
Can True Love be Found from Online Dating?

True love...could it be possible in online dating? In the world today, we are surrounded by many people who are either just pretending to be good or with wrong motives. It's hard to really pinpoint who are the pretending to be good, the bad, pretending to be bad, and the genuinely good people. How can you possibly find your true love in online dating, when it's even harder in her real world she's in? That's the delimma our MC is experiencing in her life while she's even being pressured of when would she get married when she's already in her 30's... She couldn't help but doubt herself of finding her true love online... Finally, Karl decided to pop up the question to Mj. Karl's facial expression became serious all of a sudden. "Mj, I love you so much and I can't continue to live a life without you. Will you marry me?" Mj was in a great shock. Wait...What did he say? Her heart skip a beat. How is this possible online? Questions bombarded quickly in her mind. What will she answer then? "Mj?" She snapped out of a daze when she heard him calling her name. "Will you marry me?" "Yes!...But how? We are thousands of miles apart, Karl, you know that!" "I'll come there to your country to marry you! But I'll have to save up yet for maybe 2 years so I can come there." "Promise?" "Promise!" "You will have to promise me that you will wait for me until I come there." "I promise, I will wait for you Karl, because I love you very much too!" As we unfold her story and her struggles she's experiencing in between, will she be able to really find her true love? we shall find out... This is my original story and not translated. this book cover is all credits to valeriex thank you!

marjzach2012 · General
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140 Chs

Her Quest Begins

Upon knowing that her brother Karlo has someone he is wooing with, and his twin brother Mario is flirting with girls, KM pondered herself on what to do to find her one true love. With her being closely guarded by bodyguards her Dad hired, even if she's a famous singer, it's almost impossible to find a man that would truly love her as she is and not what she have. For mostly, men in the entertainment industry are just after either her publicity, or the wealth her parents have.

She can't even count how many men were courting her, but she sees in their eyes with no sincerity, all of them are wearing plastic smiles, facade, no love but lust and greed for both fame and money she already have. She couldn't even find someone whom she could feel some spark with or attracted to.

For her, all of those men she have had acquainted with, were just one way or another, have had wrong motives and never have 'pure love' for her.

What could you expect? She's famous and she is a drop-dead gorgeous beautiful rich woman! So of course men would go after her with those reasons...

Ahhhh... she never thought finding her one true love would be this hard...

So she tried posting her profile on some dating websites. She posted her pics and she just put in her profile description that she's a simple woman who loves music and reading novels. She didn't give out much information of herself. And the picture that she posted, she was just simple not wearing make-up, no jewelries and just wearing a tshirt and a blue jeans not fitted to her body but not too lose, just enough for her curves to be slightly seen.

The next days upon checking her emails, even with her simplicity, hundreds of emails she received from men interested on her from different nationalities worldwide.

She then started to read each emails carefully, using her phone...

"Hi. I'm Khalil, 30 years old from United Arab Emirates. I work as an engineer in one of the oil company here in my country. My hobby is reading books. Care to chat? Whatsapp ID xxxxxxx..."

"Hi, I'm James from Georgia USA, 35 years old. I work as a manager in one of the companies here in my country. I'm divorced, no kids. chat me 😘😏😊 at wechat ID xxxxxxx..."

"Hi, I'm Xiao, from Beijing, China. I'm 33 years old. I'm a businessman. Single. I own a house and multiple cars.😎🙂😊 I can be contacted through wechat ID xxxxx..."

"Hi, I'm Francois from France. I'm 45 years old, divorced, has 1 son.😊😘🤟 Chat me babe at Skype ID xxxxxx...."

"Hi, I'm Pramul from India, 37 years old. A businessman, though my ancestors were kings and prince, I work independently for my own.

Chat me at my FB messen😎er ID xxxxxxx..."

"Hi, I'm Fitzgerald, I'm from Greenland, 32 years old. I'm an owner of a farm. 🙂😏My skype ID xxxxx..."

"Hi, I'm Sincero, 34 years old. Just like the meaning of my name, I'm a sincere man, with word of honor. I'm a fabricator from West Virginia. 🙂😏😎Skype me at xxxxxx..."

"Hi, I'm Mero from Peru. I'm a musician. 😎 Chat me at whatsapp ID xxxxx...."

"Hi, I'm Jim from Tunisia. 40 years old. Divorced. No kids. But interested to have one. I'm working as a studio photographer.😎🙂 If you're interested, chat me at FB messenger ID xxxxx..."

"Hi, I'm Denis from Australia. 38 years old. Single. I'm an animal lover so I'm a vet.😏 chat me at FB messenger ID xxxxxx...."

"Hi, I'm Austere from Poland. Life here is always cold so I'm a hunter, I hunt wild animals.31 years old. 😎😏 chat me at whatsapp ID xxxxx..."

"Hi, I'm Steven from Scotland, I'm a military man. 34 years old. My hobbies are gunfighting, martial arts, and drag racing. 😊😎😏 Chat me at instagram ID xxxxxx...."

"Hi, I'm Rainier, or Rain for short. I'm 27 years old, a bachelor, from Macau. I'm a writer of suspense novels.😎 Chat me at wechat ID xxxxx..."

"Hi, I'm Ronien from Romania, I'm a vocalist on a local band here in my country and I do play bass guitar.😍🙂 I'm 24 years old. Chat me sweetie at whatsapp ID xxxxxxx..."

"Hi, I'm Vernie from Venezuela. 28 years old. I work as a bartender. 😏 chat me at FB messenger ID xxxxx...."

"Hi, I'm Jerry from Philippines, 26 years old, I'm a teacher. I love teaching kids and it is my passion to help them.😊 chat me at fb messenger ID xxxxx..."

"Hi, I'm Barry from London. 38 years old. I'm a traveller. I travel everywhere in the world... If you want, I can travel to you and we will be together for real. And we will travel together...😍😘🙂contact me at my whatsapp ID xxxxxxx..."