
can wings really make you fly?

hannah_Lesaca · Fantasy
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16 Chs

chapter 2

Me and izaya walks pass the hallway filled with students, and as we walked in the center, the students makes way for us.

"you're amazing khael." izaya exclaimed from behind me making me raise a brow.

"what do you mean? are you talking about how good i am at walking?" i asked and he just let out a small chuckle before tapping my shoulder.

"i mean you're just like abraham." he continued making me tilt my head in confusion. 'what is this guy blabbering about?'

"look remember how abraham just sliced the ocean in half so that he's people can walk across the sea bed?" he said and i just nodded in response.

"you just sliced and ocean of people in half." he concluded.

'well that's a unique way to look at it.'

"but i would never be abraham, remember that Izaya." i replied and izaya just let out a sigh.

we continued to walk pass the hallway until i bumped into someone, i stopped at my tracks and faced the person i bumped into.

"i'm sor--"

"An apology from a piece of crap is worth nothing." the guy pats the area where i bump into, making it look like im such a dirty person.

"you better not speak like that." i flinched as i heard izaya's furious voice, he started walking towards the guy i just bump into.

But then a beam of light came out of nowhere, i squinted to see clearly since the light is blinding me.

And there stood, izaya's guardian angel. i immediately glanced at izaya and he was already clenching his fist and gritting his teeth, it seems like his guardian angel is stopping him from doing anything that has to do with violence.

"calm down izaya." i spoke and izaya started to breath slowly, i even gazed at the person i just bumped into and he was having trouble breathing.

"im.. im outta here!" the guy started sprinting at the opposite direction.

and in a split second, izaya's guardian angel disappear, so as his furious expression.

"im sorry khael, i just..." izaya just sighed again.

"thanks." i gave izaya a small smile before walking again.

Third Person's POV

As the two young man walks in the hallways, a few pairs of eyes landed on them.

"hey is'nt that izaya?" a girl with a bun exclaimed as she pointed at the golden haired boy.

"oh you mean the gifted?" A raven haired girl added.

"what do you mean?" A girl with long yellow hair asked.

the girl with golden hair who's eyes wander and see the positive in anything negative, seem to ignore our boy izaya and has fixed her visions to the young man with shaved head.

"who's that shaved headed guy?" she asked and the girls just let out a small chuckle before answering her question.

"That's what you call trash." the raven haired girl stated, the few other girls in the group laughed at her comment as well.

the golden haired girl seem to be unamused to how the other girls are acting, making her turn her head at them and stare at them with a hint of pity and anger.

the girls felt a sudden chill as the golden haired girl locked her eyes on them, they gulped.

"thats Khael Payne." the other girls answered, and after hearing what she wanted to hear, the golden haired girl returned to gaze at the two young fellow.

Khael's POV

after the long class it was finally time for cleaning duty, i was lucky enough to be partnered with izaya.

"man i really hate it when we were tasked to clean the bathrooms." izaya complained as he scrub the tiled floor of the men's bathroom.

"we have no choice but to do what were tasked to do." i answered.

"but i always end up doing other people's orders and tasks, since i'm what they call gifted." i can sense a tiny frustration from izaya's response.

I can't blame izaya if he feels locked or chained since people have big expectations of him, he was born with a strong spiritual power after all.

i remained silent after hearing izaya's response since i don't know what he's actually feeling, i can't speak my mind without looking out for his feelings, and so i must remain silent.

izaya and i finally finished cleaning and is now heading towards the train station when somebody called out for me.

"you're khael right?" me and izaya stopped on our tracks.

i slowly turned around and saw a girl around my age with the same golden hair that izaya has, but she does'nt have an ocean for an eye. instead hers is an incredible glowing hazel one.

"is there something you need with me?" i asked but she remained silent and still, i can feel that she's observing my every move.

"i have a friendly advice to you... khael payne." she finally spoke.

"what is it?" i asked.

"you must stay away from the gifted.." she said sternly making me tense up. 'what is she talking about? is she telling me to keep my distance away from izaya?'

"why must i do that?" i replied and her mouth twitched upward forming a slight grin.

"or else you'll die." i stood frozen upon hearing what she said, i don't know if she's just playing with us or she's telling the absolute truth.

"what are you talking about?" finally izaya spoke after being quiet since the yellow headed girl appeared.

"you'll now eventually." she turned away from us, and as her figure disappears from our vision, the heavy tension that was in the atmosphere earlier magically disappeared.

"just ignore that woman khael.. lets go home." izaya walked infront of me. i followedfrom behind him, still wondering what the yellow headed girl meant.

i arrived home feeling bothered about the encounter with the girl, even though izaya have told me to ignore what she said. i just can't get the feeling that she isn't lying, probably its just me over thinking.

as i lied down thinking about everything, i eventually wound up falling into a deep slumber.