
Campus Triad

It tells the story of the protagonist Xie Wendong's "growth" from a weak, responsible, obedient, good student with excellent grades who was bullied to a murderous underworld boss.

Jhon_Guo · Eastern
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8 Chs


Seeing Xie Wendong lying on the ground and not getting up for a long time, he smiled with three eyes and said: "Brother, I won!?" He turned around and picked up his clothes from his younger brother and put them on.

"I don't think so." At some point, Xie Wendong stood up, with no pain on his face and a pair of blood-red eyes shining with cold light. "You..." Sanyan knew that the power of his two feet just now was probably not something that a fifteen or sixteen year old boy could bear.

"Haha, it seems I underestimated you!" Sanyan strode towards Xie Wendong, raised his leg and kicked Xie Wendong in the face. Taking a step back, Xie Wendong did not fall. Then there was another kick. Xie Wendong took three steps back and still stood there. There was blood coming from the corners of the nose and mouth, and the sides of the face were swollen. Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Xie Wendong smiled slightly.

Sanyan himself was a little scared, even though he was the one who beat people. "Pour it for me!" He shouted, and Sanyan used all his strength to punch Xie Wendong. Xie Wendong's trembling body suddenly squatted down, punched Sanyan empty, and rushed forward. Xie Wendong's shaky body became more flexible, and he quickly pulled out another knife from his waist and stabbed into the weak spot of Sanyan. The tip of the knife pierced into the muscle and stopped. Xie Wendong withdrew the knife, pointed three times with the tip of the knife and said, "You were already dead just now."

Sanyan touched the wound on his soft ribs and leaned against the wall, lowering his head. Xie Wendong stood there quietly waiting for his reply. Li Shuang looked excited and whispered to Gao Qiang next to him: "Hey, Brother Dong won!" Gao Qiang nodded, put his hand on the handle of the knife at his waist, and moved slowly towards the middle of the field. Just because Sanyan lost, it doesn't mean he has no fighting ability. Gao Qiang was afraid that he could not afford to lose with three eyes, so he attacked Xie Wendong secretly.

After a while, Sanyan raised his head, looked at Xie Wendong and said: "I'm a little dissatisfied. But a man has to keep his word. I lost! You will be my boss from now on. As long as you say a word, I can give you my life." You." After saying that, he bowed respectfully.

Xie Wendong smiled 'haha', his eyes went dark and he fainted. Sanyanyan was so quick that he wrapped his arms around Xie Wendong and shouted: "Go out and stop the car!" Before he could finish speaking, Li Shuang had already jumped out to look for the car...

Sanyan and others took Xie Wendong to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with multiple cartilage injuries, a small amount of internal bleeding, and a slight concussion. Need to be hospitalized. Li Shuang called Xie Wendong's home and told him that he had been in a car accident and was now in the hospital. After hearing this, Xie Wendong's parents asked which hospital it was and hurried over. After the meeting, Li Shuang and others comforted and explained, which reassured Xie Wendong's parents. In order to increase his credibility, Li Shuang grabbed the three eyes that had just been covered with gauze and said, "Uncle and aunt, he was the one who hit Brother Dong with his car!" Gao Qiang and the brothers around him nodded fiercely at the side, with the old face of the three eyes. He blushed, scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

Half a month later, Xie Wendong basically recovered. The doctor said that he would be fine after a while of recuperation. On this day, only his parents came to pick him up from the hospital. Sanyan and others had already informed in advance that they would not come. Xie Wendong also doesn't want his parents to see these people.

Back home, his parents cooked him a big meal to celebrate his discharge. Looking at the table full of food, Xie Wendong secretly felt ashamed. If his parents knew that he was admitted to the hospital because of a fight with others, I wonder what they would think. Now Xie Wendong feels sorry for his parents, but at the same time he cannot give up his current life. During this period of passionate indulgence, he feels what happiness is. There is nothing in the world that makes you happier than being respected by others! At least that's what he thinks now.

He doesn't know if what he is doing is right, but one thing is certain, he likes his current life, maybe he is born to be a bad person. Xie Wendong temporarily put his worries behind him and happily finished the food on the table with his parents.

The next day, Xie Wendong walked to school carrying his schoolbag. Li Laoyuan saw no less than fifty people standing across the street from the school entrance, and the corners of Xie Wendong's mouth turned up. I saw Sanyan and Gao Qiang squatting on the ground, holding cigarettes in their hands and talking. Li Shuang's fat body couldn't squat down, so he stood and danced around and said something loud enough that Xie Wendong, who was quite far away, could hear him. The three of them saw Xie Wendong coming from a distance and stood up with their cigarette butts still in place. Gao Shuang lowered his voice and shouted: "Everyone stand still, stand still. Brother Dong is here!"

The scattered boys quickly stood in two rows. When Xie Wendong approached, they shouted in unison: "Hello, Brother Dong!" The students who passed by consciously hid far away when they saw him. Pedestrians on the road turned around to see this. Posture, I thought: This is the underworld! ?

Sanyan scratched his head and looked at Xie Wendong sheepishly, "Brother Dong, I'm really sorry last time. Thank you Brother Dong for not inserting the knife. The doctor told me that the wound was located near the liver." Xie Wendong said with a 'haha' smile: "If I If I really penetrate him, will I still have a good brother like you?" After saying that, he stretched out his hand to Sanyan. There was a touch of emotion in Sanyan's eyes, and he held Xie Wendong's hand tightly. Li Shuang and Gao Qiang also came over and put their hands on it. The four people's hands were tightly held together, just like their fate, inseparable and intertwined. The four of them remained silent, hoping to keep the excitement of this moment in their hearts forever. Now Xie Wendong is a real hero in the hearts of the younger brothers. They feel that as long as Brother Dong is here, no difficulty can trouble them. Heroes are not words, they can only be proven by actions.

After a long time, the four of them separated their hands. Li Shuang took out a bulging paper bag from his pocket and handed it to Xie Wendong and said: "Brother Dong, this is the money collected in a week. It is much more than before!" Xie Wendong opened it, looked at it, nodded and said to Li Shuang: " Use this money to treat everyone to dinner in the evening, and also allow everyone to get together and get to know each other."

Li Shuang was overjoyed when he heard this. He loved eating and drinking. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Thank you, Brother Dong!" He turned around and shouted to the boys around him, "Let's all meet at the door tonight. Brother Dong will treat everyone to dinner!"

"YE~~~~~~!! Long live~!" Everyone shouted happily. It also made pedestrians on the road frown.

There was nothing to say during the day. Xie Wendong called home first in the evening and said that his friend was having a birthday party and would go back later in the evening. Then he, Sanyan, Li Shuang, and Gao Qiang led more than fifty people to a medium-sized restaurant. After entering the house, the boys yelled and screamed, and the guests inside were either scared away or kicked out. Sangan picked a clean table, moved Xie Wendong to the middle, and then arranged for everyone to sit down. Xie Wendong, Sanyan, Gao Qiang and Li Shuang sat together. The restaurant owner heard from the waiter that a group of socialites had arrived, no less than fifty. The boss thought he was in trouble, so he hurriedly came out from the back and smiled when he saw everyone, "Oh! Brothers, you are really proud of me for joining this little shabby shop. It is such an honor for brothers! You can eat whatever you want. This time, brother I'll treat!"

Li Shuang looked at the speaker. He was in his thirties, as fat as himself, and he was smiling and talking. Li Shuang waved his hand and said, "Are you the boss here?"

When the boss saw that the person speaking was a fat man who was not old enough, he did not dare to look down on him. He walked over and said, "Haha, I am the boss here. I wonder why my little brother brought these people here...?"

"I don't mean to find trouble!" Li Shuang pointed to Xie Wendong next to him and said: "This is my eldest brother. I have chosen you to treat the brothers to a meal today. You'd better give me a fair price, otherwise the brothers won't do it!"

The boss was relieved after hearing this. Restaurants in Jiamusi City are all run by sensible people who know what to say to whom. "Look, brother, what are you talking about? Everyone here thinks highly of me. Make friends, and I'll treat you to this meal!"

Xie Wendong waved his hand, "Boss, you don't have to be too polite. We have no other intention of coming here this time. We just want to have a meal. If you have any special dishes, just serve them. Brother, I won't let you accompany me with money."

The boss laughed and said, "Okay! Then I won't be polite to the brothers. I will make arrangements for everyone to eat and drink!" Xie Wendong nodded, and the boss wanted to go to the kitchen behind.

Seeing him leave, Li Shuang grinned: "This boss is not bad!" "You idiot, he is not an ordinary person!" Gao Qiang muttered. He glanced at the table three times and felt something was missing. He patted his head and said, "Just listen to what the boss says." Then he shouted, "Waiter, give me six cases of beer first!"

The waiter came over. She was a young girl. She blushed and asked timidly: "What kind of beer would you like, sir?" Li Shuang saw that the little girl was growing up well, so he teased her and asked: "Miss, what kind of beer do you have here? Tell me. I listen."

"Hapi, eleven degrees, Jiafeng, five stars."

"Is there anything else?" Li Shuang stared at the girl.

The girl's face turned even redder when she saw it, and she whispered: "There's nothing else." "You are thinking about it, think about it..."

Xie Wendong slapped Li Shuang on the head, "You are the only one who talks a lot." He turned to the girl and said, "Waiter, come to Jiafeng!"

The girl nodded and ran away quickly. Gao Qiang laughed, winked and said, "Old Fatty, you look so 'patriotic' that you scare that little girl!" "Damn it, I'll lose weight tomorrow..." There was a burst of laughter from all around. Voice.

The wine was served quickly, and after a while, several young people moved six boxes of 'Jia Feng' from outside. Sanyan poured the wine and stood up and said: "Brothers, let's toast Brother Dong with our first glass of wine. Let's celebrate Brother Dong being discharged from the hospital." Everyone stood up and said: "To Brother Dong!"

Xie Wendong stood up, nodded with a smile and said, "Thank you everyone. I was supposed to offer this glass of wine to everyone first, but I didn't expect Brother Zhang (Three Eyes) to take the lead. No more words, let's do it!" Everyone shouted in unison: "Do it!" There was a sound of clinking glasses in the restaurant.

Li Shuang poured another glass of wine and stood up, "This drink is for Brother Dong. I hope Brother Dong will lead us to conquer our own country!" When everyone heard this, they all stood up and said, "Brother Jingdong, take me to conquer the country!" Xie Wendong I had just finished drinking a glass, so I had to pour another glass and raise it up and said: "In the future, we will still have to rely on everyone's efforts. Achievements are created by everyone! Go for it" "Go for it!"

Everyone, you say something, he says something, before all the dishes are served, there are already people lying down under the table. What Northeastern people pay attention to when drinking is not a process, but pleasure. This is directly related to the bold character of Northeastern people. Those who work hard today may be brothers in life and death tomorrow. Frankness, boldness, and informality are the nature of Northeastern people. Although it is difficult for friends in the South to understand them, I think this is what makes them endearing.

The four of Xie Wendong didn't drink as much as the other boys. They drank and chatted. Sanyan touched the wine glass with his hand and said: "Brother Dong, I think we should set up an organization. There are more and more people now, and it is difficult to control without a complete organization!"

Li Shuang and Gao Qiang had already planned this. He nodded and said, "Brother Sanyan is right. If we want to become successful, we must have our own organization." Li Shuang continued, "Yes, just like the Ax Gang in our city, there are many So majestic!" (The Ax Gang in Jiamusi City is an ancient gang in this city. No one knows when it arose. It is a recognized underworld organization.)

Xie Wendong lowered his head and said nothing. He also wanted to set up an organization, but it was easier said than done. He picked up the wine glass and took a sip and said: "I don't object to the organization, but the number of people will increase tremendously, and eating, drinking and having fun will all depend on the organization. How do you think we can feed them?" The three of them were stunned, and Xie Wendong raised his head and took the glass. After drinking quietly, he continued: "Our current money comes from collecting 'protection fees' from students, which can only exceed 20,000 yuan in a month. How can we maintain the organization with this little money? Even now Reluctantly establishing it will only cause us to break up quickly."

Gao Qiang asked: "Brother Dong, what do you mean...?" Xie Wendong smiled slightly, lowered his head and played with the wine glass in his hand. Li Shuang was impatient. Seeing that Xie Wendong didn't speak, he asked loudly: "Brother Dong, are you talking? We all listen to you!"

Xie Wendong looked at the three people who were staring at him without blinking, and said slowly: "Now you...should...study hard!"

Li Shuang Gao Qiang was dumbfounded and blurted out: "Study hard?"

"That's right, you should study hard now. There is still one month to go to the high school entrance examination. You all go to high school for me. If anyone fails to pass the exam...I thank Wendongjue for not sparing him. Unless you don't want to follow me anymore!"

Third Eyes was also dumbfounded, "Then... what about me?" Where there is little money, they don't want us to take advantage of it, and they charge more young gangsters from school and outside school, that's our foundation."

Sanyan nodded, "Brother Dong, I understand. There are small forces like us all over Jiamusi City. We haven't even attached ourselves to the underworld, and we can't afford to fight against them. They are underworld, so let's fight Gray society is neither black nor white, right?"

Xie Wendong nodded appreciatively and said to Li Shuang: "Xiao Shuang, Qiangzi, learn more from Brother Zhang. It won't do you any harm." Gao Qiang blushed, but still didn't understand, "Then what are we going to high school for?" Xie Wendong stood up, his eyes Unusually bright "Go with me to control No. 1 High School!"

Li Shuang and Gao Qiang's jaws almost dropped. "Control...control No. 1 High School? Oh my God!" Li Shuang then laughed and said, "I'm really looking forward to it! Well! No. 1 High School, the famous gangster high school in the province. Haha!!" "He turned to Gao Qiang and asked: "Brother Qiang, do you know how many criminals in the province come out of our city's No. 1 Middle School every year?" Gao Qiang shook his head. He really didn't know this, but he heard that it was not an ordinary chaos.

Seeing Gao Qiang shaking his head, Li Shuang shook his head and said, "Hey! According to incomplete statistics, 8% of the criminals in the province are in Jiamusi No. 1 Middle School. Haha! This feels great!"

Sanyan and Gao Qiang looked at Xie Wendong together and said in disbelief: "Brother Dong, this can't be done, right?"

Xie Wendong squinted his eyes and said: "I don't know much about this. I don't know where Xiaoshuang heard it from. But nine times out of ten it is unreliable!"

The three-eyed Gao Qiang looked at each other and said with an expression of sudden realization: "Oh! It turns out that some people made it up!" Li Shuang said anxiously: "What I said is true, believe me!"

"Che~~~~~~~" Sanyan and Gao Qiang extended their middle fingers in tacit agreement and turned their heads to ignore him. Gao Shuang, whose face was red, stood up suddenly and shouted: "Where is Liu Xinyu? Get out of here, or you will lie to me with fucking lies!" A hand was stretched out from the bottom of the table not far away, and an inarticulate voice came out. : "Who? Who...who called me?" "..."

Everyone enjoyed this meal, and it can also be said that they drank to their heart's content. At the end of the checkout, we spent over a thousand dollars, but the owner of the restaurant waived the bill for the drinks. Everyone could barely take a few bites of the meal that cost more than a thousand dollars, because their stomachs were already filled with beer when the food arrived. (Another characteristic of the Northeast...waste...sweat)

Although Xie Wendong didn't drink much, he still drank a lot without being alcoholic. Although he was conscious, his body seemed to be floating. Gao Qiang and Sanyan drank a lot, but neither of them got drunk. Only Li Shuang was drunk enough. One moment he was holding Xie Wendong's hand, crying with tears all over his face, the next moment he was holding Gao Qiang and laughing, and the next moment he was kissing Sanyan's face. In the end, everyone came to a conclusion: Li Shuang should not be allowed to get drunk again. This person's drinking quality is not too bad. Gao Qiang beat Li Shuang and sent him home. Sanyan wanted to send Xie Wendong as a gift, but he politely refused.