
Can't Escape Fate A My Hero Academia Fanfiction

Can't Escape Part 1 ➡️ After coming back from a funeral Dabi found himself in a park where he found someone that he was drawn to. The feeling about being drawn to someone never happens before after a short talk. A mysterious van shows up that parks right beside him a along the way a Man In White stops him in his tracks asking him to stay away or something bad will happen to him. However Dabi's determination to see him no matter what it takes. Can't Escape Fate Part 2: Love Triangle After winning the love for Chisaki. Shigaraki begins to have unexpected feelings for him as well. Shigaraki and Dabi face off in the challenge for his love. However Dabi doesn't know that Shigaraki also likes Kai. Dark horrors begins to reveal and a promise that cannot be broken. ➡️ Credit to Horikoshi since it's his characters after all. My Hero Academia. ⬅️

Mr_Mysophobia · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 21 A Promise To Keep

Shigaraki: I think the ferris wheel is probably should be leave to the end since I feel like he should try the other rides first cause it be weird to start with a slow ride and then end it with a really fast one if you know what I'm saying.

Looks at them both but mostly towards to Dabi.

Dabi: Yeah I could see what you mean by that but I got an idea before we could go on the rides. How about we play a game?

Looks at them both with a smile and looks over to the game with the bottles that are stacked up along with three balls. The booth also had prizes such as stuff animals like cats,dogs, and etc.

Shigaraki: Guys watch me win some prizes.

Says it with a smile as he went towards to the game where Dabi was looking at.

(In his mind).

"I think it's time for me to make him express with my skills."

(Out of his mind).

Paying the man who's running the booth. The booth was five dollars a typical amount for the booths at carnival. Grabbing one of the balls and begins to throw it at the bottles. However missed by a slight.

Dabi: Nice skills.

Says it a bit jokingly since he was just messing around with him.

Shigaraki: It was just a warm up.

Grabbing another ball and throws it once again just to hit on of the bottles off but just the top one.

Man Who Owns The Booth: You have to hit all of them to get the prize.

Says it a bit bored while chewing on gum.

Shigaraki: ...

Looks at the man who's wearing a baseball cap and country side clothing like he wasn't from here. His teeth were crooked but also yellow like the man hasn't brushed it for days.

Shigaraki: Right.

Says it a bit annoyed yet frustrated about not hitting all of them in one go.

(In his mind).

"This is so frustrating I can't impress him or myself since my ego is falling apart."

(Out of his mind).

Dabi: Want to try?

Looks at Chisaki with a smile.

Chisaki: I- don't know what if I miss?

Looks at him a bit shy yet scared about missing and especially about being out in the open surrounded with people who's unknown to him.

(In his mind).

"I don't know if I should be here... What if something bad will happen? Will it be my fault?"

Heart pounding fast thinking about the negative instead of the positive.

(Out of his mind).

Chisaki: I-It's better if I don't play...

Looking at him and noticed Shigaraki handing him the ball.

Shigaraki: Pretty sure you'll be fine.

Says it calmly while handing him the ball.

Dabi: You can do it Kai.

Says it with a soft smile while moving a bit close to him to keep him comfortable by being here with him.

Chisaki: Okay.

Hesitating for a moment but looked at Dabi and saw him smiling at him. The thought of the negative slowly disappear after seeing him smile. Reaching out slowly to grabbed a hold onto the ball.

Shigaraki: I'll send my good luck to you friend. Pretty sure you'll have skills just like yours truly.

Says it with a smug attitude.

Dabi: Uhh yeah.

Looks at him a bit nervous due to the fact on the first try he just missed.

Chisaki: Okay thanks for your good luck I appreciate you.

Smiles at him.

Shigaraki: ...

Blushes slightly but turn away to hide his reaction from Dabi.

(In his mind).

"Damn I could see why Dabi likes him but unfortunately he likes someone else if only if I met him first but I didn't."

(Out of his mind).

Dabi: What if Kai actually hit the bottles and I bet it will hurt your precious ego.

Smiles at him thinking about shattering Shigaraki's ego.

Shigaraki: I wouldn't mind if he got it one go.

Says it a bit nervously.

Chisaki: I- um have an idea... What if we throw it together...

Looks at them both with a smile while putting out the ball that was still in his hand

Dabi: That's a great idea.

Puts out his hand and placed it right behind Chisaki's hand gently. Blushing red but turned to Shigaraki waiting for him to do the same.

Shigaraki: I- um okay.

Walking up to the both of them and gently placed his hand right behind Dabi's hand.

Shigaraki: So this is a sign of friendship for the three of us. If we make this happen then we'll be friends forever.

Looks at them both with a smile.

Dabi: Then I'll make sure of it.

Says it with determination on making it happen.

Dabi: You ready Kai?

Looks at him.

Chisaki: Y-Yes ready.

Nodding to them both.

Both Dabi and Shigaraki: Alrighty then let's do it!

All three of them throws the ball together and throws it towards to the bottles as the ball hits the middle part of the bottles that were stacked causing them to fall.

Shigaraki: We did it!

Looks at them both with a excited tone as he smiles at both of them.

Dabi: Our friendship worked in the end.

Smiles at them both.

Chisaki: I'm so happy.

Smiles happily right behind the mask.

Man Who Owns The Booth: Pick a prize.

Says it in a bored tone once again looking at all three of them but especially the one in the medical mask.

(In his mind).

"Have I seen him before? He looks so familiar."

(Out of his mind).

Shigaraki: I think Chisaki should pick the prize since it was his idea.

Looks at him with a smile.

Chisaki: A-Are you are?

Looks at them both wondering if it was okay.

Dabi: It's okay Kai go on ahead I'll be here with you.

Smiles at him.

Chisaki: O-Okay...

Goes right up to the man at the booth and slowly pointed at the cat that looks like the cat that he adopted from earlier. Trembling slightly at the fact of being right in front of someone that he doesn't know. Feeling someone's hand on his shoulder looking over to see who it was and see Dabi smiling at him.

Dabi: It's okay.

Smiles at him.

Chisaki: ...

Blushing slightly and nodded to him.

Man Who Owns The Booth: Already then.

Grabbing a on to the plush and hands it to him but went a bit close to him just a slight just to get look at him.

Chisaki: ...

Looking at the man confused yet wonders on why he's looking at him up close. His heart begins to beat fast after noticing the man's twisted smile. A smile that reminds him from very back then. Eyes widen looking at the man who's handing him the plush.

Man Who Owns The Booth: I found you.

Says it in a happy tone.

Chisaki: ...

Moving away from the man and hid right behind Dabi. Trembling at the thought of being seen by the man who abused him.

Dabi: Kai what's wrong?

Looks at him with concern yet turn to the man who seems to be laughing.

Man Who Owns The Booth: Oops sorry about that I was pretending to scary just like all the others.

Laughing at his own joke.

Shigaraki: Not funny dude.

Looks at him with a glare yet looked over where Chisaki was and noticed that he was crying.

Man Who Owns The Booth: Didn't mean to scare your friend if you want you could take a few of these prizes as apology.

Says it with a smile.

Dabi: Thanks but we'll be leaving now.

Holding on to Chisaki gently and moves away from the booths heading towards to a different part of the carnival that has less people.

Shigaraki: ...

Following him from right behind as he looked over to the man who's setting up the bottles.

(In his mind).

"I wonder what happened?"

(Out of his mind).

Dabi: Kai what happened?

Looks at him concern yet confused on what just happened.

Chisaki: I-It was nothing...

Wiping away his tears still trembling even if though he's far away from the man.

Dabi: Please Kai you could trust me.

Looks at him very concerned over his well being.

Shigaraki: We're all friends here.

Says it with a smile while placing his hand onto Chisaki's shoulder.

Chisaki: I think I found one of my abusers... I didn't know it was him at first but once I seen him smile it made me remember what had happened back then... I always have nightmares and I still do...

Tears up once again as he covered his face.

Shigaraki: We should notified Man In White about what's happening!

Looks at them both.

Dabi: Your right.

Taking out his phone and was about to dial the Man In White's number.

Chisaki: N-No don't.

Grabbing him by the arm and looked at him with tears.

Dabi: Kai listen to me it's too dangerous for you if we don't tell him then you would be targeted again.

Grabbing him by the shoulders and looked at him calmly yet noticed his facial expression was mostly fear.

Chisaki: I-If he finds out then he'll make me move away from this place... And I won't be able to see you two again...

Tearing up more to the thought of those two not there with him.

Chisaki: I- finally found people I truly care about and want to be with the most... Please don't tell him...

Moving away from him and cried out. Rubbing his eyes trying to wipe the tears away.

Dabi: ...

Looking at him sadly and turn over to Shigaraki and saw him also sad at the situation that they were both placed in.

(In his mind).

"What should I do? If I don't tell Man In White then that guy will tell his buddies that he found Kai and he'll be targeted but if I do tell him then Kai will leave and I won't be able to see him again."

Remembering the time when they first met as a reminder on why he chose him.

"I'll just have to protect him no matter what the cost may be. I want to be with him forever."

(Out of his mind).

Looking over to Kai and reached out to him just to hold him close. Letting him sob on him as he hold on to him gently not letting him go.

Dabi: I won't say anything to him I promise you we'll be together forever.

Says it softly as he looked back at Shigaraki to see if he's on the same page as he was.

Shigaraki: ...

(In his mind).

"Judging by his facial expression he wants me to be quiet too but doing this will make him in danger is Dabi seriously going to let this happen?"

Looks over to Chisaki who's holding on to Dabi still sobbing.

"He doesn't want the friendship to end so I guess I'll stay quiet too. I don't want him to leave since I just developed feelings for him and there's a possible chance we be the ones together."

(Out of his mind).

Shigaraki: I'll say nothing as well I don't want our friendship to end and you promise me we'll go to arcade together.

Says it calmly yet felt a nervous about keeping a secret from someone. Looking over to Dabi and then at Chisaki with a smile.

Dabi as the narrator: That night I never expected that a situation such as this will ever happen. Meeting one of Chisaki's abusers I only wish I went back to kick his ass but I didn't my only concern was to keep him safe and now I have keep a promise that I cannot break.

To be continued on next chapter.