
Can We Go Back?

Its 2022, the planet population has dropped by 13 million life's that were affected by the Cirus, this virus has killed half of my country's people, mostly kids. Now all the kids have to serve for research, we have nothing left, no family and no friends, sometimes I ask myself "Can we go back to where we were free, happy and when we were kids?" You might don't know how to answer that... it's okay we are not staying here much longer.

Jesalycsam · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

Game Over

"You bastards, we are going to kill you!" those were the screams of Pythagoras and Beethoven. We have been over a week locked in the basement, we haven't got any food in three days.

"Guys, shut up, don't you see I'm trying to sleep?" that's the only thing I could say to them.

"Are you serious? You are the reason why we are locked in here" said Pythagoras.

"Excuse me? You guys followed me every step of the way, and it's not my fault that you have to be always waiting for people to tell you what to do" I answered him standing and getting closer to him.

"What are you talking about? If it wasn't for me you would be treated as the freak you are" responded Pythagoras looking at Beethoven waiting for him to stand by his side.

"Did you just called me a freak? I'm going to kill you!" I screamed. A second after that I only remember being in top of him smacking his face.

"What are you guys doing?" screamed Beethoven while trying to take us apart.

"Stop it, you brats" ordered a guard that was bringing us some bread and water.

"We are sorry" said Beethoven stretching his hand in order to take the food.

"Here you go" said the guard throwing the food on the floor and stepping on it.

"Hey, stop that's our food. Or at least it was" said Pythagoras standing up.

"Guys, let's go to sleep" I said laying on the floor close to the wall.

"Good, listen to her" said the guard walking away.

The next morning I heard that Pythagoras was hitting the door, he said that he saw how it was broken on the outside. I didn't even bothered to listen to him, I was still mad on what happened yesterday and also he could be having a hallucination. When he saw that I was ignoring him he asked for forgiveness, of course I need something more than an apology. So he is now my chair until I get tired of sitting on his bony back. After a couple hour I decided to listen to him and started kicking the door of course it was in vain, until we reached to break the air vent that's on the bottom of the door. There was enough space to crawl an get running as fast as we could.

"Guys, let's hurry and get out of this shitty place" said Beethoven running to the stairs.

We ran until we felt like dying, we managed to get out of the building by hiding in the thrash. When we got out we saw an artificial forest, I didn't know we were hiding from the whole world in a remote place in Canada. We saw a multitude of people running towards the guards, I didn't know why they were trying to get into the facility until I saw a bus filled with corpses or other people as some people like to call them. The point its that they were hitting the electric thing that doesn't allow you to pass until you press a button. Of course, we saw the opportunity and ran straight to it. After a couple minutes some lunatics got to us and started yelling nonsense, thanks to the "Great Machine" we could escape and got on our way by the side of a road.

"They were going to kill us, but why? They said we were their only hope" said Beethoven crying in Pythagoras shoulder.

"Guys, It's my fault that we were locked in that basement. I saw Mr. Golden talking to a women on his phone, I'm sorry I just wanted to know more about us" I said trying to hold my tears.

"What did you do, Krishna?" said Pythagoras hugging Beethoven.

"I...I got into his computer, there was a child that looked exactly like me, and it said my release date would be in a couple days, so I threw the computer accross the room and kind of put to sleep Mr.Golden's fishes" I said crying in Pythagoras shoulder, just like Beethoven.

"We got to get out of here" said Pythagoras hugging both of us.

"Where are we going to go?" asked Beethoven.

"I, um found some papers that said something about a place called "Paradise", I think its a good idea to go check it out" I replied.

"Well, on we go" said Pythagoras.