
Can I Be a Cultivator with Only Luck?

What is Cultivation? Why do people Cultivate? What is a Cultivator? The answer depends on the person who has reached the peak of CULTIVATION. To reach the peak of Cultivation there can be infinite factors that can either help or destroy the person who is trying to defy the natural orders of things. Luck is one of the most powerful and overlook factors. Destiny? Doesn't mean shit in front of heaven defying Luck. Technique? Doesn't matter, with Luck there is no need to worry. A person might not be able to reach the peak of Cultivation with pure power, with unending effort or even with a heaven defying destiny. But with Luck a person can blast through any obstacle as easy as snapping a finger. Just depends on when your Luck runs out. Ha Ha Haaa.

BlueSalmon · Eastern
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26 Chs

Luck of the draw

On a table in a certain inn are two Roasted Rabbits placed on the opposite side of each other. The dish was placed on a plate served with dark blue and reddish vegetables. Right beside the two dishes were pots, that released a fragrant smell of stew meat. The meat inside the stew were also rabbits, the sauce inside the stew looks like a mix of red and white, coupled with some strange vegetables it looks very appetizing. In the middle of the table was a Big Jug that has a Dark Blue color. The smell of the substance inside the jug is similar to what other people might think of as Blueberries.

"Wow the food looks so good, what is this blue looking water" Fang Yun asked in an excited matter, ever since he can remember he seems to never have experienced any of these foods

Roro rolled her eyes and said "What rabbit hunting season, you're gonna get yourself killed, fighting that kind of beast". As she said, Fang Yun began to gobbled all the food on the table.

"Holy shit, these things taste divine, I can eat this every time Holy Fuck this red vegetable is so good, here I feed you some open your mouth" Fang Yun used his spoon and scoop up some rabbit meat with some vegetable bits and after blowing on it for several times he fed it to Roro.

Roro chuckled while chewing her food "I know it's delicious silly, that's why this great princess ordered it". After the time it takes an incense stick to burn. The whole table was clean and spotless.

"Hahaha with me here, all the food that you summon will all be vanquish by Me the Great food devourer Fang Yun, HAHAAHAHHAHA"

Roro rolled her eyes "Sometimes you just spout useless bullshit you know". After mocking Fang Yun she began to use a napkin to wipe the stain around her cherry red mouth. The way she wipes makes her really look like a celestial princess.

"I want to ask you something, what do you mean by the ancient cultivator constitution, is it something special?"

Roro looked at him with a weird look " How should I explain this, I also really don't know much about it but, in an ancient record of my clan are recorded various physiques, one of them is the cultivator physique. The top rank of the cultivator physique is the Ancient cultivator constitution. Only one person has had this physique and that is the founder of the Xia Country.

"Wow, so I'm like a super rare treasure right hahaha, the heavens do have eyes. A handsome and robust hero like myself has something to rely on after all, hahaha"

After chatting more, Roro left the inn and said that she'll not be returning to their room tonight, so Fang Yun can just use it. He agreed and told her a few encouraging words to reassure that he won't be leaving her soon. He didn't bother asking where she was going, which made Roro feel that Fang Yun trusted her even more.


In a dimly lit room, a young man was sitting cross legged on a queen size bed, if other people see this they might think he is cultivating. In reality he was immersed in his own mind.

"I should think of something to do before drawing this godforsaken Gacha roll, something that can boost my luck. I'm already not a cripple but don't feel anything different from before" Fang Yun was puzzled, he thought that being at the qi condensate will make him a powerful warrior like the wolf but to his surprise everything felt the same.

"Meh, I might as well draw something first" He focuses on his energy to surround his eyebrows.


[Beginning Lucky Draw]


With a Solemn Expression, Fang Yun nodded his head and said "Please be something good, for the love of all that is holy and pure, please give this young one something useful" clapping his hands he began to press the draw button.

*Slot machine noises*


[Item obtained]

[Gamblers Side Ring]

[Item information: In a land where everybody uses their lives to gamble for resources, using resources to gamble for lives. A great Gambler created 10 Rings one for each finger, making him look like a grand Gambler. Once he lost a gamble he would give one of his rings as an extra prize. Little does his opponents know it was only a cheap fake ring, A Side Ring. When the user is wearing the Side Ring, the user can use the opponents life as a betting chip, while the user can use the side ring as a betting chip.]

[One Time Use item]

"Oh my God, what a godlike item, Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about hahaha, that gave me an idea"

In Fang Yun's memory, he remembered a strange Ritual that his village used to get fish, people would draw some symbols on a piece of paper and use their blood to draw over the symbol again. He's not sure if it will help but he did it anyway.

[Lucky Draw remaining:10]

"Hmm, I think I got 10 Lucky draws from my cultivation being functional again, so the 1 of the extra should have come from the time I spent with Roro in the Bath, god bless the dual Cultivation hahahahaha"

Fang Yun quickly Press the draw 10 times button. A bright light shined upon the place Fang Yun was standing.

*Rustle Rustle Rustle*

[Better Luck Next Time]

[Better Luck Next Time]

[Better Luck Next Time]

[Better Luck Next Time]

[Better Luck Next Time]

[Item Obtained]

[Better Luck Next Time]

[Better Luck Next Time]

[Skill Obtained]

[Better Luck Next Time]

Fang Yun clenched his fist and sighed "I guess 3 out of 11 is good luck in itself I guess, let's see what fantastic items I'm going to get, heheeheh"

[Pink bird's feather]

[Item Information: A feather of a pink bird]

Black lines started to appeared on Fang Yun face, his eyes began to twitch "What the fuck is a pink feather? Can it do something? Why is the information on it so short? Fucking scamming system, Fortune my ass" he hurriedly change his attention to the new skill he had drawn.

[Skill: Luck of the Random]

[Skill Information: When things seem to be hard and the odds seem to be stacked against you. A random phrase will appear in your mind. Clench your fist and raise it to the sky and look up disdainfully at the Heavens and shout that phrase out. A random oddity will occur. It might or might not turn the odds to your side, but everyone will surely remember you]

[1 Free use]

[Skill cost : 10 Mana, 2 Fortune Points]

"Hahahahahaaha That's what I call a fucking cheat skill, but the random odds really depends on luck" Fang Yun was shaking with excitement, then his eyes saw the cost of the skill usage.


After he vented out all of his rage he began to take out a majestic book that was embroidered with an image of a Life like Phoenix entangled by a Dragon.

"I have never open the book, yet the system say I cultivated it let's see what the fuck is inside it"