
Can You See Me For Once?

"I need you, Calla" Samuel whispered near my lips breathing heavily even before any kisses. He pushed me against the nearby wall his hands on my waist, his body pressing against mine. I tried to push him with my hands on his chest. My breathing became rugged due to his closeness. " Stay still, Ame." He whispered leaning near my ear. My thrashing subsided hearing that nickname. When he raised his head to look at my eyes, I saw him smirking. "Ho...w? How do you know? " I asked him fearing his answer. "Who doesn't know, baby?" He asked me mocking my feelings. I closed my eyes a lone tear spilling down my eyes. "Please, Samuel! Leave me." I spoke cracking not opening my eyes afraid he will see my vulnerability in them. "That's the problem. I can't afford to keep you, Calla. But, I am unable to leave you too. I don't know what to do anymore. Please give me a solution, Calla. Please, I beg You!" He shakes my shoulder making me open my eyes at his words. He took a step back upon seeing the mix of vulnerability, hurt, helplessness, pain, heartbreak, and an ocean of love in them. I took that an opportunity to leave before things go out of hand but not before saying his solution. " Forget that even a person called Calla existed, Ame. Because no amount of my love for you is enough for me to become a homewrecker. I will die before I can become that. Remember that." I looked at his eyes with nothing but truth while saying this. I left before he can stop me.

Adhara_April · Urban
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35 Chs

Finally, They met?

"Em! Are you sure that I have to come? After all, it's a family dinner." I asked Emily while I nervously looked at the reflection in the mirror in front of me. There she was, a girl who looked confident as hell in her expensive clothes complete opposite to her inner nerve-wracking.

"What are saying, Calla? Are you saying that you are not my family? How dare you?" She said coming out of my closet eyes frowning but they were concentrating on dusting the invisible wrinkles in her clothes.

"It's not what I am meaning, Emily. It's that you know how your mother is." I asked gulping heavily at the thought of meeting her mom.

"Thank god, This day has finally come. Hereafter, I don't have to worry about your company with Emily. I have been dreading that something bad would happen with you being the roommate of my daughter. I mean when I asked her to change to another room. She downrightly refused me. These days kids love bad company. Thank god, nothing bad has happened these four years because of you."

These are the words Emily's mom said when she was present at our graduation. That was the last day I met her. Though I have defended myself in front of her, I didn't say any rude words considering Emily.

She always hated me. I don't blame her. Apparently, she asked about me during the first year to confirm that her daughter has good company throughout her college year. Unfortunately, that was after my humiliation in that college. Every single student she asked spoke badly about me. so, what do you expect?

But don't label her as a control freak. Because she never was. She may have confronted me at times and asked Emily to change rooms. But, she never interfered in her daughter's decisions. And that one trait of hers made me admire her. Even though, she hated the very sight of me.

"Calla, I am really sorry about my mom's behavior towards you. I really don't know how to mend her thinking about you. I tried. I really tried. I hope she herself realizes it someday. then, she will apologize to you for feeling bad about herself. But I can't wait for that day to include you in any happenings of my life. You are a part of my life from the day I met you at the college entrance gate years ago. You are coming. That's final!" She said keeping her hands on her waist on either side smiling softly remembering that sweet memory.

"What are you looking at so intently?" a soft voice startled me from looking at my dream college in front of me.

I immediately turned to look who was my intruder to only find a girl who was looking very cheerful. She was wearing a dress that clearly explained that she was rich. But her smile and that genuine curiosity on her face told me otherwise. That she was just a human-like me. That gave me the confidence to speak to her.

" It's just it is my dream college. It was very hard to get a seat here. So, I was just admiring it." I smiled at her widely showing my innocent dream to the world.

"Is it that hard to get a seat here? I too going to study here. But I don't remember struggling." She said innocently with visible confusion on her face.

I am not least bet offended because she was that cute while being confused about my words.

I just shook my head smiling reminding me that I am the odd one here. It's not their mistake not realizing how hard it was for me to get here, stand here, and admire this building.

"So, I am Calla!" I proceed to offer her a handshake.

"Calla! Nice name. But mine is just plain like jane. Emily!" She said frowning mentally cursing her parents.

I just chuckled before walking to welcome our first day there with her.

"Ok! I will be coming only for your Dad!" I said chuckling while remembering our first interaction years ago.

"Oh! Him. He will be very happy to see his real daughter." she said artistically while rolling her big eyes.

You know what her dad treats me the complete opposite of her mom. What an Irony! He treats me even above Emily, his own daughter. I am his favorite because he admires my hardworking and ambitious character. When Emily's mom argued about that, he shut her up with his words which moved me to tears. I will remember those words even after I am dead.

"If she can thrive to achieve something, to achieve a seat in this college, then she doesn't need a man for money. If she is really a money-minded person like you have said, she wouldn't be standing in front of us studying in such a precious college. She is the right companion for Emily. Even if we have searched all over the world, we wouldn't have found a better friend than Calla for our daughter."

I smiled genuinely just by remembering him.

"I don't know why he becomes so happy to meet you than any of my visits." She said complaining but ended up smiling lightly.

I just shook my head not believing her jealousy and accompanied her to her car to reach our destination, Emily's House.


"Cal! I forget to ask. Where is Rex? Emily asked while fixing her makeup looking at the small mirror in her hand.

Currently, we are in our car which was parked at her house moments ago. But, my dear friend is trying her best to look best for her fiance.

"Oh! I hired a pet sitter for him. Don't worry about him. Let's go!" I said and dragged her to leave the car.

She compiled removing her hand from my hold groaning. When we got out of the car, we realized that the weather was really bad. It seemed like it will rain any time soon. And the wind, not to say blowing heavily. Even our dresses were keeping them company.

We were walking towards the entrance when I remembered that I forgot to take my handbag because I kept it in the back seat of the car.

"Emily! You go! I will come after picking up my handbag from our car." I said turning back urgently.

Before I can take a single step, she stopped me by holding my arm.

"How can I believe that you will not run from here?" She said narrowing her eyes and accusing me.

I chuckled nervously which fueled her doubt further.

"Em! Trust me! I will not run! I love your father, Remember?" I assured her looking into her eyes hoping that will convince her.

She finally nodded and left my hand to enter her house.

I sighed in relief and walked toward our car.

On the way, I thought what if I really escape from there. I mean I have the car key. So,..... No! Calla! Don't you dare! She will eat you alive.

While I was thinking, I realized that the wind was blowing really stronger than a few moments ago.

When I was about to hurry up, I noticed some papers which were flying here and there. I took hold of one and scanned its content. It seemed like some important paper. Like it belonged to some business documents. I mean I am in this industry. So, I can at least recognize it. Can't I?

I began to collect the papers as many as I could in that wind. I was chasing the papers eagerly determined to return them to their owner when I saw a male figure not so far from me but I can't see his face as he was facing the opposite position showing me his back. He was desperately collecting those flying papers. At that moment, my mind screamed that he seems familiar. But I pushed that thought aside because I was desperately trying to collect the papers.

I saw the last paper trying to pass me in the opposite direction, that was when I desperately turned around to catch it. I indeed caught it, but as a consequence, I was bumped into someone. Rather that male figure I guessed because there was no one other than us.

I knew he was raising both his hands at either side of his body to not touch me. Wow! he sure was a gentleman. And I also knew that he had those collected papers in one hand. You may ask how did you know?

Because of the shock of bumping me, he was going to let those papers fall from his hand. I immediately circled my arms which still had some papers in them around his to catch them from flying backward in the opposite direction. As a result, I had my both hands full of paper.

I sighed relieved that I did a great job. But It was only when I took the liberty to take a look at his face which was very near my face practically his nose was touching mine, breathing my breath I realized that my great job was really not that great. In fact, it was horrible. Because, the person in front of me didn't drop his papers in the shock of bumping me, but because of me, by seeing it's me, Calla Mason!

My widened eyes met his shocked dark brown ones as I finally realized that I don't bump into a random man but

The man who had occupied and refused to leave my soul all these years.

The man whose brown eyes didn't let me sleep for years.

The man whose mind doesn't even have a tiny space for me.

The man who ruled my heart without even showing his face

The man of my dreams

The man of my heart, soul, mind, and body

The man of my selfless love

The man of my love

My Ame.