
Campus Triad

It tells the story of the protagonist Xie Wendong's "growth" from a weak, responsible, obedient, good student with excellent grades who was bullied to a murderous underworld boss.

Jhon_Guo · Eastern
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8 Chs


At noon the next day, in the bathroom of No. 2 Middle School.

"Old Fatty, I heard that you let this loser in your class get a cut on your face, and you still followed him. Is this true?" A tall man holding a cigarette in his mouth tilted his head and looked at Li Shuang and asked. Li Shuang had a stern look on his face, "If you dare to call him a coward again, I'll beat you to death!"

The tall man's eyebrows jumped, and he pinched the fat on Li Shuang's face and shook it back and forth: "Basket, do you know who you are talking to?"

Li Shuang opened his hand, stared at him and said, "I'm sorry for you, Gao Qiang. Do you think I'm afraid of you? Don't think you're just pretending to be cool with me because you know a few people!" Gao Qiang said with a 'hehe' smile: "You can do it. , boy. You and that basket are waiting for me in the classroom after school today. If you dare to leave first, I will break your legs!"

Li Shuang stared into his eyes, "I'm waiting for you, just because I'm afraid you won't come."

Back in the classroom, Li Shuang told Xie Wendong what happened just now. Xie Wendong asked Li Shuang: "Who is Gao Qiang? What does he do?" "He's the tall guy who was always with me before. He robbed you of your money with me last time." At this point, he looked at Xie Wendong carefully and saw that he didn't care. Don't worry. Then he said: "He is Gao Qiang. He came out to hang out when he was in elementary school. He has a group of people under him. Now he is the gangster leader of Classes 3 and 6."

Xie Wendong nodded and asked him: "How many people can you find?" Li Shuang thought for a moment and said: "There should be five or six reliable ones! The others are just some bluffing people who will definitely be the first to run away when the limelight is not right. ."

Xie Wendong said: "Okay, go and find some reliable people and let me have a look." Li Shuang agreed and ran out.

Six o'clock in the evening, classroom on the second floor of No. 2 Middle School.

Li Shuang stood at the back of the classroom, raised a chair, and threw it to the ground. 'Bang' There was a loud noise in the corridor. The seats were smashed into pieces. Li Shuang bent down and picked up a two-foot-long 'square', came to Xie Wendong's seat and said, "Brother Dong, take this, you will need it later in the fight."

Xie Wendong shook his head, "No need for this." Li Shuang didn't dare to say anything else, so he put the prescription under a desk. Boss, don't keep it for yourself. After a while, the closed door in the classroom was kicked open. The sudden sound startled Li Shuang. He turned around and saw Gao Qiang leading seven or eight people into the classroom. "Okay, you two are really good at it. You are really waiting for me here!" Gao Qiang turned around and laughed at the people behind him, "Haha~~ Look at these two idiots!"

Xie Wendong said nothing and sat in his seat indifferently. After Li Shuang heard this, the fire in his heart boiled to the peak, "Gao Qiang, if you were a fucking human, you would challenge me to a duel. Whoever loses will be my son!"

"A duel with you? Damn you! Don't look in the mirror and see how horny you are!" He turned to look at Xie Wendong sitting there and said, "Boy, come here!"

Xie Wendong slowly stood up and walked towards Gao Qiang, with Li Shuang following behind him. Looking at Xie Wendong, who was half a head shorter than himself, a trace of contempt flashed in Gao Qiang's eyes, "You have been very arrogant recently, you are trying to steal people from me. Li Shuang is a basket case, I will give it to you if you want it. But I can't swallow this breath, What do you think we should do?" Xie Wendong lowered his head, his slightly longer hair covering his eyes, and a cold voice came out from the corner of his mouth: "If you are smart, you'd better swallow this breath, Li Shuang has his own choice."

Gao Qiang's heart jumped for no reason when he heard the cold voice, but when he saw Li Shuang smiling behind Xie Wendong, he put aside the weakness in his heart and said, "Are you pretending to be a coward with me?" He grabbed Xie Wendong's hair, pulled it down, and raised his leg. , his knee slammed into Xie Wendong's face. Xie Wendong knelt on the ground, bleeding from his nose. Li Shuang shouted and rushed towards Gao Qiang, but was pushed to the ground by several people who came with him.

With a cruel smile on his face, Gao Qiang kicked Xie Wendong down again. "What's wrong? You've become a bear so quickly?" Gao Qiang stepped on Xie Wendong's face with his foot and turned around to ask Li Shuang, "This is your shit boss, and he's under my feet now! Haha~~~~~~"

Li Shuang struggled to remember, but four or five people suppressed his hands and feet. "Gao Qiang, I'll fuck you..." Before he could finish his words, he was kicked in the face by someone next to him. Li Shuang coughed and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Xie Wendong, who was lying on the ground, suddenly grabbed the ankle that was stepping on his face with his left hand and was stunned. Xie Wendong took out a decorative knife with his right hand and stabbed him in the thigh. "Ah~~" Gao Qiang screamed like a slaughtered pig, covered the wound on his leg and stepped back a few steps. Xie Wendong stood up, walked to Gao Qiang, and hit him in the face with his fists. Gao Qiang's men were a little overwhelmed when they saw the red.

They were stunned but Xie Wendong didn't stop. He stared at Gao Qiang with blood-red eyes and punched and kicked Gao Qiang. After a while, Gao Qiang was beaten until he was covered in blood and fell to the ground. Li Shuang stood up while the others were stunned, picked up the recipe hidden under the table, and turned on the person who kicked him just now. The man groaned and was beaten until he knelt on the ground with his head in his hands, blood flowing out from between his fingers. Li Shuang shouted: "Brothers, come out!"

Not long after he finished speaking, there were chaotic footsteps in the corridor. After a while, seven or eight more people came into the classroom. Li Shuang shouted: "I'm 'proofing'!" He took turns to hit several other people with the stick. A group of people came in later and saw Li Shuang taking action. Without saying a word, they surrounded the people brought by Gao Qiang and kicked them violently.

Xie Wendong grabbed Gao Qiang's hair and pulled his head up. At this time, Gao Qiang was in a daze. One of his eyes was swollen and swollen after being beaten. The other eye looked at the person in front of him in confusion and said: "Boy." , I admit it this time, because I am not as ruthless as you. You can beat or kill me as you please, I am not raised by a human mother even if I snort!"

Xie Wendong put the decorative blade on his neck and said: "You have two choices now. One is to be hung, the other is to follow me. You choose." Xie Wendong put down Gao Qiang and took two steps back. At this time, everyone else stood behind Xie Wendong. A clever student immediately moved a stool. Xie Wendong glanced at him and sat on it with a slight smile. He crossed his legs and lightly traced his fingers on his face.

Gao Qiang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at his men lying on the ground and asked, "Brother, what's your name?"

"Xie Wendong." Xie Wendong put the knife into his trouser pocket and replied.

"Okay, Brother Dong. I have convinced you, and you will be my big brother from now on!" Gao Qiang felt that the man in front of him was not only ruthless, but also very smart. He should be a great person in the future.

Xie Wendong stood up, patted Gao Qiang on the shoulder and said, "Haha! From now on, we will all be brothers. What's mine is yours!" After that, he walked out of the classroom. Gao Qiang looked at the figure disappearing through the door, still remembering in his mind the eager look in Xie Wendong's eyes when he patted him on the shoulder. At this moment, he felt an unreasonable happiness.

The people who came in later were a little stupid. They were all friends of Li Shuang. Today Li Shuang told them that there was a person who was his boss and asked them to meet him. After meeting, I was disappointed because there was nothing surprising about Xie Wendong in front of me. Because of Li Shuang's face, he followed Li Shuang and called Xie Wendong "Brother Dong", but he was not convinced at all. They didn't expect that this ordinary person in their eyes could take care of Gao Qiang in just a few strokes and make Gao Qiang obediently serve as their subordinate. Now they are convinced by Xie Wendong.

Li Shuang broke the silence and said to the people next to him: "Hey, what are you still doing? Send Brother Qiang and his injured brother to the hospital quickly!" After hearing this, the others quickly carried Gao Qiang and his injured men. Gao Qiang pushed away the person who came to help him, struggled to stand up and said, "I can walk on my own! Fatty, did you call me Brother Qiang this time? You really slapped me and gave me a lick of jujube!"

Li Shuang smiled awkwardly: "Brother Qiang, what are you talking about? We will be brothers from now on, and we are sure to follow Brother Dong to conquer the world. Come, let me help you!" Li Shuang supported Gao Qiang, who was shaking. Gao Qiang pulled his head and said, "Fuck, you kid...!!" A group of people walked towards the hospital laughing and joking.

Xie Wendong walked slowly on the way home, thinking about what happened in the past two days. How can I avoid being bullied by others? Only you are better than others. How can I be better than others? Then you have to be ruthless enough. The famous gangsters within the school have basically been controlled by him, and then there are factors outside the school. Xie Wendong decided to establish his own power, centered on the current No. 2 Middle School, and win over some gangsters in society. These people were not very young, and their fights were neither light nor serious. To put it bluntly, they were quite ruthless. With young blood and blind worship of heroes, it is easy to control. Now Xie Wendong's mind far exceeds his actual age , and even some adults cannot compare with him.

Xie Wendong has not changed much at home. He is still an obedient and good son, proud in the eyes of his parents. In school, he was still a good student in the eyes of the teacher and a top student. But his reputation has spread around No. 2 Middle School. The gangsters here all know that a new overlord has recently emerged in No. 2 Middle School ~ Xie Wendong, who fights very hard, and his weapon is a decorative knife...

On this day, Xie Wendong was in class as usual, listening carefully to every word of the teacher. He believes that no matter what he is or what he does in the future, culture will always be the most important. Having an excellent mind is more practical than a strong body. After class, Li Shuang ran in from outside and whispered in Xie Wendong's ear: "Brother Dong, Sanyan's subordinates want to see you."

Xie Wendong was lowering his head to calculate the problem on the paper, and said without raising his head: "Well, you ask him to wait for a while, I will finish the problem."

Li Shuang nodded and ran out quickly. Sanyan's real name is Zhang Zhidong. He is a famous gangster in the area of No. 2 Middle School. He is famous for his life-threatening fights. Once he had a fight with someone and left a two-inch long scar on his forehead. When you look at it, it looks like it has three eyes. This is how the name Three Eyes comes from.

Li Shuang ran downstairs and saw two groups of people standing on the school playground. One group consists of seventeen or eight people led by Gao Qiang, and the other group consists of about ten people under Sanyan. Gao Qiang was tilting his head and squatting on the ground to smoke. Seeing Li Shuang come back, he popped out the cigarette butt and stood up and asked, "Old Fatty, where is Brother Dong?"

"Brother Dong, come down later and let them wait!" Li Shuang's fat body was slightly out of breath.

Gao Qiang felt unhappy when he saw it, "Hey, look at how fat you are. Can't you lose weight? You can't even run a few steps until you're out of breath like a pig."

"Damn it, you think I don't want to lose weight. It's easy to say!" Li Shuang looked at his three-eyed subordinates who were waiting impatiently and said, "Just wait a little longer, our boss will be down soon."

"Fuck, what a dick, you really think you are a toy!" A man wearing yellow sunglasses said loudly.

When Li Shuang heard this, the blood in his body started to burn. He walked up to the man and punched him in the face without warning, causing his sunglasses to fly away. Sanyan's subordinates didn't expect that the other party would hit him as soon as he asked, without giving him any face. They all put their hands in their clothes and grabbed the knife hidden inside. The leader inside waved his hand, steadied his men, and said to Li Shuang: "That new kid is so ignorant, so ridiculous."

Li Shuang laughed 'haha', "It's easy to talk!" Then he stared at the person who was taking him away with a straight face and said, "Take the little brother out and train him first, you know, don't spit shit all over your mouth. Damn!"

The leader's expression changed, but he quickly said with a smile: "Well, I will remember this punch from my brother. Hehe!"

"Remember your mother!" Gao Qiang had been holding it in for a long time. Seeing the other party taking the lead, he became even more angry. He cursed and kicked the other party in the abdomen. The man bent down and took a few steps back, letting his men hold him. This time Sanyan's men really quit and pulled out their knives. The people brought by Li Shuang and Gao Qiang also came up with other recipes behind them. The two sides were at war with each other, and everyone was looking for their opponent with their eyes wide open. At this moment, Xie Wendong walked out of the teaching building calmly with his hands in his pockets.

"Haha! It's so lively!?" Xie Wendong came to the center of the crowd and ignored the knife in the opponent's hand. Seeing an ordinary student wearing the uniform of No. 2 Middle School, the other student asked while rubbing his belly: "Boy, what do you do?"

Xie Wendong didn't say anything, and Li Shuang said loudly: "This is our boss!"

Xie Wendong, who came as the substitute, looked up and down in front of him and said to himself: Damn, there is no one in this second middle school. Find someone who is malnourished to be the boss. Xie Wendong did not miss the contempt flashing in his eyes and stood smiling.

After looking at it for a while, the man nodded and said, "Thank you, boss. Our eldest brother has something to discuss with you. If you are free in the evening, could you please come out to meet me?"

"No problem, you can tell me the time and place. I won't have time if I'm too finished." Xie Wendong agreed readily.

The man nodded again and said, "You come to the 'Xinxin' billiards hall after school. Our boss will be waiting for you there. What do you think?"

"Okay, it's settled." In fact, Xie Wendong had wanted to meet this three-eyed bastard for a long time, but he never had the chance. He didn't expect that he would take the initiative to find him today. Watching the group leave, he said to Li Shuang and Gao Qiang: "You two are too impulsive. You have to change in the future." Gao Qiang lowered his head and said nothing. Li Shuang said loudly: "Brother Dong, they are too arrogant. If they hadn't scolded you first I won't do it either."

Xie Wendong smiled, "I don't mean to blame you, I just remind you that keeping a clear mind at all times can save you from suffering!"

Li Shuang and Gao Qiang nodded together and said, "I know, Brother Dong!" They felt that what the boss said was reasonable. If the boss hadn't come to fight just now, they might not be able to take advantage despite the large number of people on their side.

Gao Qiang thought for a while and said: "Brother Dong, I don't have any good intentions in looking for us. Do you think..."

Xie Wendong said sternly: "If we really want to gain a foothold here, we must first pass tonight's test. There may be dangers, but why would we come out if we don't have the guts?" Gao Qiang blushed after hearing this and nodded in agreement, " Brother Dong, tell me what to do tonight, I will listen to you!"

Xie Wendong nodded, thinking deeply and saying nothing.

'Xing~~' The school bell of No. 2 Middle School rang. Suddenly the school gate was overcrowded. I don't know why, the students rushed towards the school gate which was not wide. The first one to come out shouted "YE~~S~" as excitedly as if he had won the jackpot.

In the teaching building, there were more than twenty students standing on both sides of the stairs between the first and second floors, each with their hands in their pockets and cigarettes in their mouths. Regardless of whether they knew how to smoke or not, at least they thought they looked handsome like this. When he saw a beautiful girl passing by, he whistled and cheered, "Earn it, make it, this one is so pretty! It's so eye-catching~~" "Go away, what's your look? She looks like Zhu Bajie...'s second aunt..." ! Haha!" "Grass..."

Li Shuang and Gao Qiang were not as happy as they were when they were standing in the crowd. Li Shuang asked Gao Qiang, "Brother Qiang, what time is it?" Gao Qiang looked at his watch and patted his shoulder, "What time did you say it was just after school? I'm so nervous! It's so big I'll take care of it."

Li Shuang swallowed and said: "Grandma, if you are not nervous, you are lying! The other party has three eyes!"

"What's wrong with Sanyan? He's not a human being. He vomits after drinking too much, and he poops after eating too much!?" Gao Qiang's words caused a burst of laughter. Li Shuang laughed and said, "You are the only one who has many words."

At this time, Xie Wendong came down from the corridor on the second floor. Everyone put away their smiles, stood upright on both sides of the stairs, bent down together and said, "Hello, Brother Dong!"

Xie Wendong nodded and asked: "Have you brought everything?" Li Shuang said: "Brother Dong, don't worry, everyone has a hand."

"Well, let's go. Now we can finally meet the legendary three eyes!" Xie Wendong said half-jokingly. Everyone felt relieved when they saw Xie Wendong with a relaxed look on his face. They talked and laughed all the way to the 'Xinxin' billiards hall.

The 'Xinxin' billiards hall is on the left side of No. 2 Middle School. Students from No. 2 Middle School usually come here to play billiards. One is that it is close to the school, and the other is that it is cheap, only 50 cents per stroke. (But the table is broken!)

Xie Wendong and others came to Xinxin. At this time, there was not a single customer in the billiard hall, and Sanyan took care of them all. Sanyan was holding a club and playing ball with a younger brother. When he saw Xie Wendong leading a group of people in, he laughed a few times and greeted him. The billiard hall was very dark, and it was only when he walked into Xie Wendong that he could see three eyes clearly. A little over 20 years old, about 1.78 meters tall, with a crew cut. Many people's first impression is that this person is very generous and always smiling.

Sanyan was also looking at Xie Wendong, nodded and said: "Brother, you are the recently famous Xie Wendong, right?"

Xie Wendong chuckled: "Three-eyed brother already knows my little brother's name. I wonder if it's a blessing or a curse for me?"

His eyes were stunned, and then he laughed again, "Brother Xie is a sensible person! I like it! Haha~" He picked up a club and handed it to Xie Wendong and said, "Brother, are you interested in taking a shot?"

Xie Wendong had never played billiards before, but he still took the cue without hesitation and said, "Okay. Even if I don't know how to play, I have to play, otherwise I won't give Brother Sanyan face." Sanyan squinted his eyes, "Yeah. , I like to hear this, brother!"

Holding the club, Sanyan opened the placed ball fiercely, "I shouldn't ask how my brothers are doing at school, but since they are ganging up on my land, it would be a bit too much to not say hello to them."

Xie Wendong has watched others play and knows how to play. He picked up the club and hit the No. 6 ball, and said: "My little brother has also been 'sticking' for a while. There are some things I don't understand and I have to ask Brother Three Eyes for advice." The ball did not go in.

"I don't dare to give advice. We all cooperate with each other!" Sanyan scored a goal. "Brothers have collected a lot of money in school recently, right?"

"There are not too many. They are all poor students. They only earn a few hundred a day!" Xie Wendong wiped the head of the club.

Sanyan laughed "haha" and said while playing ball: "Brother, you have such a big tone. In one month, it will be at least more than 10,000!" The ball missed, Sanyan continued: "I used to control this place. Now that you are two neutral sticks, none of my little brothers can get in. Brother, do you have to give me a way out?"

Xie Wendong smiled and said: "I dare not say anything if I give you a way out! Now that I have said this, I think there are only a few options to choose from?" Sanyan looked at Xie Wendong across the table with his cue stick: "Oh? What should I say?" Either you leave, or I leave, or we merge."

"Haha, brother, everything you said is true!" Sanyan's eyes turned cold, "Brother, do you mean to kick me out of this place?"

Xie Wendong chuckled and stared at Sanyan: "Brother Sanyan, there's no need to scare me. I'm not afraid of you now that I'm here. We won't necessarily lose in a fight. It's just that it's not good for everyone!" Xie Wendong paused and said. Play ball.

Sanyan did not dare to look down upon the thin young man in front of him anymore, his heart told him intuitively that this person was not simple. Neither his brains nor his courage are weaker than those of an old guy who has been in society for a long time.

Sanyan took out a box of 'Red River' from his pocket, took out two packs, and handed them to Xie Wendong. Xie Wendong smiled and said "thank you", took a cigarette and put it in his mouth. Li Shuang, who was next to him, came over and lit the cigarettes in Xie Wendong and Sanyan's mouths. He looked at Li Shuang three times and said to Xie Wendong: "This kid is quite good at causing trouble!" He paused and then said, "Brother, what do you want to do?"

"I said merging will benefit everyone and no one will suffer." Xie Wendong spat out the circles under his eyes.

"Haha! Merger? Well, it's a good idea. There are benefits to both." Sanyan rubbed the club in his hand and said, "But..."

How could Xie Wendong not know the meaning of Sanyan, "Brother Sanyan is saying who will take the position of boss, right?" Sanyan said nothing, just nodded and looked at Xie Wendong with squinted eyes. "I'm not qualified to compete with Brother Sanyan for the position of boss, but if I give it up empty-handed, the brothers below will say I have no spine, so just one word..." Sanyan frowned and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Head-on challenge! Between you and me, whoever wins will be the boss." Xie Wendong's eyes flashed with a cold light.

I was stunned, I couldn't believe it was him who said this. Looked Xie Wendong up and down again. Nothing special, just barely 1.7 meters tall and very thin. What kind of person is he? How dare you say such a thing.

"Haha~~" San Yan laughed loudly, "Brother, do you mean what you say?" "Haha, why are you setting up a stick if you don't mean what you say!"

"Okay, let's do it! What day do you think it will be?" Sanyan said confidently.

Xie Wendong looked around and said: "It's a good place here. I don't have much free time. I think it's time!"

"Hehe, okay!"

Xie Wendong took off his shirt. Neither Li Shuang nor Gao Qiang expected that things would turn out like this. Li Shuang was a little worried and asked: "Brother Dong, do you really want to fight alone? Three-eyed fights are famous far and wide!" Xie Wendong threw his clothes to Li Shuang and whispered: "This is the best way to solve it. We are weak, and Three-eyed I can't afford it!" He turned around and walked towards the center of the billiard hall. Li Shuang and Gao Qiang touched the knives on their waists at the same time and thought, if the boss is in danger soon, they will chop the bastard first. Seeing that each other was doing the same thing, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

At this time, Sanyan asked his subordinates to move the pool table in the middle to one side, and then turned on all the lights in the room. Suddenly the room became bright. He also took off his shirt and pushed up the sleeves of his shirt to get ready. Now he thinks it's ridiculous. He's going to have a duel with a half-grown boy. He wonders if it will be embarrassing if he wears it! ?

Xie Wendong came to stand in front of Sanyan, not nervous at all, as if he had everything under control. There was silence in the billiard hall, everyone was looking at the two people standing in the middle of the field. An invisible pressure filled the air.

Seeing that Xie Wendong had no intention of taking action, Sanyan spoke first, "Brother, can we start?" Xie Wendong nodded and answered him.

"Be careful!" Sanyan stopped being polite and punched Xie Wendong. He took a step back to avoid the punch, but then received three kicks in the stomach, and Xie Wendong was kicked to the head. Just as he was about to get up, Sanyan didn't give him the chance and kicked him in the stomach again. The body lying on the ground slid two meters away before stopping. Li Shuang couldn't bear it any longer. When he was about to draw his sword, Gao Qiang stopped him and whispered, "Wait a minute!" Li Shuang was so angry that he stamped his feet and sweat dripped out.