
Can I stop the dragon god as a vampire

The war torn world of Eden is in complete turmoil by the fight between the two most powerful army's known by all the races. The dragon god looks down apon the world he and his friend Kyota, the creator god, in disgust. Kyota wishes for the world to be better, but the dragon god would destroy this pathetic rock made by his hands. Not wishing to fight his friend Kyota and the mighty dragon place a bet on the nature of the world itself. "Summon your champion," the mighty dragon gives Kyota the order bring a powerful entity into the world of Eden. This person was the one who was meant to bring peace to the world and unite all people. This was a terrible mistake. Alucard, the champion of Kyota, became the most feared creature of Eden and even Slayed the Dragon God. After doing so he became the new dragon god and was hell bent on turning Eden into a land of fire and bloodied corpses. Kyota, not being strong enough to defend against him, would soon fall. Using the last of his strength he gave the world one more chance by sealing Alucard Using his own body as the seal. Knowing it won't hold he cast one last act in his fading consciences. Taking from Alucard what made him so strong in the past and giving it to a soul who would hopefully be a better champion. Apon the death of a sick child, whose mother was praying to anyone who could here, a light carried his soul to what he thought would be the afterlife. " Save Eden and her people, and fix my mistake. I will do my best to give you all I can. Please help them." Kyotas' last request was given to this soul. Will it be strong enough to stop the dragon god. First novel please give feedback and hope you enjoy.

Phillip_Watlington · Fantasy
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19 Chs

I'm ready

Victor heard Aisha say those words and it made him quite happy. The system had let him know he must fight to prove he is a good leader. His fight never happened, but neither of the twins knew it was Margret who beat Anthony. Anthony didn't see her coming and Aisha, being blind, could see anything.

It all went off without Victor lifting his finger to make things work. Victor and his new family went back into the mansion and took a good night's rest to let this all simmer in the brain.

Victor is in his room. His wounds are healing incredibly fast. Margret was strong, and even her power didn't make Victor stay hurt for long. He was no feeling pretty confident about taking on his cousin in a few weeks.

The following morning all were awake, but Victor. His coffin bed to comfortable to escape from. He didn't even try to wake up.

"My new alpha is so lazy. Get up!!" Anthony was yelling with all his lung power. In an instant he realized the Vampire child was never going to wake for the morning training. Victor had no idea that he even had morning training. The young wolf was just going on about his normal routine.

Victor, to this day, had kept up with a normal vampiric schedule. Wake up when sun's down. He is the only vampire capable of walking in the sun, but it was a bother since more than half of his power is restricted.

Anthony heard the story of his new leader and made it an absolute necessity for Victor to overcome his cousin. He knew by the story just how outmatched he was. His power to overwhelm an alpha had to be a special kind.

Victor was being dragged out of his coffin shaped bed by the foot. Anthony wasted no time. He was determined to make his goal a reality. While Anthony was moving to the front door Margret was looking at the child being dragged.

"Hey, those tales about bloodsuckers turning to ash in the sun is true you know. He will die if you take him out there." Margret lied. She knew Victor was not affected by the sun. She tested Anthony to see how loyal he really was. Would he steal the title of alpha or kill Victor just because it was in his nature? She wasn't sure.

"Good then. We can start there. Let's make him immune to the biggest weakness he has." Anthony had a smile on his face. Not one of deceit, but just a genuine smile.

'So he's just a big brutish idiot. Not bad I suppose. Who needs brains when it comes to training.' Margret made no attempt to stop Anthony.

Victor had serious rug burn all over his face. He did not wake even when Anthony threw his body out of the door way. He was ready to put Victor through the toughest training yet. Little did he know.

[Warning direct sunlight is dangerous if user doesn't activate holy arua.]

Victor started smoking lightly. Then heavy waves fanned off his body like he was slow cooking in someones back yard. His holy arua without actually being used can only protect him for a few seconds before its time to light a campfire.

Margrets eyes nearly shot out of her skull as she realized what was happening. She ran to Victor, but just as she reached down he burst. The flame wasn't to hot for her, but she moved back by pure reaction.

"I'm ready!" Anthony ran towards Victor and Margret he got to the point where he was close enough to slash down onto Victor.


Anthony, sent flying once again, had no idea what hit him. He was unconscious in a matter of seconds after the hit.

Margret looked at the boy who should be burning alive. She didn't hit Anthony this time which meant there could only be one.

Over one hundred is more like. Victor was covered in a black ball of flapping wings. The creatures who made this ball are very large. Each the size of half a human. They had a wingspan of double their own size. Faces of a bat mixed with human. Not much hair covering them. Instead they had black scaly skin. They squeak around Victor.

This squeak is the form of communication they use for their species. The number the monsters appeared with was more than concerning. They blocked the sun completely. It's light was unable to touch the surface of the earth.

[Family members have grown rapidly. User has 954 family members. System family member store still inoperable. User must gather more family.]

Victor still had not woke up through the whole ordeal. No one could identify the issue with him. Margret can see he is just fine. Physically he is a picture of health.

The new family additions can't figure it out either. The felt the urge to come here and protect the boy. They weren't told. They just up and did it. A big one of the creatures flew down heavy. The wind from the force of his fall made Margret stumble a little. This one looked the same as the rest, but it was taller than any human could stand.

It looked at Margret and made its way to her. "So you are my competition. I will make master approve of me and ascend. I will become a vampire like him."

Margret found it funny a random creature she didn't know the existence of challenged her. And for a position she didn't want. Or did she?

The more Margret was about to make it clear where she stands. She felt compelled to compete with with the creatures.

It wasn't as strong as before so she could fight off its affects.

"I'm ready!!!" In a long dragged out howl Anthony was back and good to go. He ran up and jumped in the air at the bat like creatures.




Anthony indeed wasn't ready.

sorry this one is short by a little but I will try to update every day except Monday now.

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