
Can I stop the dragon god as a vampire

The war torn world of Eden is in complete turmoil by the fight between the two most powerful army's known by all the races. The dragon god looks down apon the world he and his friend Kyota, the creator god, in disgust. Kyota wishes for the world to be better, but the dragon god would destroy this pathetic rock made by his hands. Not wishing to fight his friend Kyota and the mighty dragon place a bet on the nature of the world itself. "Summon your champion," the mighty dragon gives Kyota the order bring a powerful entity into the world of Eden. This person was the one who was meant to bring peace to the world and unite all people. This was a terrible mistake. Alucard, the champion of Kyota, became the most feared creature of Eden and even Slayed the Dragon God. After doing so he became the new dragon god and was hell bent on turning Eden into a land of fire and bloodied corpses. Kyota, not being strong enough to defend against him, would soon fall. Using the last of his strength he gave the world one more chance by sealing Alucard Using his own body as the seal. Knowing it won't hold he cast one last act in his fading consciences. Taking from Alucard what made him so strong in the past and giving it to a soul who would hopefully be a better champion. Apon the death of a sick child, whose mother was praying to anyone who could here, a light carried his soul to what he thought would be the afterlife. " Save Eden and her people, and fix my mistake. I will do my best to give you all I can. Please help them." Kyotas' last request was given to this soul. Will it be strong enough to stop the dragon god. First novel please give feedback and hope you enjoy.

Phillip_Watlington · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The queens order

Infront of his father's study room Victor came to a pause. He was standing still and heard the heartbeat of a person in the room. He found it strange because Vampires don't have heartbeats.

The door opened on its own and Victor walked in. He knew not to make a sound as it was custom for children not to speak in the presence of adults. Something his mother taught him. It was to assure that the child was not influenced by other vampires in the area.

"Is this your child Ralphy." Raphael looked displeased at the name given to him by the beautiful woman sitting infront of him. She had pinkish skin, a tail with a spade end to it and ram horns as accessory. She was tall and thin except for where it counted. Her voice more enchanting than his own mothers.

"Brat this is Margret. From this day until you are fourteen she will be your new caretaker. I will not have a walking embarrassment in my house." Raphael still making it clear how he felt about his son.

Victor made a face that held no real emotion. He knew everything was falling apart at the seems. He was probably the second strongest New blood behind his sister, but just as his father could read his soul Victor was always good at reading hearts. His father neither hated or loved him. He just saw him as an insult to his bloodline.

The descendants of Alucard are strong warmongering Vampires. There is no room for weakness of any kind. Victor from his very core is not violent in nature. Estelle was a monster at heart, but never in the presence of her brother. The only reason she listened to her mother was because she saw her own brother do so.

"Why? This can't just be your decision. I might be young, but I'm not stupid. If I was that much of an embarrassment you would have killed me like you were planning to do while smashing my face in." Victor had good reason to believe he was only alive because someone else wanted it. His father was planning to kill him which made him use the blood prison.

He wanted to showcase his power so his father would acknowledge him. It didn't play out the way he had hoped.

"How dare you..." Raphael was about to lash out. His own child questioning him was unacceptable. He then calmed down and began to explain the situation. After all after today the boy would not be his problem. "You will go with this succubus to her estate in Roham, the beast man country. The queen has ordered me to send you to a place far away from her. Only to return for your execution."

"No doubt because she doesn't want you to thrive under the vampire. As a succubus I can't teach you blood magic. Nor can you leave at any point unless I take you back. The beast man country is unlike this territory.." Margret made it clear how this decision came to be. The queen must have got wind of how well a two year old child was now thriving pretty well.

Victor knew a little about the beast man territory. He knew it was an unsafe place for creatures like him. Seventeen hour days in always bright sun. The nights are filled with faeries and pixies spreading the dust off their wings for light. The dust is made from a substance that caused irritation to undead and vampires.

The worst part about it all is the werewolf presence there. Werewolves and Vampires hate for each other runs deep. The only ones known to get "along" are the queen and king of the two races. They won't openly attack each other, but young Werewolves are known to play pack hunt with young vampires. A group will go out and kill a young bloodsucker just because he was they found it pleasurable.

'I'm going to die.' Victor was already sure of his demise. No vampire ever traveled to this territory alone. He only had a succubus to protect him.

With the meeting over and Victor moving back to his room he looked at the gear that was packed for him. He had a look of confusion on his face as he stared at Miria.

"You and Ronald aren't coming." She shook her head at him and explained that she and her son were to be put in a slave contract with Rebecca. Victor was to take this challenge completely alone.

A knock on the door was heard and the maid opened the door. Estelle hugged her false mother and then ran to her brother. "I won't have much time before we both depat." Victor knew what she was trying to say, but it still hurt him that his language lessons didn't keep her from messing up in stressful times.

"That's depart and don't" the teacher was coming out of him at the wrong time. Estelle gave him a smack across the face. Her nails took off some skin.

'Even with my maxed out endurance she can still hurt me. How powerful is she going to be in twelve years.

"I'm going to miss you Vikky." A big hug was given to Victor. Miria cried a little when she saw the love between the twins. She also winced when she heard Victors ribs crack and repair.

Estelle left the room and in her place came Margret. She said no words and before Victor could open his mouth she lifted him by the belt of his shorts. Carrying him out of the house by her side, Victor got his first ever view of the sky above. It was smokey and dark. He was always told of the artificial sky made from the ancient vampires. It turned the magic in the air into a veil of darkness so that the vampires never had fear of the sun. It covered a fourth of the continent. Even invading some other territory that did not belong solely to the vampire.

"I'm transporting us to my residence now. I assume this is your first time teleporting. Won't take but a moment so don't cry about the pain." Victor was taken aback when Margret said this. Pain wasn't an issue for him, but why would the process even hurt.

She moved them from one place to the other rather quickly and Victor hadn't felt a thing. He thought she underestimated him by quite a lot considering all he felt was a breeze hit his face.

"What was so bad .... about.. COUGH. Ugh why.. why aghhhh." Victor suddenly found it hard to breathe and stand. It felt like his lungs started to burn and his skin was melting. He looked down and his skin had actually turned grey and lines of red formed. Bits of his skin fell from his body then disappeared. A few more seconds of exposure to the ball in the sky and he would be ash.

Margret kicked Victor in the behind and sent him flying through an open door. It was a big house, but not the size of a mansion. A normal family home.

Victors body still felt uneasy, but he had regenerated quickly. He was in a room with no windows and little room to move in.

"It will take a while, but I will fit my house to accommodate you soon enough. Till then just stay put. I'll bring you fresh blood in the morning. Devils know your not getting mine." The last part she said quietly, but with his hearing Victor made it out.

'System is there anyway to get rid of the pain from the sun'

[Answer: No vampire may escape the sun's wrath. The ancestors of the vampire have angered the dragon god for all of eternity. Forever being stuck to the shadows. The strong may resist the sun for varying amounts of time, but must eventually drink the blood of many to do so again. The user however can resist the sun far better than most other vampires.]

'You call what just happened better.'

[Most New born would have just been erased in an instant. What transpired just now could be considered a murder attempt. The only reason user is alive is the "Holy magic resistance" trait. Train in the use of this trait and the user will be able to resist the sun more.]

'It's not totally passive. Meaning I can make it better. My holy resistance is fifty percent. If I spend two years training just that alone I will be the only vampire with immunity to holy magic.'

[ Note the user can gain immunity to holy magic, but that will only stave off 35% of the purity the sun emanates]

With that Victor began his training into his resistance. It was like an arua completely separate from his blood energy. It was black in nature and much less powerful. It did nothing to increase his physical ability. The only thing he felt from it was security. He felt it was like a warm blanket covering a man in the winter.

'Since I can't leave this place for twelve years and Margret seems to be ignoring my existence any way I might as well train this power without a break for the next couple of years. Nah, that would be a waste of time. I should remember my goal. If I can't get physically stronger.... system add all my free stat points to Mana.'

[User has not began training in magic. Is this your final decision.]


Sorry for not updating 3 times. My chapter after this will release in the morning. And another two after that. Personal problems came up.

Phillip_Watlingtoncreators' thoughts