
Can We Go Back?

Its 2022, the planet population has dropped by 13 million life's that were affected by the Cirus, this virus has killed half of my country's people, mostly kids. Now all the kids have to serve for research, we have nothing left, no family and no friends, sometimes I ask myself "Can we go back to where we were free, happy and when we were kids?" You might don't know how to answer that... it's okay we are not staying here much longer.

Jesalycsam · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Are you in?

(Pythagoras Narrating)

"Dang it, guys stop moving." complained Krishna.

"First of all, you are too large, I can't even stretch my legs." said Beethoven trying to remain in the fetal position we put him, so we can all fit in the truck.

"Ouch, stop it Pythagoras, or I'm going to bite your foot" said Krishna kicking my foot away from her.

"We could have gone in other vehicle, that way is could have dropped us in our destination" said Beethoven making himself comfortable.

"They are no taxis in this icy desert, and someone could have recognized us" I said lying down in the cold floor.

We had been traveling in that Pepsi truck for about three days. I suggested the truck so we didn't die in the icy desert. Krishna said it was okay because she didn't wanted to walk. We didn't listen to Beethoven's complains... It's his fault that his the smaller one of us.

"Why did the truck stopped?" asked Krishna putting away a bottle of Pepsi she was drinking to calm her hunger.

"How do you expect us to tell you?" I said sarcastically.

"Ok, well who's going to check what is going on?" responded her looking at me.

"I'm not doing it, if that's what you think." said Beethoven.

"Fine I'll go" I said opening the door.

By the time I did that the driver saw us, he came running and opened the door. When he saw us the first thing he did was to check the bottles. When he was done counting all the bottles he slapped Krishna and kicked the bottle she was holding.

"You little brat, are you guys crazy?" asked the driver pushing s outside the truck.

"We are sorry sir, we were hungry and that was the only thing that could calm her hunger." said Beethoven getting close to him.

"Well, I don't care. You better pay all those bottles." said the driver getting up Krishna by her hair.

"How can we make it up to you?" asked Beethoven.

"Get in the truck, I will tell you later." said the driver throwing Krishna against the bottles.

I don't know how many hours he drove, finally he stopped and to us to get out. The place where we stopped was a tavern full of drunk man.

"What are we doing in here?" I asked him.

"You are going to steal for me" he responded with excitement.

"Sir, we are no thieves." said Beethoven walking away from him.

"Well, you robbed my bottles. The money you steal is going to replace all the bottles you stole." said the driver taking his lighter and a cigarette.

"But, are you going to leave us here?" I asked.

"Oh, no. You are going to steal for me until we get to your destination." responded the driver

"If we steal, we don't have to pay?" asked Krishna standing up.

"That's the only rule" said the driver.

"Fine we'll do it" replied Pythagoras.

"Are you guys crazy?" asked Beethoven.

"It's the only way we get to our destination. Unless you want to stay here with all these drunk man." said Krishna pulling my arm so I go with her.

"Wait, I'll do it." said Beethoven walking as fast as he could.

We entered the tavern, as fast as it could be Krishna started taking the wallets of the drunken man pockets. I went to a woman that was half naked, I asked for money telling her I was poor. The woman gave me her money, in exchange I had to stop taking her clients away from her. Beethoven went through every table asking for money. When we got our hands full of money we went to the driver giving it all away.

"Thanks, get in the truck we have more work to do." said the driver getting on the bus.

"Fine" I said.

Beethoven couldn't stop crying, he said that stealing was wrong. I told him that he had no more options. Krishna told him we had to do what we had to do to survive. The next day we did the same, only that this time the driver was a fugitive of the police and we were too... We had to become thieves as well, so he would take us out of the icy desert.