
Candy girl❤️

thomaskayla450 · Games
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2 Chs

Hi I’m Emily how are you?

Hi I am Emily some people call me annoying, cause I love to weight poems about myself without talking to one another. So I have no friends at school at all. I only have one friend but she does not count her name is Amanda but, she does not have any friends just like me she came to my house like every week. In my family I don't get any attention only my baby brother gets it, maybe cause I'm 9 years old and he is 2. I hate when I do not every get attention it's like I'm only child all alone with no family.

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Created by Kayla Thomas

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thanks for reading this is my first book here is some more of chapter 1 in a play thanks for supporting me

Im finally ready to go to school but I'm also not ready to go and do not know why. have you ever heard of bully's? That's why I don't like to go in middle school I always get shoved in my locked. The bully's name is Britney . Britney is mean to everyone in school. She got bullyed to.

This is the second page of this book

Is the chapter fun so far keep reading!

Brittney is like the most rude person at my school. Brittney is the only bully at my school. our school is the best not to be worried about without her.

This is the third page of this book

I'm sorry this is the end go to the next chapter for more here is all about me!

Hi I'm Kayla Thomas I make like way to Mutch books every day on here and on WEBTOON it's amazing how Mutch I make go to my website you know who I am!