed and looked at them.

"My little ancestor, you're finally here!" Mommy immediately greeted Bai He when she saw her.

"You're almost blowing me up. Do you think I wouldn't dare to come?"

Mommy did not care about the sarcasm in Bai He's tone. "It's good that you're here. It's good that you're here. We don't need you on such an occasion tonight!"

After saying this compliment, Mommy turned her head and began to explain in a sharp voice, "Little ancestors, cheer up and serve in the No. 1 private room. By the way, let me remind you that the owner inside is not an ordinary person. No one is allowed to make a mistake tonight!"

"Humph!" Bai He smiled contemptuously. "I've been working here for so many years, and I've seen all kinds of people. Is it necessary?"

"I know you've seen a big battle. Aren't you urging me to help you? I'm not afraid of making friends with you. It's really hard to serve the people tonight."

"Don't keep us guessing. Just tell us who it is." Bai He asked impatiently.

"Master Seven!" Her mommy spat out two words.

Hearing the word "Master Seven", except for Tang Youran, everyone's face became serious, and so did Bai He.

Seeing that they were shocked, Mommy began to carefully tell them what to do.

Tang Youran walked up to Bai He. "Where have you been these days?"

"Something happened." Bai He answered lightly.

"Do you know that I'm worried about you?" Tang Youran was a little angry.

"I'm back, right?" Bai He reached out and touched Tang Youran's face. She sighed and suddenly lowered her voice. "Be careful tonight. Stay away if you can. Don't show up."

"What guests are there exactly?" Tang Youran was also very curious.

"He's a man of his word. If he likes something, he won't get it. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, Tang Youran lowered his head. She had been here for more than half a year, but she had always been selling her skills.

It wasn't easy to maintain her innocence on such an occasion. Tang Youran knew very well how he had spent the past two years.

It was not because she was lucky, but because she had Bai He's help.

Bai He was a well-known big sister in this industry and knew a lot of big shots in both the underworld and the underworld. In the past, those who took a fancy to Tang Youran and wanted to buy her virginity at a high price were stopped by her.

Now that Bai He reminded her like this, it was very clear that she could do nothing about the people tonight. Tang Youran secretly paid attention to her. The No. 1 private room was the largest private room in the imperial court, decorated luxuriously.

When Tang Youran and the others entered the private room one by one, they saw a young man sitting on a wide sofa in the room, followed by a bunch of bodyguards.

Tang Youran sized up the man. He was tall and handsome. He was a charming man, but with a hint of evil.

Mommy walked up to him with a smile. "Master Seven, our best girl is here tonight. Do you like her?"

Master Seven spun the wine glass in his hand and did not speak. A bodyguard behind him said, "Why do you bring so many people? Just leave a few of the best!"

Mommy nodded hurriedly and pointed at Bai He, Bai Wei, and Bai Lan. After her eyes lingered on Tang Youran's face for a while, she looked at Bai Mei.

Tang Youran breathed a sigh of relief and followed everyone to the door of the private room. One foot had crossed the threshold when a voice suddenly sounded behind him. "Which one is Tang Youran?"

Tang Youran stopped in his tracks and turned around subconsciously.

Master Seven, who was sitting on the sofa, took a sip of wine. "I heard that there is a person here who can't be listed for a million yuan. I want to have a look tonight."

"Well... Master Seven, what a coincidence!" Bai He took the initiative to approach him with a smile. "Tang Youran is ill today. He didn't come."

"Are you sick?" Master Seven sneered. "What a coincidence!"

"It's true. It's hard for us to meet someone like Master Seven. How dare we lie to you?"

"Then send someone to her house to invite her here!" Master Seven's voice was very cold.

"Master Seven, look, it's rare for you to come here. Let us serve you!" Bai He reached out to grab the bottle and was about to pour the wine.

But he was pushed away rudely. Master Seven stared at her coldly. "I'll tell you, let Tang Youran serve me!"

The atmosphere in the room suddenly froze. Looking at the murderous bodyguards, Tang Youran knew that it was impossible for him to leave. So he turned around and walked to Master Seven calmly. He lowered his head and shouted, "Master Seven!"

"Aren't you sick? What's going on?" The cold voice was emotionless.

Tang Youran couldn't explain. He just begged in a low voice, "Please let go of my sister, Master Seven!"

"Raise your head!"

Tang Youran looked up and saw the man in front of him with a sneer on his lips. "You look good. Let's go to the market tonight!"

Tang Youran stood still. Master Seven looked at her coldly. "What? You don't want to?"

Bai He stepped forward again. "Master Seven, I'm sorry. I'm afraid Tang Youran can't serve you tonight. She's here!"

"Here you are. Well, let me have a check!" As he spoke, a big hand stretched out like Tang Youran. Tang Youran subconsciously stepped back.

"She's bold. Dare to hide? Guards, take off her clothes and let me see if it's true or not!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two bodyguards came from behind him and controlled Tang Youran.

Tang Youran struggled but failed. Bai He's face changed. "Master Seven, please let her go. I can do anything you want me to do!"

"Do you deserve it?" Master Seven snorted disdainfully and ordered the bodyguards, "What are you waiting for? Take her out!"

The bodyguard's hand reached out to Tang Youran. With a tearing sound, Tang Youran's clothes had been torn open. She subconsciously covered her chest and suddenly chuckled. "Xiao Qi, what are you doing?"

The voice was extraordinarily magnetic and so familiar. Tang Youran turned his head and saw a man in black at the door of the private room.