## This fic was originally made by a collaboration by Author's, mainly Doragon, on alternate history. ## I have attained permission to cross post it here. Captain America wakes up in Westeros.
Date: January 16, 300 After Landing, Winter, Long Winter
Location: Winterfell
I just arrived back in Winterfell, but I won't get a chance to hang out around the fires and relax. A raven from Castle Black arrived last night, carrying word that Mance and his wilding armies have reached the wall and launched an initial assault. It sounds like the Night's Watch is getting hit hard, and our army is heading out at first light. An army marching from Winterfell to the Wall, a journey of 600 miles, would normally take 20-25 days, but the Commandos and I are moving ahead of the main force and should arrive in two weeks.
So, while we are here, Dacey and I are getting married tonight. Almost everyone we would want to have is already here, and King Eddard agreed to it. But before allowing me to wed her, he also made me pick an unclaimed territory for my lordship. So I have taken Sea Dragon Point to the east. It is close to Bear Island, and I believe there are many natural resources available that will aid it. Still, it will be some time before I can make a home there. He agreed that trying to rebuild the ancient ruined strongholds of the First Men now would be unreasonable, not with Winter here and things only going to get worse, but once the cold breaks we will take a small army of builders to repair it. Besides, it is close to Dacey's home and see no reason to keep her from there. I already have dozens of plans for the region in mind, and between the money I won at the Tourney of the Hand (was that really only a year and a half ago?) and the extra 100,000 gold Direwolfs he is paying me for my service to his family and realm, people are the only thing I'm missing.
Well, I guess I should go. It's time to get married. Dr. Erskine, Bucky, Peg…I wish you were all here. But I know you are looking down at me, smiling.