
Chapter 9

The next day, the archery contests were announced and Rue thought that this day would probably even the beat the day before. But she didn't really think that.

" What do you mean you don't want to do it? Comeee onn!! " Rue was hitting Miles with her pillow. He groaned " You are going to win anyways! I don't see what I am winnig from thi! "

Rue looked at him " Fun ".

Kaitlyn was already at breakfast chewing on a piece of bread while Harvey was devouring two eggs.

Rue got some orange juice and eggs and Miles got the same thing. Miles's hair was messy today and he couldn't stop playing with its curls. But something was off. Harvey was eating too fast. Brandon wasn't wearing his usual rich kid clothes. He was wearing some green short and a blue t-shirt.

And Eleanor was talking a lot with Harvey. Which never actually happened.

" Finished " Harvey said, showing his friends his clean tray. Then he winked at Eleanor. She just... winked back. And then blushed.

" Since when do you know how to wink? " Brandon said raising his sight from his food.

" Just a new thing I just learned "

"  Let me rephrase. Since when do you wink at Harvey? "

" Oh, he is the only one I know from my cabin. "

Brandon raised his brows at Rue and put on a confused face. She raised her shoulders and continued eating.

Dean came by their table and whispered something to Brandon and then took off jumping.

Brandon looked at Rue and said, " Tonight. You know what. "

Rue sighed " Do we really have to go? " Eleanor just nodded in agreement. Kaitlyn rolled her eyes " You are coming because I said so. "

Harvey looked interested " What are you guys talking about? "

" A party tonight " Brandon responed. Rue looked at him " Brandon! " . He laughed " Rue? "

" I guess I am coming " said Harvey with a satisfied look on his face.

Kaitlyn smiled, took Rue by her wrist and dragged her out of the cafetaria. " What happened? " she asked.

Kaitlyn gave her a meaningful look " Tonight it's going to be fun. I promise ! "

Rue looked down and then back up " Fine ".

Tony's voice could be heard from some place that nobody knew " Archery contest by the lake. 5 minutes kiddos. ".

Rue was excited. She will win because archery was her favourite thing. Maybe during the game she will shoot Brandon too. Or Harvey. She smiled at that thought.

The kids formed three lines in front of three targets with bows laying on the grass.

" Guess I am right here " a familiar voice. Harvey.  Right behind Rue.

" Ugh you got to be kidding me. Can't you just... " she made hand gestures " leave me alone? "

" I am afraid you are not that important. I am good at archery too and Eleanor dared me to play against you. How did she phrase it? Oh yes ' I want to see her beating your ass' "

Rue rolled her eyes and waited for her turn. Everyone was taking terrible shots. Freya, her roommate, shot her arrow in the lake.  Harvey let out an arrogant scoff and waited.

It was Rue's turn. She casually picked up the bow and nocked an arrow. She let go of the cheap string and the arrow went smoothly through the air, right in the X on the middle of the target.

She put the bow down, turned her gaze to Harvey, raised her brows in a sign of I just won and left. She didn't know what Harvey got but based on his annoyed laugh, Rue considered he missed.

Miles didn't compete. Prick she thought.

Eleanor was sitting on a bench laughing at something Monty had said. She looked at Rue for a second, nodded and continued her converdation with the boy.

Kaitlyn was nowhere to be found and Lucas was gathering people for the party tonight. Everyone was excited but mostly just because there is going to be some real drinks there.

The girl was walking by the lake following a line of dirt with her feet. Sometimes she would pick up a rock and throw it in the lake. She stopped and realised she couldn't wait to get in the boat and just... let go. Swim with her friend. She wanted everything to feel like magic, just like when they were dancing.

" Am I interrupting your thoughts? " it was Brandon. Leaning against a tree, was scratching his arm nervously.

" No. " was all she said.

They walked together for a while when Brandon decided to say someghing " You won the archery contest. It was announced. " she looked at him " I know I won. ".

The boy chuckled and put his arm around her shoulder " How does it feel? To be a champion? "

" Very good, actually. I feel... accomplished " they both laughed. " Remember when you were a total not nice person? " Brandon's eyes were wide " I have some vague memories, yes. "

Rue shook her head " Yeah well, you are way cooler now. " Brandon put his other hand to his heart " Rue Hunter. Is that... is that a compliment? "

Rue gasped " I want to take it back now " Brandon cut in " No-no you can't take it back. " they laughed again.

" Ok so be honest.  Am I a better dancer than Harvey? " the girl started giggled "

Yes. For the fiftieth time. Yes. " Brandon nodded " Good. "

Miles joined them to let them know that lunch started. " Already? " Brandon blurted. The magic buddy just grabbed his and Rue's arm and dragged them to eat.

The whole table got the same thing. Lasagne, cause that was the only eatable thing that was there. Harvey leaned forward and whispered " All the teachers are here. I am going to get the drinks. "

Harvey met Lucas' stare and nodded. He raised from where he stood, winked and left.

" Somebody should go help him " Brandon said worried.

Miles raised his chin towards Rue, then towards Eleanor too.

" Oh hell no. " Rue frowned.

" Come on. It will be fun " Eleanor tried to convince her.

" No no. You were supposed to be the innocent one. "

After a few death stares, Rue and Eleanor made their way towards the coaches' office. They knew they all had this really small room were they would sit all night and talk. Harvey assumed thats were the drinks are going to be.

" IT'S LOCKED! " yelled Harvey, punching the door.

" Just- " Rue started.

" Shut up. " was all Harvey said. He took a deep breath, and a few steps back and threw himself into the door, breaking in the room.

" Are you insane? " Eleanor demanded.

" The drinks are here " he winked, grabbung the bottles and leaving the room, trying to repair the damage he caused. He made it look like the door was closed but everyone will figure it out.

Harvey opened a bottle and drank straight from it. He wiped the drops from his chin and smiled. " Hell yeah " and then ran with them into the woods.

Eleanor shrugged and the girl made their way back at the other boys. They finished their food and went to another activity they had. Building something from what they had at hand. Sticks, rocks, anything.

Miles, Brandon, Eleanor, Rue, Kaitlyn and Harvey sat on the grass waiting for Kane's instructions.

" Where did you go? " Rue asked. Harvey grinned " I hid the drinks, of course "

" Everybody listen up! " Kane raised his voice. " So... we let you decide the teams, and I see eveyine has a team and... well just find aomethung in the woods and build anything. A tool, a shelter, a weapon, a mini house, anything. " Everyone laughed and started looking for materials.

" I am going to build a spear." Brandon bragged. Rue crossed her arms " And how are you going to do that? "

" Talent "

And then he walked away. Rue decided to build an arrowhead and Miles... he said he wanted to build a flame and neither of them knew what that meant. Brandon was picking up sticks and rocks, Rue was picking up small pieces of tree bark. She began carving it into a similar shape of an arrowhead. After what seemed like forever, Kane called the builing off and everyine had to show the other their sculptures.

Brandon managed to make a spear. And actually quite a sharp one. Kane raised his eyebrows in pleasant surprise " Wow Brandon, that could actually kill someone ". Brandon beamed " I know "

Rue was actually proud of her arrowhead. It wasn't perfect but it was a nice start. Kane just have her a nod and went on.


Miles chopped a big piece of wood to make it look like a flame. He blew something off her and a glowing dust flew into the air. Kane's mouth was opened and every singke student was now whispering.

Miles raised one shoulder, proud, and walked to his friends.

" Miles that was brilliant. How did you do that? " Eleanor's curiosity striked again. Miles made the flame dissapear " Magic " .

Harvey had a wooden knife which was not that sharp but it was a good attempt. " What is wring with you guys carving weapons " Kane laughed.

The activity was over and it was getting dark by now. The fuschia and apricot shades collided with the deep blue sky, that now looked like a bloody battlefield. Every single cloud, a fallen soldier.

They ate dinner, which passed quickly, just everyone complimenting Miles's trick and him just smiling and slightly bowing his head.

And then, they all went to their cabins. Brandon grabbed Rue's arm and lowered his voice " I will enter your cabin when you should leave. " and left.

Miles was counting the stripes on his shirt and Kaitlyn was playing with her hair while Freya was asleep. They all turned their heads at a squeak and saw Brandon tip toeing into the cabin.

" Guys come on! " he whispered.

Miles said to himself " sixty-six " and got out of bed. Brandon grabbed them by the collars and dragged them into the woods.

" Brandon leave my damn jacket alone " struggled Rue. He laughed and let her go. They soon heard music and talking and they reached a little area with grass and stumps and a fire in the middle of everything.

Eleanor was there, talking with Harvey bit Rue didn't look at that. She looked at the fire. It was not only warming their bodies but also their souls with its promises of fun.  Eleanor waved and Miles joined her.

Lucas, Dean, Monty and Rufus were there.  Monty was drinking from a bottle of scotch.

Music was palying. Lous. Banging. Everything was a mess of kids just having the summers of their dreams.

" I come bearing gifts " Harvey walked towards them with two glasses of beer in his hands.

" I don't like beer. Even so, how did you find it? " Rue scoffed. He winked " Well I wouldn't get only 2 bottles. There were more but I couldn't take them all in one ride. "

" You could've asked us to help you " smiled Kaitlyn. Harvey turned his head towards her " Right " and handed her the glass of beer.

Rue took her glass too, only because she didn't want to become a buzz kill.

" Rue damn it, you are so lonely! " Brandon booed her and came to her.

He spinned her and moved her arms on the rhythm. She was standing there, awkwardly smiling when she started moving her feet and let herself carried away by the music.

Eleanor danced with them. Surprisingly. Didn't drink anything. Rue was dancing with Rufus and Dean... and Motny... and everyone. Drink. Dance. Drink. Dance. Everything became a blur.

Brandon offered some scotch to Eleanor but she refused. So she was innocent after all.

" Hey Rue! " shouted Monty. " I dare you to..." everyone stopped dancing. Everyone looked at them. " I dare you to drink this. " He showed her the bottle of scotch, which only had about a quarter of it left. "

" Monty, shut the fuck up. She doesn't need to do that. " Brandon intervened concerned.

" I will do it. " Rue stepped on a log and took the bottle from Monty.

" Rue... " Brandon started " I can handle it " she winked.

" It's not much. Do it " she was telling herself. Brandon was looking at her, not even blinking with an alarmed look on his face. " Do it " she thought again.

The boy pushed her from the log, took the bottle and drank it all. Monty started yelling and clapping and whistling.

Rue went up to her friend and punched him in the shoulder " I could do it " . He smiled softly " You could. But you didn't want to. Don't do something just because someone tells you to do it. " He tapped her shoulder and led her back to dance.

Miles asked her if she was ok but she didn't know what to say. Why was no one asking Brandon that?

Rue was dancing with Miles now.

" Are you sure you are ok? "

" You asked me that like a thousand times, Miles " she played with a curl from his hair.

He raised his shoulder and lowered them back. Then, the boy hugged her tight and lifted her from the ground, holding her in his arms.

" Mileeees " she was laughing. A genuine laughter.

He was holding her on his shoulders. Her legs kicking in his stomach.

" Stop hitting me ! " Rue kicked him one more time " No "

They all started to feel dizzy. No one could walk in a straight line anymore. Brandon was fine, leaning against a wall and talking to Dean.

He came up to Miles and Rue and said " Dean can't come anymore on the boat but Monty is coming " .

He went to Harvey, Kaitlyn and Eleanor too and then he walked away, Monty behind him. Monty stopped, turned and started making signs to the others so they would join him. They did, only Eleanor walking in a straight line.

Monty was jumping and singing an old song.

" Ooooh - " Rue pushed him " Oooh shut up" . He laughed and continued his song.

Brandon was drinking from a bottle of something, Rue couldn't read the label and Eleanor was back to her quiet self.

They reached the boat soon and Monty clapped his hands in excitement.

" I don't think this is a good idea... " complained Eleanor. Harvey put his hands on his hips " Oh you are going! " . Then he lifted her and threw her in the boat. Monty laughed and drank some from Brandon's bottle.

Kaitlyn went in the boat with a little help from Brandon. Rue took a deep breath and got into the boat too. Brandon, Harvey and Minty pushed the boat in the lake and jumped in.

Brandon and Harvey both had paddles and they made damn sure they were paddling slowly.

Rue was looking at the sky. The stars. Listening to the music the atmosphere was composing. Rustling leaves, the sound of the boat moving through the water. The moon's reflection in the water was dizzy too. Maybe she was drunk as well. It looked... happy. The moon.

Monty took Harvey's place at paddling and the boy came next to her, and sat in silence watching the stars too.

" I like it too. Watching the stars. " he said after some time. She didn't look at him.

" We have common hobbies. Good for you. " He smiled shaking his head " They make promises you know. The stars. " The girl looked at him " And what are those promises " Harvey looked back at the stars " That everything will be fine. That I can be a little someone even though someone better exists.  Like the moon. "

Rue blinked once- twice  " I think the stars are more beautiful than the moon. " The boy ran a hand through his hair " Yeah. Most people do. But the moon will always shine brighter. "

The boat stopped moving. Brandon and Monty stopped paddling.

" Boys and girl " started Brandon " It is time for swimming " He didn't wait for a response and threw Eleanor into the water. Kaitlyn jumped right in, then Monty, Rue, Brandon and Harvey.

They were all still drunk and everyhing was spinning around them. Laughing, spinning, swimming, splashing water.

Someone gasped and then a lot of splashing could be heard.

Gasp. Struggles. Another gasp, another need for air.

" LET ME GO " it was Monty.

" What's happening? " Rue asked not seeing anything through the darkness.

" Monty! " Eleanor shouted.

" Help! " Monty yelled again.

Another need for air. Splashing. A gasp. Someone muttering something.

" Monty! " They all shouted.
