

A dark story of Keigo's tramatic childhood and his time with his father before he goes to the commission. Or, a AU where Hawks/Keigo's quirk gives his cannibalistic Tendencies. Warning!!! This story contains: • Death • Manipulation • Cannibalism • Child Abuse • Self-Harm • Blood/Gore • Dermatophagia If you have an issue or get triggered by any of the following, I strongly suggest you don't read this story, thank you ^^

Speedy_Servel · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


Keigo sits in the corner of the basement, his head resting against the wall.

*his stomach growls*

He curls in on himself slightly at the sound with gritted teath.

'I've tried everything... the collar seems to have done something to my quirk? So I can't even use my feathers to try to get out of this stupid collar! It's impossible,' he huffs to himself as he looks over to the stares, shivering slightly from the cold. "How long is he going to keep me in here?" He says to no one as his stomach growls at him again...


He wakes from his uncomfortable sleep a day or so after he last saw his father, the sound of voices waking him from his sleep and the lock to the basement being undone.

He listens as someone makes there way down the stairs, keigo watches confused as a woman with long silvery looking hair walks in running her hand on the wall for a light switch before she looks back up the stairs.

"You said he's hurt, right? Is there a light switch in here?" Keigo hears his dad mumble a reply before the light flicks on again, Keigo hisses slightly at the light but soon recovers as he hears a slight gasp.

Keigo opens his eyes to see his father with a slight smile and the woman staring at him with wide vibrant purple looking eyes.

"Sweety are you o--" she begins as she takes a step forward Keigo, he watches horrified as his father brings a bat up, Keigo opens his mouth to warn her, but the bat was faster than him and the woman soon tumbles to the ground.

Keigo snaps his mouth closes as he watches his father go back up the stairs locking the door before he comes back down with a smile he goes over to the camera for a moment before going over to the woman.

Keigo decides to ask what's going on only for his stomach to growl instead. He silently curses himself as he nervously picks at his hands, looking anywhere but his father.

Dread slowly starts to fill him as the realization of why the woman's here hits him, the word takeaway ringing in his ear.

His father's smile simply widens at he watches his sons expression change from confusion to dread in a matter of seconds as he looks away from the two of them.

His father drags the woman closer to him before sitting on the unconscious womans torso, keeping them in place.

"Keigo, you must be hungry?" Keigo snaps his head to look at his father watching as he smiles, making Keigo panic more

"I just got us a takeaway. As promised, you can have the leftovers," He says. In a surprisingly normal voice, doing nothing but freaking Keigo out more.

'I can't do it!'

his breathing becomes uneven as he brings his knees to his chest and placing his elbows on them before bringing his hands to his hair and pulling lightly to try and calm his chaotic thoughts and breathing.

He shakes his head as a response to his fathers words, trying to ignore his stomach growling and the saliva pooling in his mouth, a shaky breath leaves him.

"Are you sure?" Keigo can hear the smile in his voice before the intoxicating smell of iron hits him, making his eyes widen and him breath get caught in his lungs, but he can't stop the saliva that builds in his mouth.

"What do you think, Keigo? Smells pretty good!" He says with a chuckle

'It does... it smells really go--' he shakes his head before gritting his teeth silently cursing himself, he swallows the saliva in his mouth before rapidly shaking his head.

He hears crunching, and his stomach seems to squeeze in pain, Keigo reluctantly moves his arms out the way so he can look over at his father.

He watches as his father brings a blade down onto her already bloody arm and expertly cuts a thin chunk of her flesh off. He slowly peels it from her arm before lazily placing it into his mouth

Keigo gulps down the saliva in his mouth at he watches his father's actions, eyes dilating into thin daggers. He subconsciously leans forward slightly, allowing the intoxicating smell to fill his lungs.

"Here," Keigo watches as his father cuts off another thick chunk of flesh and holds it out to him with a wide smile on his face.

Keigo's stomach growls once before he leans back again and shakes his head, but he can't seem to tear his eyes away from the flesh, an action that doesn't go unnoticed by his father.

Keigo looks up to his father only to see his father's eyes darken.

"What, you not going to eat? After all the trouble I went through to get this meal for us?" He says in a slightly angry tone. he takes the controller out of his pocket, at the same time he starts slowly taking the meat away from him.

Keigo isn't sure if it was the idea of getting shocked or the fact the meat was getting further and further away but he subconscious leans forward grabing the meat from his father's hand, and with little hesitation he shoving it into his mouth sending daggers his fathers way he lets a quiet half growl leave him before he starts to chow.

his Feathers rustling happily behind him as he does so, he can't help the shaky sign that leaves him as he chews.

His father can't help but laugh slightly at his actions before getting off of the unconscious woman.

"right keigo, I'm full" he says with a sadistic smile "help yourself to the leftovers" he says smugly as he offhandedly points to the unconscious woman as she slowly starts to stur awake, his father picks up the remote.

He watches as keigo swallows with a slight pant as his sharp eyes zone in on the woman. he subconscious nods to his father's statement, not taking his eyes off the woman, ignoring everything but the prospect of food.

He crawls over to the woman and, with little hesitation, takes a greedy bite from the side of her abdomen. His stomach growls at him as he chews, and his feathers rustle happily behind him.

'It's so good!' A bird like coo leaves his throat as he swallows. He pants slightly before hunger makes him go in again, his dagger eyes seeing nothing but the meal infront of him.

'So tasty!' He can't help the slight smile that forms on his face, the unhinged look in his eyes as he swallows the warm meat, the sweet smell of iron floating around him as he greedily takes another piece of flesh off the woman.

Unaware that his father is sitting on the stairs, the camera in the corner recording the whole thing, his father sits with a smug smile on his face as he watches the horrific scene unfold before him.

apologies for the smaller chapter this time, I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. ^^

Speedy_Servelcreators' thoughts