
Can I stop the dragon god as a vampire

The war torn world of Eden is in complete turmoil by the fight between the two most powerful army's known by all the races. The dragon god looks down apon the world he and his friend Kyota, the creator god, in disgust. Kyota wishes for the world to be better, but the dragon god would destroy this pathetic rock made by his hands. Not wishing to fight his friend Kyota and the mighty dragon place a bet on the nature of the world itself. "Summon your champion," the mighty dragon gives Kyota the order bring a powerful entity into the world of Eden. This person was the one who was meant to bring peace to the world and unite all people. This was a terrible mistake. Alucard, the champion of Kyota, became the most feared creature of Eden and even Slayed the Dragon God. After doing so he became the new dragon god and was hell bent on turning Eden into a land of fire and bloodied corpses. Kyota, not being strong enough to defend against him, would soon fall. Using the last of his strength he gave the world one more chance by sealing Alucard Using his own body as the seal. Knowing it won't hold he cast one last act in his fading consciences. Taking from Alucard what made him so strong in the past and giving it to a soul who would hopefully be a better champion. Apon the death of a sick child, whose mother was praying to anyone who could here, a light carried his soul to what he thought would be the afterlife. " Save Eden and her people, and fix my mistake. I will do my best to give you all I can. Please help them." Kyotas' last request was given to this soul. Will it be strong enough to stop the dragon god. First novel please give feedback and hope you enjoy.

Phillip_Watlington · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Harming yourself

AN: sorry for yesterday. A friend of mine got hurt on the job. He's fine.

Victor was losing time and the werewolves are loving every second of it. They laughter as the alpha slowly drained the life blood out of Victor. This is the blood he drinks turned into the blood that circulates through his own body. It is the truest way to kill a vampire.

Over his shoulder the boy noticed the sun rising. The alpha was excited to see him go up in flames, but knew he couldn't allow it. Not that Victor would anyway. "I grow bored of this. For not being all so weak I'll tell you a something interesting. The ones you fought before me are our newest hunters. They've never seen combat or have been taught any fighting skills. Whelps no older than forty-five years."

All the young hunters hung their heads in shame while their fathers jumped from the trees above.

"None of you could follow his movement."

"I told you if he turns to mist boost your aura and spread out his body so he has to pull himself together. Idiot."

" Just die."

All the fathers reprimanded the children in their own way. Some even making the young Werewolves pull out a tooth and throwing it towards Victor.

This is the way they express defeat. It was common to take a canine tooth from the werewolves upon death. A collection of sorts for the vampires and the ultimate disgrace for them.

Victors Stuggle continues on and the blood leaking out created a puddle underneath every one in the area. Due to the yall grass they couldn't see it.

Victors last hope at getting away is being prepared, but Victor is having trouble picturing how to make such an attack work without killing everyone.

"Go to the Mansion we just left. Bring my children back to me. Alive! Only by my hand will they die. Got it." Those last words were sent towards a reddish brown furred Werewolf and a black werewolf with no tongue. They nodded and took a few more of their brethren.

"Hahaha." Victor laughed making blood drizzling down his mouth. "How do you think Margret will react to you breaking into her home? Seems stupid to me."

The alpha bent down with a wicked smile showing off his razor sharp teeth. "You truly are young boy. We can't use magic, but we are considered to be on the same level of power as those who do. Why? It's because physically only a dragon can be better. Mana is something our bodies neglect therefore are resistant to most. And best of all, we alone have our natural aura fixed to deal with other races who use Mana to fight. That's why vampires are our natural enemies. You happen to be the only vampire I've ever sensed Mana in."

'Now that I'm not hiding my aura he can sense it just fine." Victor was hoping his hit and run tactics would help him hide his secrets. Blood magic is not truly magic and only Royals have the power to posses Mana.

Victor didn't have time to worry about such things for long. Having heard Margret and the siblings are in trouble he was about to put his plan into action. That is before his mind shifted to a different subject.

"Hey old bastard. Did you just tell them to capture your children. That you are going to kill them yourself." Victors mind was rushing fast and he could quite keep up with what was going on around him. He just focused on the snaggletoothed monster infront of him.

That grin got wider and Victors mouth agaped, his face going paler than normal for a vampire. His eyes widening more and more knowing something like this shouldn't happen.

"We love you."

"I'm proud to call him my son."

"Don't cry mommy."

Victor had his last moments of life, before he died on earth, replay in his mind. Victors aura burst and the hand of the alpha burned a little. He jumped back a good distance away from Victor.

[Levels of aggression reached second stage. All stats increased by 60%.]

Victors torrent of aura turned into a tidal pool of red energy. The blood that poured out of him not long ago was sucked back into his body and repaired the wound.

For the fist time since birth Victor displays a cold energy around him. Easily copying the variant that Anne is capable of he freezes the blood of every living creature in the area. Only the alpha and himself remain unfrozen. The older werewolves are capable of warding off the cold a bit, but that only helps them not pass out.

Victor runs towards the alpha with everything he has. He moved fast enough that when thealpha moved to block a strike sent for his chest, Victors hand was found digging deep slashes from the top left to bottom right of his torso.

The alpha had no clue as to why this was happening. He went for a strike of his own, but once he turned Victor wasn't there to be dealt with. 'Did he get faster again?'

[Swift runner is active.]

Knowing he has thirty seconds Victor continues the assault. He was incredibly fast with his movement and added blood to his claws to sharpen them to peak performance. He didn't cut the alpha. He took chunks of meat off his bones instead.

Since keeping him alive was the goal. Victor carved the beast like a pumpkin and completely destroyed him. The alpha was hopeless.

'So the boy is at the High blood stage. And he's probably a noble if he is faster than me. Good, that make this more fun down the line. Those deadly blue eyes of yours. That white hair. You will be my prize next time Brat. Lucky you this is a full moon. It lowers the power of the alpha werewolf back down to normal so the pack can challenge him. Next time I'll fight you at my best.'

Werewolves are stronger on a full moon, but alpha wolves have that power doubled all the time. The full moon is also know as the challenge moon. The alpha has his power reduced and must fight to claim his title.

The alpha falls to his face and looks like blood and bone. Victor hoped the healing abilities the beast had would keep him alive, but down for a long time. Not long enough though. Victor could see the meat coming back slowly. Not as slowly as wanted, but slowly.

Victor tuned toward the rest. They ate all frightened of the spectacle they just saw. Victor looked over his shoulder and left them with a few words. "Final warning. Leave us alone."

In a flash of dark red energy he disappeared before the eyes of the wolves. Victor was in a hurry to catch the other wolves that left before his tantrum. The anger started to swell more and more as he realized he put his family in danger.

Margret became somewhat of a big sister to him and through the system he could see Anthony already accepted him as a friend. All Victor had to do was make hi family, but there was something he needed to take care of first.

Victor arrived at the mansion and saw a pink fiery glow all around the front. Twenty or so people were lying naked on the ground. Victor couldn't grasp what they were doing there. At first he thought Margret gave up on her "untouched" title. That was when he noticed a man with reddish brown hair missing an arm. He was unconscious and smashed in a wall.

Margret stood at the front of her door not even breathing hard. She was in perfect condition. "I'll kill you if you ever control me again." She said very harshly to Victor.

He looked confused and didn't know what she meant. He just let it go and forced the werewolves out of the grounds of Margrets home.

It wasn't hard. If Victor was there to tell the tale that means they lost. Though most of them thought the succubus was the one who beat them then rescued the boy.

"Right now onto my own business."

[Bonus failed]

[Mission complete: user has leveled up. 100 BP gained.]

Victor had no idea what level two would mean for him. He didn't see any experience bar like in the games. He didn't feel any different. It just happened. He wasn't going to pry into it now. He had something else to do.

A young black man came out of the mansion. He had short curly hair with one side shaved. He was tall. Very tall by Victors standing. He was wearing a t-shirt that only covered to his mid section and wool shorts that looked cut recently.

It was clear he was wearing Victors clothes. He just didn't have time for it right now. The boy looked at Victor with the most aggressive he could muster. An intimidation attempt.

"Fine I'll fight you." The word came right out of Victors mouth. Victor had not yet calmed down and his power was still at its peak performance.

The young man dashed forward with all his might and went face first into a pinkish skinned fist.

The young man was knocked out completely and Victor was shocked at what Margret had done.

"How in the six hells are you still alive." She looked at the boy who hadn't even been damaged by the looks of him. Even his clothing looked untouched. Though Victor himself doesn't know how this happened and wasn't going to ask the system.

The system is a tricky thing. Victor refrained from asking it to much. " I will explain but first thank you."

[2 new family members have be added to the registry.]

Victor had finally calmed down and notice something about the situation he was in.

"Put on some clothes! For someone claiming to be untouched you sure do go around like...."


Victor was sent crashing into the dirt face first. His legs dangle I. The air twitching. Margret had her foot firmly on his head twisting and grinding his head deeper down.

"I'm allowed to do whatever I want in my own home. Don't like it get out!"

As Margret stormed into the building a beautiful girl around the same age as the young man on the ground walked slowly towards the two boys.

She leaned over and sniffed the air. Seconds later she fell to her knees and her hands were placed in a prayer like position. She had short brown hair and a slender physique that told you she never went to hunt with her brethren. Victor came to the conclusion she was blind from birth.

She shed a few tears and opened her mouth to speak. Victor was incredibly shocked by her inaudible words as he looked her right in her yellow eyes. Yellow for a moment cause when she spoke those words the white of her eyes became red and the pupils Chand into the silhouette of a half pure angel and the other a fallen angel. The bright white angel took over her left eye and the dark fallen angel the right. Then the whole of both her eyes became that respective color.

"My alpha."

This book is definitely weak to strong. Victor is not stronger than a whole pack. He was super strategic here. His speed was to great for the alpha since it was doubled. In terms of power all of the pack members ate stronger. Even Anthony and Aisha.

Phillip_Watlingtoncreators' thoughts