
Can I Move On Yet?

Jess Peterson has made a mistake. A big one, one that she can't fix. With her best friend dead and her parents hating her, she was dumped at Oak Grove Boarding School to spend the rest of her childhood. She's been there for four years now and meets new boy Zack. But with a dark past behind her, how will Jess find happiness and move on?

Adelicia_Lavender · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter Seven

I haven't dreamt of her for years, certainly not about what she did to me. That betrayal stung like acid to my scars, salt to my wounds. I've asked myself so many times why she did what she did, but I can't come up with an answer that sounds like something she would genuinely do. She stabbed me in the back to join the popular kids and that was just the beginning of it all. I can't even bear to think about what they said, what they did. Pushing me until I couldn't take anymore. It's sad that all of our happy memories are tainted with a bitterness that we'll never be able to fix.

I sit up and stretch, my back aching from sleeping on the couch. Apparently, I'm not even worthy of a bed to sleep in anymore. Forcing myself off of the sofa, I get up. It's very quiet, so Dad must be asleep or something. To be honest, I think I prefer it this way.

Creeping softly into the kitchen, I furrage through the cupboards in search of breakfast. There's some granola which I pour into a bowl, followed by a splash of milk. Sitting down at the kitchen table, I see a scribbled note.

"At work until 5, be good."

Great, so now he can't even be in the same building as me unless I'm asleep. I just want to go back to school, things were even starting to get better for me.

But then I realize, I'm home alone. For a whole day. I can do whatever I want, go wherever I want. Even though it's a Saturday, I'd never have this much freedom back at Oak Grove. I grab the stash of money I packed from my suitcase, pick up my phone and head out. I don't have a key, but who cares if Dad's house gets robbed? Not me, that's for sure.

I don't really know the area well and have no idea where I'm going until I end up on a bus to Northampton. Sitting down on a grimy seat, I fire a quick text to Chloe.

Me: heyy, sorry ab all the drama yesterday. can't believe u gave him my number! xx

Chloe: aww, don't apologise! not ur fault at all!! and haha, he asked 4 it so i thought it would be nice :) x

Me: that's so sweet of him!! thanks againnnnn XD

Chloe:when u coming back? missing u a tonnnnnn :(

Me: no clue, probs after the funeral xx

Oh no. Take it back, take it back! No, the little "seen" icon has come up, now she's typing! I completely forgot she didn't know. This was not how I planned on telling her.

Chloe: funeral? Huh? what funeral, is that y u left??

Me: i was gonna tell u when i got back. sorry for not telling u straight away

Chloe: no wonder u were so upset! thought u were being a drama queen, but omg. r u ok? want me to call? sending big hugs xxxxxx

Me: its ok, id rather text tbh as on the bus. call later tho? xxx

Chloe: sure, im so sorry xx

The bus lurches forwards and my stomach churns with it. I'm finally going home - to my actual home, not this house. I haven't been to Northampton since that day. I hadn't even considered it until now. I wonder if it will be the same as how I remember it. It's unlikely as the new owners have probably redecorated.

Normally you wouldn't be able to move house as quickly as we did. We managed to move within a few days, but that's only because we went to our second home. It was less of a second home and more of a place for Dad to sleep at if he finished work late and was too tired to drive home. I've always hated the Oxford house as I call it. Honestly, it's more Dad's idea of decoration than mine or my mum's. It's all polished tiles and glossy surfaces - very modern. Mum and I prefer cosy, quaint little cottages like our one in Northampton with loads of nooks and crannies to explore. Hide and seek with Freya was the best in our old house.