
Can I Be a Cultivator with Only Luck?

What is Cultivation? Why do people Cultivate? What is a Cultivator? The answer depends on the person who has reached the peak of CULTIVATION. To reach the peak of Cultivation there can be infinite factors that can either help or destroy the person who is trying to defy the natural orders of things. Luck is one of the most powerful and overlook factors. Destiny? Doesn't mean shit in front of heaven defying Luck. Technique? Doesn't matter, with Luck there is no need to worry. A person might not be able to reach the peak of Cultivation with pure power, with unending effort or even with a heaven defying destiny. But with Luck a person can blast through any obstacle as easy as snapping a finger. Just depends on when your Luck runs out. Ha Ha Haaa.

BlueSalmon · Eastern
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26 Chs

Demon Race?

*Drip Drop*

*splash splash splash*

"Stop it, why are you splashing water on me girl, take this hiya"

*splash splash whoosh*

"kyaaaaa, you donkey bastard"

In a bathhouse beside the inn, a small and petite lady was laughing while splashing bath water on a young and handsome man. The wooden bath tub was big enough to fit 20 people inside it, surprisingly there were only 2 people inside it the beautiful young lady and the handsome young man. After splashing water for some time, both of them clean up, washing each other's back and fronts.

*Around 6900 words were omitted*

After they finished cleaning themselves up, Roro had a nervous expression, she turned to look at Fang Yun back and slowly hugged it. She then asked " So, what do you think of demons?" Her voice was as small as a mosquito.

"Hmmm, I've never really met any demons, so I don't know what to think of them, but humans, demons don't matter if they love me, I love them back. If they hate me I hate them back, Simple as that Roro" While smiling, he slowly brings both of his hands to hold he petite waist.

"hmph, I bet you'll love anyone who'll have sex with you, You PERVERT" While ridiculing Fang Yun, Roro smiled was so bright that it could bring shame to the light that shined down from the sun.

"Beautiful" Fang Yun was stunned, then something hit him he asked "Ar-are you from the demon Race?" Fang Yun nervously asked while fiddling with Roro's bottom and thighs.

Roro smiled and slowly nodded her head and said "I'm the princess of the Zi demon clan" Fang Yun's hand that was fondling her ass stops, his mouth opened so wide it could put an entire egg inside no problem. " Yo-Yo-you're a Pri-Princess??" Fang Yun spat nervously. 'FUCK FUCK FUCK AM I SCREW AGAIN?, wait calm down we already consumate our love I think? Yeah, that's it why would she call me darling, Hahahahaa calm down play it cool, Girls like the cool and collected type'

Reaching this point in his strain of thought Fang Yun grabbed Roro and spun her around putting her on his lap and giving her a sensual french kiss. "Ahmmmmmm~"


After separating from each other, Fang Yun got closer to Roro's ear and nimble on it for a bit before whispering "You will always be my princess and I will always be your prince, Roro" Hearing this Roro's face flush completely red and her face became a little bit embarrassed.

She push Fang Yun away and said "Before I left the clan, I was given a task by my family to temper myself by stealing Essence from human men" when she finish saying those words she started to sob and continued "I-I was g-gonna steal your E-E-Essence" After saying that she went from sobbing to full on crying. Fang Yun was stunned he thought 'Well I already knew that, who would buy a slave just to have fun with him, sigh once a person's usefulness is gone he will always be thrown out' He hug the crying Roro and comforted her saying that no matter what the circumstances are he will still love her.

Hearing this Roro began to stop crying and give a tearful smile to Fang Yun " Wu Wu wi-with that out o-of the way, You are now part of the Zi clan". This time Fang Yun was really shocked " Hey hey I know that I'll always be your prince but isn't this overacting a bit?" Fang Yun hurriedly explained. "No, you have already taken my Yin essence you are now part of the Family Zi Yun"


"WH-WHAT did you just call me?" Roro chuckled and said "I'm just kidding, you don't have to change your surname, but you still have to be a prince though, haha"Roro gave Fang Yun a confident smile and walked out of the bath to wear her clothes.

Fang Yun was sitting in the bath, he was deep in thought 'Final Fucking ly, Oh how the turns have tables, I'm a fucking prince now hahahahaahhaha, the heavens do have eyes, who knew being raped could bring such benefits. I should get rape more often hahahaha'

Walking out of the bath Fang Yun also wore his clothes and left with Roro to eat something on the first floor of the inn. "Waiter, the same as usual and get one extra for him" Roro said to the waiter, Fang Yun was puzzled because he still can't understand what language Roro was saying to the people around him. After telling Fang Yun that she was just ordering food Fung Yun nodded and asked "By the way can you teach me this language?"

Roro looked at Fang Yun with some hesitation and said "The language that I've spoken is the ancient demon clan language, Right now we are in the demon outer continent, I don't think it's a good idea to teach you this language with your current power, it might corrupt your mind, I think in humans terms you have to at least have a spirit sense before learning it" Fang Yun was stun yet again "Spirit what? Is that something I get by cultivating? hey what did you mean I speak the language of the mages before that"

Roro seems to be thinking deeply before saying "The current regions are divided into 4 areas, The Northern Demon Planes, The Western Blue Gale Empire, The Southern Beast Federation and Finally the Eastern Great Xia Country. There is also a legend that existed long ago saying that in the ancient times before any country existed, there was a Legendary center plain. It is rumored that is where the leader of each country came from. Now the central part is just a dangerous mountain, with mystical forests. Anyone who went in never came back" Roro was shivering while saying those last words.

"Never come back? hmm, was the forest that I came from the legendary central plains? I'll find out about that stuff later, don't wanna alarm anybody" Fang Yun laughed while thinking this then he said "So I guess we are in the Northern part right, and the language that I'm speaking should belong to the Blue Gale Empire right?" Roro looks at Fang Yun in surprise "What do you mean, it is the Blue Gale Empire, how did you not know that?"

Fang Yun Looked around the inn and quitly whisper into Roro's ear "I think I'm not from around here, but I don't recognize the Eastern country name, Xia was a dynasty I think" Roro shook her head and said "I don't know anything about the Eastern country, maybe they speak the same Language but they are some from the Eastern countries who are on good terms with both the Northern and the western continent"

Fang Yun smiled and said "Mmm I want to visit the Xia Country, but before that do you know of the dangerous creature that lives in a cave near the village?"

Roro nodded "That is the Legendary Dark Moon rabbit, it came some years ago and devour a cemetery near The village, Many people asks for reinforcements but no one ever came, soon they started leaving village, leaving only the core resident, why do you ask this?"

Fang Yun grabbed Roro's hand and smiled, his smile was full with confidence as he said with a domineering voice "It's Rabbit Hunting Season"