
Can't Escape Fate A My Hero Academia Fanfiction

Can't Escape Part 1 ➡️ After coming back from a funeral Dabi found himself in a park where he found someone that he was drawn to. The feeling about being drawn to someone never happens before after a short talk. A mysterious van shows up that parks right beside him a along the way a Man In White stops him in his tracks asking him to stay away or something bad will happen to him. However Dabi's determination to see him no matter what it takes. Can't Escape Fate Part 2: Love Triangle After winning the love for Chisaki. Shigaraki begins to have unexpected feelings for him as well. Shigaraki and Dabi face off in the challenge for his love. However Dabi doesn't know that Shigaraki also likes Kai. Dark horrors begins to reveal and a promise that cannot be broken. ➡️ Credit to Horikoshi since it's his characters after all. My Hero Academia. ⬅️

Mr_Mysophobia · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 22 New Protector

<p>Dabi as narrator: After that I walked Chisaki back home I made sure we weren't followed but when we made it back to the house the Man In White was there but he said nothing to me all he gave me was a blank stare. How much I wanted to tell him but I don't want Chisaki to move away so I said nothing. I still don't know if that was a good decision to make but can I handle the situation alone?<br/><br/>(Next day at Dabi's Room)<br/><br/>Waking up slightly remembering what happened yesterday and especially the man at the booth. Remembering Chisaki's reaction and including the promise that he had to keep.<br/><br/>(In his mind).<br/><br/>"How am I supposed to protect him?" <br/><br/>(Out of his mind).<br/><br/>Hearing knocks at his window and noticed Shigaraki standing outside. Getting up slowly to open the window.<br/><br/>Dabi: Hey...<br/><br/>Yawning slightly yet remembers how he couldn't sleep due to being nervous about the situation that he's placed in. Looking at his friend face and realized he hasn't been sleeping as well.<br/><br/>Shigaraki: ...<br/><br/>Climbing into his room with bangs under his eyes due to the lack of sleep. <br/><br/>Shigaraki: I couldn't sleep since what happened I'm just so scared I know these people don't give a fuck about me but who knows they will probably come after you and me for interfering.<br/><br/>Looks at him concern over his well being and especially his well being as well.<br/><br/>Dabi: What your saying we should tell Man In White about what's happening I don't want Chisaki to leave I finally got his love and now you want me to throw that all away. <br/><br/>Looks at him with a glare already feeling angry over the decision that his own friend wants to do.<br/><br/>Shigaraki: This is about life and death! These people who are after him are probably pedophiles Dabi! They will probably have a certain interest in us! <br/><br/>Looks at him annoyed over how he's not getting the point.<br/><br/>Dabi: I understand that but you don't have to be friends with him if you feel like your in danger then find don't bother talking to him. I promise to myself to protect him and I will no matter what. I don't care if I get targeted I will always be there by his side no matter what. <br/><br/>Remembering what he said to himself yesterday.<br/><br/>(Flashback at the carnival).<br/><br/>"I'll just have to protect him no matter what the cost may be. I want to be with him forever."<br/><br/>Remembering when he hold on him tightly not letting him go.<br/><br/>(End of Flashback).<br/><br/>Dabi: I'll figure out a way to protect him on my own I don't need anybody's help. <br/><br/>Says it calmly while remembering the pink rose that he gave him.<br/><br/>(In his mind).<br/><br/>"I'm going to protect the love that we shared."<br/><br/>(Out of his mind).<br/><br/>Hearing a knock at the window and noticed that the Man In White was standing there not saying nothing. Quickly opening the window to let him in.<br/><br/>Man In White: It seems that Chisaki didn't get enough sleep last night here to explain why? <br/><br/>Looks at them both calmly even though it was right behind the mask. <br/><br/>Dabi: Well I...<br/><br/>(In his mind).<br/><br/>"I didn't expected him to fucking show up but what should I say to him I don't know what to do."<br/><br/>(Out of his mind).<br/><br/>Shigaraki: We were watching a horror movie about some nun. You know it's terrifying haha.<br/><br/>Scratches the back of his head since he was nervous about the situation and especially how bad the lie he said to him in hopes of him believing it.<br/><br/>Man In White: Hmm that is possible...<br/><br/>Says it calmly yet looks at both of their reactions which made almost suspect that it was a lie but could almost believe it as well.<br/><br/>Man In White: I'll believe it since Chisaki also said the same thing but that's not the only reason I'm here...<br/><br/>Looks at them both calmly yet pulled out a badges and hands it to both Dabi and Shigaraki. <br/><br/>Dabi: What's this?<br/><br/>Looks down at the badge a little bit confused. <br/><br/>Man In White: I was assigned to another child so I'll be leaving Chisaki and putting him in your care. I haven't told him about but I'm hoping you be the one to do it.<br/><br/>Looks at them both calmly.<br/><br/>Dabi: ...<br/><br/>Looking at the badge and clutching on to it tightly couldn't believe what he's hearing.<br/><br/>Dabi: Your going to abandoned him? After you made a bond? He sees you as a father figure and yet your one of those typical dads who goes to buy milk and never come back! <br/><br/>Looks at him with a glare while throwing the badge at the wall leaving a mark. <br/><br/>Man In White: Listen to me it's my job to do so I have no choice but please take care of him since I placed your name in my organization for some reason I trust you... I trust anyone before but after what you did for him it made me want to trust you...<br/><br/>Looks at him calmly yet felt like what he said is true.<br/><br/>Dabi: ...<br/><br/>Looking down at the ground looking at the badge and picked it up.<br/><br/>Dabi: I'll take care of him don't you worry but when something goes down I need your help to help me solve it.<br/><br/>(In his mind). <br/><br/>"So it's just me in the end and Shigaraki but I doubt he wants to help me... So I guess I have to do what I can to keep him safe."<br/><br/>(Out of his mind).<br/><br/>Man In White: If something does go down I'll be rushing in to help.<br/><br/>Nodded to his request and left the room. <br/><br/>Shigaraki: In the end there's no backing out now so I'll be helping you but I want to make sure those losers end up in prison forever.<br/><br/>Looks at him calmly yet looks at the badge that the man in white just give him. <br/><br/>(In his mind).<br/><br/>"So now I'm putting my life on the line..."<br/><br/>(Out of his mind).<br/><br/>Hearing their phones vibrating and noticed a message from another Man In White.<br/><br/>The message: Welcome to the Organization however you both ain't ready yet until you pass the training exercise. We always appreciate new members so meet with me in this location. <br/><br/>Dabi: Before I go over there I must visit Chisaki to make sure he's safe...<br/><br/>Placed his phone away. <br/><br/>Shigaraki: I'll go to.<br/><br/>Placed his phone away as well.<br/><br/>(Meanwhile at Chisaki's Location).<br/><br/>Chisaki: ...<br/><br/>Looking at the computer for a short moment but remembering when the Man In White left the room.<br/><br/>(In his mind).<br/><br/>"He didn't say see you later as he usually does so does this mean he's not coming back?" <br/><br/>Tearing up slightly thinking that his own protector abandoned him as well. <br/><br/>"Well I should've been used it by now." <br/><br/>(Out of his mind).<br/><br/>Closing his eyes tearing up and remember all the good times that happened with his protector. Tearing up more after remembering a few glimpses of his past when his parents sold him to people. <br/><br/>"Why would they sell me?" <br/><br/>Trembling slightly due to the memory that appear in his mind. Hearing a door opening thinking that someone must've gotten in looking back slightly just to see Dabi hugging him from right behind. Eyes widen a bit but slowly hold on to him sobbing.<br/><br/>Dabi: It's okay Kai...<br/><br/>Holding on to him gently letting him take all his emotions out.<br/><br/>Chisaki: He's not coming back right?<br/><br/>Looks up at him sadly. <br/><br/>Dabi: I'm sorry... Chisaki but I'm your protector now and I promise I won't leave you.<br/><br/>Holds on to him gently already heart broken to see him cry.<br/><br/>Chisaki: Please don't leave me!<br/><br/>Breaking down in his arms.<br/><br/>(In the background).<br/><br/>Shigaraki: ...<br/><br/>Looking at them both sadly not saying a word.<br/><br/>Dabi: I won't I will never leave you cause I love you.<br/><br/>To be continued on next chapter<br/><br/></p>