
Candy girl❤️

thomaskayla450 · Games
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Candy school

Candy who does not love candy everyone loves candy but the lunch ladies at school When I even see in someone's pocket ai steal it. Not in public in school only only just school in public I would get arrested. I don't like to steal. For some reason I can track candy everywhere I hate when I do it people make fun of me for doing it. All day every day they do this

4page of my boook!

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Also I can't stop playing games when I see a t.v I play even when mom yells at me really loud. Am I super women maybe I'm going to rub it in a popular girl face. But it did not go well of corse I got made fun of of corse they just think I'm a nerd. I'm still cool at school.

5th page of book

Who cares about who other people think me suddenly I fade when I hear for a really popular girl 🙄. 🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫 school evey where

School is everywhere.