
farewell before leaving

"Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you? It's already ten o'clock and we're all asleep. Why do you keep running over!" Ximen Yu's mother asked angrily!

Ximen Yu looked at his parents as if he wanted to firmly remember this moment in his heart.

"It's okay, let's see if Dad has anything to do!"

"Don't worry, I have nothing to do! Go back to sleep, don't affect your class tomorrow!" Ximen Yu's father said.

Ximen Yu felt a pang of sadness in his heart. I don't know how upset you will be tomorrow morning when you realize you have disappeared.

Ximen Yu thought to himself, "Dad, Mom, goodbye!"

Ximen Yu left his parents' room and closed their doors together!.

Ximen Yu quickly ran back to his room to see if Xian'er was online and if he had replied!.

Ximen Yu ran into the room full of hope, but his QQ still didn't flash, there was no news, not even a group message, Ximen Yu suddenly felt a bit lost!.

Looking at the time, it's eleven o'clock!.

In one hour, the man with the golden mask will come! Will Xian'er go online? Can we talk to Xian'er again?.

Ximen Yu picked up his pen, wrote a message, or a suicide note.

Dad, Mom, Sister, I'm leaving!.

I don't know where I'm going, maybe I'll never come back!, Perhaps tonight is the last time. But please don't be sad, maybe I'll be back in two years!.

I can't tell you where I'm going because I don't even know. I just tell you, I want to become stronger, I want to make you no longer live like this!, I want my sister to be as happy as other college students, and I don't want to live a life of being bullied. I don't want to continue to be a poor student who is looked down upon by teachers and classmates. Mom and Dad, take care of your health. Goodbye, I love you!, Tell my sister that I love her too!. If I really don't come back, please forgive me! "

Ximen Yu finished writing with tears in his eyes!, The note was wet with his tears!.

Ximen Yu looked at the time and it was already 11:30!.

Ximen Yu looked at the computer and found that Tang Xian'er was not online. It was almost twelve o'clock now,and Tang Xian'er couldn't possibly still be online!.

Tang Xian'er's QQ avatar is attached to her bright smiling face. Ximen lowered his head and kissed Tang Xian'er's QQ avatar before sending her another offline message.

It seems that you have already fallen asleep. I don't think I can wait for you to go online anymore. After twelve o'clock, I will leave! The thought of maybe we will be forever makes my heart ache. I really want to chat with you again before I leave!.

Goodbye, Tang Xian'er. You are really a good girl. If I could come back alive to see you, I would definitely stand in front of you and loudly tell you, I love you! I really like you! "

After Ximen Yu sent the last offline message, he withdrew QQ and turned off his computer. It's already 11:34 minutes!, Ximen Yu no longer hopes that Xian'er will go online!.

Ximen Yu tidied up his clothes and put them in his backpack!, Fold the blanket neatly again.

Then, Ximen Yu sat on the bed, waiting for the moment when the twelve o'clock sound rang.

Tang Xian'er had already fallen asleep at eleven o'clock!, Her parents stipulate that she must go to bed before eleven o'clock!, Tang Xian'er has always developed a good habit of sleeping before 11 o'clock!.

At night, she usually doesn't go online and only reads and does homework, unless there is a need to look up some information.