
Can I stop the dragon god as a vampire

The war torn world of Eden is in complete turmoil by the fight between the two most powerful army's known by all the races. The dragon god looks down apon the world he and his friend Kyota, the creator god, in disgust. Kyota wishes for the world to be better, but the dragon god would destroy this pathetic rock made by his hands. Not wishing to fight his friend Kyota and the mighty dragon place a bet on the nature of the world itself. "Summon your champion," the mighty dragon gives Kyota the order bring a powerful entity into the world of Eden. This person was the one who was meant to bring peace to the world and unite all people. This was a terrible mistake. Alucard, the champion of Kyota, became the most feared creature of Eden and even Slayed the Dragon God. After doing so he became the new dragon god and was hell bent on turning Eden into a land of fire and bloodied corpses. Kyota, not being strong enough to defend against him, would soon fall. Using the last of his strength he gave the world one more chance by sealing Alucard Using his own body as the seal. Knowing it won't hold he cast one last act in his fading consciences. Taking from Alucard what made him so strong in the past and giving it to a soul who would hopefully be a better champion. Apon the death of a sick child, whose mother was praying to anyone who could here, a light carried his soul to what he thought would be the afterlife. " Save Eden and her people, and fix my mistake. I will do my best to give you all I can. Please help them." Kyotas' last request was given to this soul. Will it be strong enough to stop the dragon god. First novel please give feedback and hope you enjoy.

Phillip_Watlington · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The last twelve years

After two years of training to be the beast he could possibly be Victor made considerable progress. He could no longer get any stat points so instead he focused on increasing his other abilities.

As he had no magic instruction till he can enter an academy at fourteen he can't get any where with his Necromancy. All other skills were in great condition. He had managed to gain seventy-five percent resistance to holy magic. He was quite proficient at blood control and was even capable of putting his charm to good use.

Though Margret said she was incapable of teaching him anything he learned the art of seduction well.

He wasn't as good with word as she was, but his movement and grace, when he pits his mind to it, can allow him to acces the hearts of the wemon around him. It was not something he wished to learn. Margret was bored and decided to teach things he didn't need to know. It was either that or become her doll by wearing a dress and makeup.

The system at the time decided to update and gave many grave notifications.

[ User will evolve soon. Process will be painful. User has built a solid foundation for his Youngblood power. Prepare.]

Acting as his new mother figure Margret stayed with him through a long painful process of breaking and reshaping his body.

The power that came after the transformation was incredible. Thanks to the trial and his own efforts he would wager he was in the top one hundred for strongest Youngbloods.

Margret made him regret that feeling. He was indeed strong, but she knew far more powerful individuals of the same rank. In truth if he would have said top one thousand it would have been more accurate. He was indeed strong.

Name: Victor Fallin


Age: 4 years

Race: Royal pureblood

Rank: Noble Youngblood (low teir)

Stat points: 0

STR: 98

AGI: 110

END: 102

Mana: 550

Charm: 38

Family 4

BP: 300

It was a huge increase in stats. Margret even agreed to stand behind him in all his endeavors. She never thought she would end up treating this boy as a younger brother. It was this acceptance that made her family.

After all was said and done Victor needed to find a way to evolve again. He couldn't be stuck where he was. Most Youngblood stay in that rank for around one hundred and fifty years. He didn't have that much time.

Still not able to do much Victor trained and trained. He went out at night only when he turned seven. At that point indoor training did nothing for him. The dust in the air gave him trouble for a little until his body got used to it.

He never wandered aimlessly into the woods. Or even went to the city. He stayed right in Margrets domain. It still did wonders for him to be able to see the sky. He tested his power on birds and other animals and before he knew it he was a good looking and fairly muscular teen. His body was still small, but he was solid. Only 5 foot in height he was very confused. He remembered everyone in his family was tall. His own sister looked three to four years older than she was when he left just because of her height. Yet he was short.

Due to how short he was Margret never let him grow out of wearing shorts. He wore the same suit jacket and shirt style all his life. It was giving him quite the complex.

'System give me my latest stats. Just the stats please."

STR: 112

AGI: 125

END: 109

MANA: 600


Family: 4

'I still haven't spent any blood points at the shop yet. Show me shop."

Victor was inwardly sent to a space that looked like a store of some kind. It had wooden floors and marble counter tops. Victor never spent much time here because it cuts him off from the world outside. His body is just sitting there unresponsive to anything. The first time he did this Margret found him and thought he went brain dead.

Feeling "oh so free" of the child she stripped naked and took a mug of beer to the face. When she heard a sudden scream from what she thought to be he comatose burden she jumped out of her skin and choked the boy silly. She told him if he ever does that again she will feed him to a demon.

Victor looked around the shop. He noticed all the things he could get with the BP and noted it take s alot to get the good stuff. And nothing in the shop cost less than a hundred BP.

Victor chose three items that all cost all of his BP. These items were passive skills that made up for his lack of strength. Victor found it funny. When he got to this world he was planning to make his sister his sword while he would be her support. Without her he had to play the versatile role. It was get good at everything so you are vulnerable to nothing.

However, Vampires come with so many flaws. And he is a kind soul so the way other vampires get stronger isn't going to work for him anyway. To this day he still hasn't had a single drop of humanoid blood.

[ Swift runner- all stats increase by 5. User AGI multiplied by 2 when skill is activated. Last 30sec.

Vampire muscle- strength boost naturally. For every level user is is one point of strength.

Black blood- strength is increases when facing undead. 50 points.]

Victor knew his biggest threat is soon to come. He wanted to take the black blood, but then the system had something to say.

[Childish action interference. The users main fighting style focuses on high agility. User is not in combat with undead often. Acquiring swift runner as the user is in a territory that houses creatures far faster than him.]

And as if to prove its point the system gave Victor a mission he could not refuse.

[ Mission- Helpful hand

Save the werewolf in the eastern part of Raggy Forrest.

Reward: 100 BP

Failure: potential ally will die.]

For the first time in twelve years the system gave him a mission.

Victors eyes watered a little from remembering the last time he was given a mission. Victor made note that the system told him about a werewolf family member.

He wasn't stupid enough to pass up a chance like this. Werewolves were stronger than vampires physically. Though the have no magic power. Victor wiped his ptsd induced tears and ran for the forest. He ahd never ran at full speed before and he prove to be far quicker than he thought.

Victor jumped over the fence and found himself nearly twelve stories high. He made a mental note to explore his powers to the fullest while on this mission. In just a few weeks he will need all the preparation he could get.

In a place of darkness and broken screams a woman appeared standing atop of a giant beast. His cough let loose some blood and his eyes yielded to deaths call.

"After all this time we finally finished the brutes. My sister how do you feel after making their queen submit to us." Annabelle, who stood on the unknown beast, looked left to see a beautiful green skinned woman who was all of seven feet tall. She had black long hair and her bottom tusk were short. This woman would have looked like the embodiment of raw power had a girl a foot shorter than her not been holding her head down to the earth.

The hair of this girl was fading from red to black and her eyes glowed a strong yellow. The orc queen looked the girl in the eye and felt absolutely terrified. It was a hard fought battle and the girl came out of it with a missing arm and mangled legs.

She barely flinched at what should have been the most painful thing she should have felt. "I am a world power. How did a girl over two hundred years younger than me put me in such a state? The queen wasn't all that injured, but she was exhausted beyond belief. When she ran out of energy she was beaten brutally. After that she was made to hold a promise by the girl for her survival.

"You now serve house Fallin. You and your immediate family are to survive this war. After that your species will be erased." Estelle found herself wanting to keep the queen as both a trophy and a punching bag. So she did. In exchange for the life of her children, as Anne had finished her husband easily, she and her young ones now serve Fallin blood.

The binding that holds this bond together is the evil charm that took the form of a snake that bit the queen, her three daughters, and two out of three of her sons.

"Wait Ubgrob is adopted. Please take him as well."


Anne had no hesitation in her blade. She killed the youngest of the boys and licked the green blood that dawned her blade. No one made a sound. They just looked at Anne with fear in their heart. In there eyes she was glowing red an floating above them as she dangled her blade near the heads of all the orcs.

'I'm so happy. I can finally get back to my toy before his demise.'

sorry it took so long. I was called in for work

Phillip_Watlingtoncreators' thoughts