
I really love you

It's already past 11:30, theoretically speaking, Tang Xian'er has already fallen asleep!.

But today, for some unknown reason, Tang Xian'er was lying in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep!.

Tang Xian'er sat up from the bed, feeling as if she was going out, as if she didn't know which corner there was someone waiting for her!, My heart has been constantly flustered and chaotic!.

Tang Xian'er took a sip of water and saw the laptop on Table Mountain. She didn't go online tonight. Is it because someone on QQ is looking for her?.

Tang Xian'er will start up immediately!, Log in to QQ.

"Didi, Didi!" Tang Xian'er received two messages of leaving school as soon as she logged on.

The first message was sent by Ximen Yu at 9:05 am.

Tang Xian'er was greatly surprised. Ximen Yu is leaving now?, Perhaps it's the last time we've met in this life? What does it mean?

The second message was sent at 11:33 minutes.

"Goodbye, Tang Xian'er. You are really a good girl. If I could come back alive to see you, I would definitely stand in front of you and loudly tell you, 'I love you! I really like you!'"

Tang Xian'er's whole body was stimulated, and the last sentence was, "I love you, I really like you!"! Let Tang Xian'er's soul be touched!, He used to like himself all along, but he hid it so deeply.

Where is he going?, Why say it might be a farewell?, Why do you say if you're still alive?

I left at twelve o'clock.

It's over 11:30 now, with less than half an hour left.

Tang Xian'er immediately took out her address book from the drawer and found the name of Ximen Yu, but unfortunately there was no phone number for him, only the address!.

Tang Xian'er didn't care about so much. She put on her clothes, ran downstairs, took the car key, and drove a red BMW out of the garage, rushing towards the West Gate Yu family.

Tang Xian'er kept looking at her watch. At this moment, it was already 11:43!, It's less than twenty minutes away from twelve o'clock.

Fortunately, there weren't many vehicles on the road, and Tang Xian'er was driving very t!.

"Ximenyu, no matter what you're going to do, please wait for me!" Tang Xian'er muttered to herself while driving.

"I love you! I really like you!" This sentence kept flashing in Tang Xian'er's mind!.

Unexpectedly, he loved himself deeply!. Ximen Yu is diligent and hardworking, never giving up. He goes to school before 7 o'clock every day, despite the constant wind and rain. Even if his grades are poor, he never gives up, never gives up, and still studies hard! She is the most hardworking person in the class, and this spirit deeply impressed Tang Xian'er and moved her deeply!.

However, Ximen Yu was only slightly taller than Tang Xian'er, and his family background and academic performance were too poor. Tang Xian'er couldn't possibly like Ximen Yu no matter what he thought; But when she saw the offline message from Ximen Yu saying that he loved her, there was a hint of joy in her heart?. Perhaps Tang Xian'er admired Ximen Yu for his never giving up spirit and was moved by it. On the other hand, she felt heartbroken for his tragic fate, but this was not love!.

"Shoo!" A BMW car at the intersection, shoo, passed by under the red light.

Tang Xian'er can't care so much anymore.

Ximen Yu checked the time and it was 11:48.

At this moment, a person jumped in from outside the window and it was the man wearing a golden mask.