
Captn' n Stark - Lord of the Stones!

Captain America and Iron Man, Isekaied by the Tesseract, the Space Stone into a new realm. Here, the Infinity Stones fuel a different kind of conflict, orchestrated by a ruthless power elite who crave their immense power. Thrust into another Infinity War, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, Earth's mightiest heroes, find themselves with a singular objective: secure their universe's Tesseract and carve a path back home. But this new realm bristles with fresh threats, and those who covet the Stones tighten their grip, fueling their own nefarious agenda. Can Captain America and Iron Man overcome impossible odds in a universe teetering on the brink of cosmic chaos and reach their ENDGAME?

WoodenPaw · Movies
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Chapter -0003 -The Price of Help.

"Can you understand me now?" the girl asked, a hint of amusement in her voice. Steve could understand her now, her sweet voice clear and melodious.

"Yes, I can understand you now." He paused. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" He still stayed guarded against her.

The girl tilted her head again, a gesture that appeared both curious and playful. "I am Elara," she said, her voice resembling the gentle tinkling of a stream. "I am a traveler, I go wherever my lantern takes me." 

"Your lantern?" Steve asked, not sure if something was wrong with this girl's head or not, but he decided to keep his thoughts to himself, especially considering her apparent magical abilities. After all, she had just made him understand her language with her magic in an instant. He didn't want to upset her and risk facing any consequences from her magical powers.

"Yes, my lantern is the best," she replied with a giggle, showing her affection for his lantern.

"I believe you, but it's nighttime. Don't you have a home or somewhere to spend the night or rest?" Steve asked, genuinely concerned for the girl's well-being. It was also a smart way to ensure his and Tony's safety.

She nodded to the question as if she suddenly remembered something. "Let's rest here tonight."

Steve got more confused.

The lantern began to vibrate, emitting a radiant glow that sent sparkles dancing into the surrounding trees, plants, grass, and stones. The ground quivered as if it were alive, and with a gentle hum, the nearby flora and fauna appeared to awaken. 

Vines wound their way upward, weaving through low-hanging branches. Glowing mushrooms sprouted from the earth, casting an enchanting green light. Even the stones seemed to stir, rearranging themselves into a unified structure.

Steve stood there, utterly stunned, as the forest underwent a breathtaking transformation right before his eyes. Acting quickly, he scooped Tony up into his arms and leaped away from the magical spectacle. Despite his exposure to both magic and advanced science, this display still left him mesmerized.

In no time, the dense foliage cleared to reveal a cozy hut crafted entirely from natural materials. The door, made of vines, opened, and Elara, the young girl, stepped out. "Welcome to my humble home," she greeted them warmly. "Please, come on in and make yourselves at home."

Steve hesitated for a moment, still unsure of Elara's intentions. But feeling the genuine warmth in her voice, he decided to trust her—for now, at least. With Tony still unconscious in his arms, he followed Elara into the hut.

Inside, the atmosphere felt cozy and welcoming. Vines intricately formed the walls, woven together with impressive craftsmanship. Soft, glowing mushrooms cast a gentle light, and leaves created a natural roof above. Three moss-covered bumps on each corner looked like comfortable sleeping spots.

Elara gestured toward one of the sleeping corners. "You can lay your friend down here," she said, her voice still carrying that gentle, soothing tone.

Steve nodded gratefully and carefully laid Tony down in the designated corner, making sure he was comfortable. Tony's breathing remained steady, a reassuring sign that he was still okay despite being unconscious.

Once Tony was settled, Steve turned his attention back to Elara, who was watching him with a curious yet serene expression. "Thank you for your kindness," he said sincerely. "We truly appreciate your hospitality."

Elara smiled and then hung her lantern at the center of the hut, its golden light spreading a warm glow throughout the space, making him unexpectedly relaxed.

"What's wrong with your friend?" Elara suddenly asked, settling into her cozy corner of the hut.

"He's fine, just tired from our travels," Steve replied, choosing not to divulge any further information. He decided to keep his guard up, hoping that Elara was indeed harmless, but remaining cautious just in case.

"Why aren't you tired?" Elara innocently asked, her curiosity shining in her innocent eyes. "Your friend looks exhausted, like he's been sleeping for years."

Steve paused, the word "years" echoing in his mind. "What do you mean by 'years'?" he asked, feeling a sense of unease creeping in. While he wasn't an expert on time travel or its theories, he had heard enough to start connecting the dots.

Elara shrugged, seemingly unaware of the weight behind her words. "He just looks really tired," she replied innocently, her gaze drifting back to Tony's sleeping form. "But you, you seem wide awake. It's like you haven't slept in ages."

Steve's unease grew stronger, his mind racing with possibilities. What if they weren't just displaced in space, but also in time? He had entertained the thought earlier, but now he considered the possibility that they might have experienced different flows of time. The idea sent a shiver down his spine.

However, he quickly reasoned with himself. "But we both arrived in this world at the same time," he thought within, trying to reassure himself. "How could a different time flow explain that? And Tony doesn't seem to have aged at all." He glanced at Tony, searching for any signs of visible age change, but found none.

Steve gazed at Elara, her eyes hidden beneath her hood. As he considered his options and the seriousness of Tony's condition, he glanced at his friend once more. Finally, he accepted his own vulnerability, realizing that he needed to seek help.

"Can you help?" Steve asked, his voice slow and calm, yet filled with humility, respect, and desperation.

"Yes, I can help, but you'll have to promise me something in return," Elara's voice shifted suddenly, becoming serious and more mature, shedding its previous innocence. It was as if she had been waiting for this moment, waiting for the opportunity to reveal herself and her intentions.

Steve wasn't taken aback by the sudden shift in Elara's demeanor. He sensed the change in atmosphere, realizing that he might be being manipulated. However, his priority was Tony's well-being. If complying with Elara's request meant Tony would wake up, then he was willing to accept being taken advantage of.

He looked at Tony once more, silently confirming his determination. With conviction, Steve opened his mouth and asked, "What do you want?"

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