
Can True Love be Found from Online Dating?

True love...could it be possible in online dating? In the world today, we are surrounded by many people who are either just pretending to be good or with wrong motives. It's hard to really pinpoint who are the pretending to be good, the bad, pretending to be bad, and the genuinely good people. How can you possibly find your true love in online dating, when it's even harder in her real world she's in? That's the delimma our MC is experiencing in her life while she's even being pressured of when would she get married when she's already in her 30's... She couldn't help but doubt herself of finding her true love online... Finally, Karl decided to pop up the question to Mj. Karl's facial expression became serious all of a sudden. "Mj, I love you so much and I can't continue to live a life without you. Will you marry me?" Mj was in a great shock. Wait...What did he say? Her heart skip a beat. How is this possible online? Questions bombarded quickly in her mind. What will she answer then? "Mj?" She snapped out of a daze when she heard him calling her name. "Will you marry me?" "Yes!...But how? We are thousands of miles apart, Karl, you know that!" "I'll come there to your country to marry you! But I'll have to save up yet for maybe 2 years so I can come there." "Promise?" "Promise!" "You will have to promise me that you will wait for me until I come there." "I promise, I will wait for you Karl, because I love you very much too!" As we unfold her story and her struggles she's experiencing in between, will she be able to really find her true love? we shall find out... This is my original story and not translated. this book cover is all credits to valeriex thank you!

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140 Chs

Quest Continues

"Hi, I'm Blaze 30 years old. I'm a dreamer. I dream both good and bad dreams and it's my talent to interpret dreams.😎😯😏 Talk to me at FB messenger ID xxxxxx...."

"Hi, I'm Jeff. 21 years old. Single. From Nigeria. I'm a Business Management student. I will be graduating this year. 😎chat me at FB messenger ID xxxxx..."

"Hi, I'm Michael, 30 years old from New Zealand, a scientist.😎😏...

chat me at my FB messenger ID xxxxxx..."

"Hi, I'm Dave from Canada.34 years old. I'm a Navy. I'm on vacation as of now and I would like to chat with you 😊😏😘😎 at my whatsapp ID xxxxxx..."

"Hi, I'm Tim from Nevada. I'm a reporter from a news station here. But I love sight seeing beautiful sceneries as beautiful as you, my darling. 😘🙂😊😍 I'm 40 years old. Divorced.No kids. See you at my skype ID xxxxx...."

"Oh my eyes are getting tired from reading all these. I can't just trust their pictures in their profiles. Who knows, they look different in real person than their pictures? So I have to get to know each one of them then." KM decided.

So, she added each of them whom she have read emails of, to her messengers accounts. May it be in skype, whatsapp, FB messenger, instagram or wechat accounts. One by one she added them, from the top till the last one she have read.

She then opened the first one to check if he is online at that moment, and he is. She sent a message to him.

"Hi, Khalil. I'm KM. You sent me message in my email. do you have time to chat?"

At this, Khalil didn't reply her. Instead, he tapped his phone and started a video call. KM then accepted his call.

"Hi, KM. Oh, you're so beautiful!" Khalil couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Thanks. I'm just starting to get to know you. No strings attached yet please." defended KM.

"Oh, okay. What do you want to know then?"

"Anything about yourself."

"Oh okay. As you could see from my profile I'm..." Khalil wasn't able to finish what he was saying when KM cut him.

"Anything that's not written in your profile, I mean. For I have read your profile already." KM smirked.

"Oh, sorry for that. Anyways, I'm a muslim and I have two wives already. I'm hoping to find the third one, from dating online maybe...maybe you could be...hmmm?"

"No, thanks. I don't want to be the third wife. I want to be the first." smirked KM.

"I could arrange that for you to be the first...hehehe. You're so beautiful. I can divorce my two wives and marry you instead." flirted Khalil.

"No. I'm not interested. Sorry. But I will end this call now." KM ended the call without waiting for Khalil's response.

Next, she messaged the second one...

"Hi, James. I'm KM. You emailed me from the dating website."

"Oh hi, KM. can we videocall?"

"Sure." KM replied quickly, thinking that he seemed was polite, in asking her first to videocall.

He did videocalled her and she accepted it.

"Hi" James with all smiles.

"Hello." KM smiled back at him.

She observed him a bit and he is handsome. He's got brown hair, green eyes, divided chin and he is muscular... Wait, muscular? That means, he is half naked? OMG... at this, she was shocked seeing his six packs abs...

(Warning: The succeeding conversations is a sexually sensitive issue. So if you will mind it, please discontinue reading as this will not affect the next chapters of the story. But if you won't mind, then continue.)

"You're beautiful KM. And I see you're drooling on my abs. I can show you more of myself. Hehehe. Can you show me your boobs, please?"

"What? Dream on! I thought you're a professional. It turns out, I'm wrong." KM was disappointed.

"Oh, no. I'm a professional yes. But I'm good in bed too. I have a big dick that can make you be satisfied and happy. hehehehe. Do you wanna see?" At this moment, he showed his dick on cam.

'Oh my God! He really showed his big dick. And it is indeed big and long, almost reached to his knees... the fact that it's not erected yet and it's in its' normal size, how much more when it's erected? huh!' KM in her thought, shocked and startled at what she have seen.

"Do you like it, babe? Hehehehe." James flirtingly smiled.

"No. You're a perv. No wonder, you're divorced!" At this, she ended the call. She then closed their conversation, disappointed and boiling.

In her mind, she couldn't believe it herself that there are really shameless and pervert men like James. Well, he looks good for starters, seeing his abs. But she got disappointed knowing that he is a perv and a maniac. It's her first time, she have encountered such kind of men though.

Truly, she realized that dating online have become so dirty then, nowadays. It's not like during the times of her parents. For their online dating was purely love. And they were her idols.

So she asked herself, would she be able to find her one true love in online dating then?

At this, she don't know. Or she don't know yet. It stressed her up though with just the first two men she chatted. They both don't deserve her pure love.

"Will I then continue? Oh well, that's enough for today. I'll decide tomorrow then whether I will continue my quest or not."

She then went to her bed and few minutes after, she's off to dreamland...

How about you readers... will she needed to continue her quest of finding her true love through online dating? Your opinions are needed...and will be greatly appreciated... ??

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