
Can you become king of the dead

Can you become king of the dead is a game where an person who possesses autism and searches for friends who understand him and want to make a place where people like him can belong He will go and become the first to turn a normal class Into a legendary in a new mmorpg and become famous but Anonymous he will obtain the Master of contracts which gives its wielder the power to sign contracts with other creatures in exchange for something else( examples being they can be his slave or give him treasures land Etc.) He will create his own skill that allows him a common son of a tactician and politician into a monster feared by all with his knowledge and skill on the battlefield as well the fact he pretends to act weak in front of others wile raising an army he will participate in the beta testing for the game and learn secrets as well to gain power with the help of the game and its backers he will grow both in the light and in the shadows in both worlds The company that made the game also own a bank and other interests so the son of the politician and tactician want him to merry off to some one else and arranged it for him the day he was born will he be a slave of fate or not

Brandon_Hacker · Games
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13 Chs

Chapter 7 finding the materials (#6)

After the battle our hero began a little offline nap at 7 in the morning when he reached 10 in the morning after that he was having a sandwich and went online and went to the dungeon and found that there was a blinding light like there was a full on race party our hero reaper slowly adjusted to the light and then he went to attack but found that he could not see the snakes here he was in a crystal area that looked to be a mix between a white crystal sea and a white crystal forest the crystals refracted light making lasers our hero went and slowly found a snake nest he could not see any snakes just then our hero herd a small sound and summoned his golem he our hero found that unlike in the previous dungeon this place distorts a persons sense of sight and the white snakes can blend in with them both

Monster name lesser life snake

HP 100%

MP 100%


A snake that possess a powerful body abundant life force and healing ability's this snake is extremely hard to kill

Monster name lesser light snake

HP 100%

MP 100%


A snake that wields light and can use it to sneak attack it's enemy's it's poison burns like the fire of the sun as a result it's deadly but has a weak body

Our hero used mana bullet on them knowing that light and life were the weaknesses of all undead so making an undead of them is not such a good idea for now so he shot until his mana went dry he was scared this time but he killed almost a hundred of them and then decomposed them and got more materials he moved on with the golem being the first one and our hero walking behind him by a ways our hero found nests and he commanded the golem from a distance to fight them using his head however he almost always got sneak attacked but most of the snakes were distracted and he killed the few that came after him as a result our hero had good senses from his years on a farm all the bulls trying to hurt him over the years gave him a sixth sense about stuff like that

But he was still careful of it all which was why he let the golem go first as a result the golem killed one nest after another until our hero got almost 3000 corpses decomposed for the materials he thought that if this dungeon and around 1000 nests with an average of 8 eggs in each our hero who during this entire time was mapping the blinding labyrinth headed toward the center of this sea of crystals forests with the boss monster

Boss monster name giant duel (light/life) Python

HP 100%

MP 100%


A monster that has lived under its ancient tree and been blessed with long lifespan it is the elder of the snakes and they consider it to be there guardian and protector as a result they will die before they let anyone bear it it posses a large body and both the powers of its subordinates and a high IQ as well

our hero summoned his second golem and decided to order them to attack the snake together the snake was strong it broke free of them time and time again and every time it broke free it would come after our hero reaper (brad) and the more the snake focused on our hero the more the golems did damage to the snake especially sense our hero has a title that affects damage to snakes as it was slowly it will take him some time to compleat this dungeon our hero decided to use his mana bullets to kill the boss monster but he aimed for the eyes he also used Cytokinesis after an hour our hero killed the boss by slowing it down and weakening it with the cold our hero decomposed the boss monster corps and gained the loot

Congratulations player you have gained the titles

Title name solo kill of the white Guardian

Effect increase HP +25% and MP +25%

(Upgradable title (1/8)

Title name First kill of the white guardian

Gain increase affinity to light and life elements

Increase resistance to light and life elements damage

(Upgradable title (1/8)

Our hero was on a tight schedule he just headed into the next dungeon which was a order and chaos it's quite powerful and our hero found himself in a dungeon with strange monsters

Monster name lesser disorder snake

HP 100%

MP 100%


A snake driven insane by those that have hunted it and it's kind as a result this snake uses its power over chaos passively to hypnotize anyone that directly looks at its and possesses other mental powers as well

Monster name lesser Guardian snake

HP 100%

MP 100%


A snake that serves Otto bring order to chaos and destroy those who do otherwise it's powers relate to the mind

Our hero learned that the snakes both have powers that affect the mind and so he will use the power of both his golems to destroy all his enemy's sense he can't get near them so he decided to use the cola king magic he got from killing the snake of death as well as his in plain sight he just let the golems kill and he reaps all the rewords as a result he killed almost 2000 snakes and gained 850 nests our hero even gained all the equipment sets and other things such as materials

Now our hero was just siting down when the boss appeared behind him our hero had no idea that he was about to be attacked but the snake just stood there for almost 10 min without moving then our hero laid down and found the boss monster right behind him

Boss monster giant duel (chaos/order) python

Titled monster the insane guardian snake

HP 100%

MP 100%


This snake is a titled monster the mother of all order and chaos snakes in this dungeon a former guardian that was driven insane by an evil person so she would destroy all she holds dear

Our hero has gone to battle the boss monster he has just recalled his golems to his side and they have begun to battle however our hero can't get a good aim at her he can't punch or fire anything he would just attack the golems if he did it was some form of mind attack our hero also herd a few new notifications

Congratulations player

You skills have leveled up

Golem summoning LV 2 - 3

Metal hole summoning LV 1 - 2

Mana bullet LV 3 - 4

Stealth LV 1 - 2

Kill presence LV 1 - 2

Our hero gave up on battling this monster and focusing on support instead he healed and resummoned the golems when they died they each died multiple times over

In the end our hero learned that undead where susceptible to mind attacks and that a titled monster was much harder to kill then others however in the end the boss died and he got 3 titles instead

Congratulations player you have gained 3 titles

Title name Killer of the insane guardian

Effect title skill - skill raise (passive)

Skill effect grants increased proficiency points with all skills every time they are used

Title name solo killer of the insane guardian

Title effect +10 endurance

(Upgradable title(1/8)

Title name first killer of the insane guardian

Increased affinity to order and chaos elements

Increased resistance to mental skills and ability's

(Upgradable title (1/8)

Congratulations player you have leveled up

From level 6 to level 7