
Call of War

Vapour · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: Reunion

Shortly after being dismissed from Professor Harley's class, we split up from Leon and Tyrus, who had their own lessons and headed to the splendid class known as Practical Magic which was taught by the adoring Professor Higgins.

It didn't take long before I found myself staring dumbly at the entrance to the class that was incapacitated me. Why would I come back? I should've at least moved class. Well, not before I guilt trip my way into upper classes. A devious smile etched itself across my face when a familiar assistant popped out and stared at me awkwardly.

"Ew," Ella said plainly as she spun on her heel and made way for the other direction.

My face sunk.

"Valen, I know what you just experienced was painful and all, but you gotta move on man, you've got a future ahead of you." he stifled a laugh before tugging the motionless me into the hell forsaken room.

Not to my surprise, the class was already full and Professor Higgins was standing demonically in front of everyone.

"Just on time you boys, any later and there would have been repercussions." he scowled.

"Sorry Professor, I found it difficult walking here after a certain incident left me physically wrecked for days." I spat back, faking a limp to make my point.

He dipped his head before speaking. "Oh Valen my apologies, I'm indeed very sorry for what happened before and can assure you that it was a complete accident. Nevertheless, I will grant you some leeway because of your injury".

"Thank you for the consideration." I mouthed before sitting down in my seat.

"You on the other hand," he hissed, picking up Cedric by his collar. "Are not injured in the slightest and cannot be exempted."

"Wai-iit sir! I was only helping Valen get here." Cedric yelped as he tried to flee.

"Can you confirm this, Valen?" Professor Higgins asked, his voice softer when he spoke to me.

Thinking back to the joke he made when we entered the class I thought it would be a fitting punishment.

"No sir, I remember him walking with me but made no attempt to actually help me," I exclaimed with an innocent look painted on my face.

"You heard the boy," he said condescendingly before letting him down and telling him to go see him after the class was finished. "Now that these interruptions have been dealt with, we shall begin this class with an exercise that both expellers and confiners can partake in."

His once friendly and welcoming nature was unrecognisable in the demon-like figure that he had transformed into. Was the way he acted in the first lesson just a farce and him sizing us up for a real tortuous year? Either way, the thought of me getting into the higher classes seemed significantly lower with his new personality.

He motioned for all of us to follow as he guided us towards the training field, which by the way, was spotless and had no trace of battle."I need four volunteers, ideally two confiners and two expellers." He bobbed his head to the open field, gesturing for the chosen ones to go there.

The ox-built boy that I had encountered previously in this lesson made the first move. He casually walked towards the allocated area in his prideful gate before speaking out towards the rest of the students. "Surely you guys aren't afraid of a little practice? A pathetic bunch you are," he grunted, turning his back on us.

Sparked by the insult, two students who seemed like they were from high houses stood up and made their way to the arena too. Edging slowly behind them, a shy black haired girl fumbled down to the battlefield as well.

"Names?" The Professor asked with his arms folded.

Taking the lead, the boy who looked like he was from a high house bowed slightly before introducing himself. "Gracid from high house Hayman, a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." His parted brown hair fit nicely with his sharp jaw and spotless face. His figure was on the lean side, so I assumed that he was an expeller rather than a confiner.

To his left, another boy stood with his hands clasped behind him. He was reasonably short, but his body proportions made it evident that he was an agile confiner. Short, thin legs held up his defined chest and torso that the uniform couldn't mask. His skin was a dark milky colour that mimicked his golden, spiky hair.

"Rex from high house Larouse." he said dryly, shooting the bulky student a glare.

"Antred from house Hallow." the bulky student scoffed, meeting the challenge posed by Rex.

A whimper like sound emerged from the side of the group standing in the arena. 'I-Im Rosa from house Elenis." The timid voice murmured quietly.

"Alright then," Professor Higgins concluded before giving everyone a sleek, black chestplate that had a glowing crystal embedded into the centre of it. "This device will alarm you when the required damage has been surpassed. Usually, it would take two or three hits before activating, much like a real scenario, however for the sake of this practice I have lowered it to one."

"So are we going to do a mock battle, two versus two?" Gracid asked, raising his brow.

"Indeed. I was just about to explain it before you so kindly interrupted." he snapped. "After recent news of the Trials becoming more spontaneous and difficult, all practical magic classes in Ashburn Academy have been changed so that you are accustomed to real combat. To put it simply - it will be a lot harder and will require your maximum effort at all times.

A synchronised groan echoed from the students before being silenced.

"Gracid and Rex, you two are a team. Head over to the left side. As for Antred and Rosa, form up and to the right side."

"But Professor, how did you assign the teams without even knowing if we were expellers or confiners?" Rosa asked with a confused look.

"Doesn't take a genius to find out what type you are just by a look," he said disappointingly. "Now stop wasting my time and get on with it!"

Rosa scurried off from the outburst and hid behind Antred.

When everyone was in the correct positions - opposite each other with a ten-metre distance, Professor Higgins commenced the battle and stood to the side, watching the battle to identify any faults.

Unsurprisingly, the musclehead Antred charged in first with his fist brandished in a blazing, uncontrollable fire. His trunks for legs were powerful but greatly hindered his speed.

Watching the fiery giant approach him, Rex's appearance blurred as he appeared to the right side of Antred, who in turn was just as shocked. The straight hand of the short confiner moved in a fluid, aquatic motion that cut deep into Antred's muscled body. The once pillar of fortitude melted under the immense force exerted by the one thin arm as it whipped back around and poised itself directly in front of the chestplate.

Antred's whiplashed head caused him to fumble around the arena in a daze before he regained consciousness and brought his fiery arm down on the prepared confiner.

Rex, who was already in a defensive stance simply redirected the blow to the left side and neutralised the fire that came after with the right amount of wind to cancel both the elements out. Shifting his body to the side to avoid the second desperate lunge, he slipped under the opening given to him and slammed his fist down on Antred's leg with such a force that a shockwave of wind spurred out from the battlefield and blew the hairs of the students nearby.

A cry of agony escaped Antred's glossy white eyes as a watery serpent devoured him whole from above, splashing the arena in water. Rex had already moved out the way and was now darting towards Rosa who was left dumbstruck. A distorted noise came out of her mouth as a dome of water slowly formed around her.

By the time Rex had reached her, she was already protected, yet he still kept his lightning-quick momentum as he charged straight for her. Just as he made contact with the watery dome, a spear of water penetrated it, leaving a small gap easily accessible to the confiner.

Slipping into it before it reformed, Rex lunged towards the chestplate as Rosa fumbled onto the ground, the dome dispersing as she lost concentration.

Slowly reaching down, Rex wrapped a gust of wind around his finger and touched the chestplate of the fallen student gently as it set forth a red alarm.

A slow clap filled the classroom as everyone looked towards the Professor who was gleaming with a bright smile. "Masterfully done. Truly flawless execution on your part." he applauded. "As for the other team, your lack of teamwork and coordination lead to your downfall. Even though the ability gap between you isn't that large, you lacked the imagination to come up with efficient and powerful spells that could decide a battle."

Looking at Cedric beside me, I knew he was as amazed as I was. I had known that Ashburn would house some brilliant students, but to think they would be this good.

This year might be shaping out to be worthwhile.

"Have you noted their weakness?" I asked Cedric with a deep tone. My cold eyes fell on the remains of the battle.

"Already done. Flawless my ass, we could tear them apart." he laughed.

"Well said," I replied, watching as the Professor's assistant hurried over to the injured Antred and held out her hands towards his broken leg. A soft green light shone from her hand and radiated onto his leg.

So that's what medical magic looks like, when I was injured, I wasn't able to see for myself the wonders of healing magic because I was unconscious. Having seen it now, it was something truly magical, the ability to heal wounds is definitely valuable.

"Now that you have a gist of what we'll be doing for these next few weeks, equip yourself with a chestplate, find yourself a partner and fight among yourselves. I'll be giving pointers as I go around." Professor Higgins stated.

The grassy arena itself was massive so it could fit the battles of the fifty students here.

Making my way down the rows, Cedric who had gotten two chesplates, kindly threw one to me as we looked for opponents to fight.

It didn't take long to fight the pairs of arrogant snobs that took us on, crushing every single one of our opposition in a ruthless manner that made neighbouring students relocate to a safer position. With Cedric sending our volleys of water javelins and me engaging in the close-range combat, no one had a chance. It was a pity the Alice wasn't here otherwise I would've taken her on and added a wager.

"What an interesting duo." A voice called out from behind me as I helped the student in front of me up.

"What intrigues you so much, Professor?" I called out acting surprised. The pair of devilish eyes bored into the back of my skull as I spoke those words.

"I'm sure you already know, why else would you defeat your opponents in such a convincing way unless it's to make a statement." he probed, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Well," I said turning to face the Professor. "There is something that I would like to have."

"Speak your mind, boy." He urged.

"Higher classes."

"How coincidental," He led, tilting his head to the side. "Rex and Gracid have asked for the exact same thing."

"Yes, very coincidental," I said, playing along with what Professor Higgins had in mind.

"Of course, a promotion to high classes is a rare case, meaning that I can only allow two of you to go." A smile crept across his pale face. "How about a little game, Mr. Valen."

The plan Professor Higgins had in mind was a replica of the mock battle at the start of the lesson, except this time there was an actual reward to compete for - two spots in the Practical Magic Higher Classes.

Having cleared all the students from the arena, he forced them to observe and take notes of the ensuing battle.

Having Cedric debrief me on the plan to tear down the menacing duo that stood oppose it, I felt reassured and confident of our victory.

Not wasting another second, the Professor started the battle. Moving first like last round, Rex flashed towards me, easily covering a few metres in a single second.

Cedric's prediction followed true as Rex appeared to my left. His legs were reinforced by a subtle wind, only noticeable from a close range, his assassin like features were definitely impeccable I thought to myself, unfazed as the events unfolded.

Feinting a slow reaction, I turned towards him, his clenched fist whistling towards my chest like a dagger. Immediately channelling the mana into my feet, a snarling crackle exploded from the concentrated area, sending me out of harm's way and creating a dark musky cloud that masked the whole area.

Clicking my fingers like a match, the ball of smoke set alight in a flurry of heat and flames. Emerging from the left side, an even darker looking Rex looked around bewildered.

"What the f#ck!" he choked, still protecting his chestplate with his burnt arms. Noticing that his teammate was vulnerable, Gracid conjured two large balls of water before launching them towards me.

"I didn't want to have to use this," I muttered, feeling a familiar handle grip my hand. My expression hardened as a red, ferocious flame danced along my blade.

Focussing on the possible way to cut the two floating orbs hurtling towards me, I decided on the more simple approach. Bringing the blade that was gasped in my right hand to my left side, I swung sideways at the same time the balls reached me. The two bodies of water separated into four chunks before the red flame devoured the remaining liquid left in the sky. The sizzling of the evaporating water made me laugh, the faces of the invincible high house duo crumbled when they woke up to the reality of the situation. Truly hopeless in the face of absolute power.

Cedric descended upon the weakened expeller from above, kicking him over and forming a liquid bow before knotting a water arrow and sending it flying towards Gracid's chesplate. His innate instincts kicked in as a floating shield of water sent the arrow ricocheting off into the distance.

"You should be more focussed on me," I said to the turned confiner who was worried for his partner.

"You bastard!" he shouted, clenching his teeth and sending forth a barrage of blows aided by his wind affinity. "If I'm not faster than you now, I'll become faster."

Pulling back and lacing my retread with fire, Rex acted appropriately and launched himself back as well. His eyes shut as his breathing softened.

Even from here, I could tell his mana heart was working overtime and claiming the mana particles around him with rapid speed. Liking where this was going, I activated my mana heart to its maximum potential as an influx of fresh and pure mana spilled throughout my body.

Rex's eyelids flashed open, the wind around his feet condensed and the ground beneath his feet shook when he launched himself over the flames that separated us.


Eight circles of a fiery essence illuminated around me, each releasing an uncountable amount of flamey projectiles at the confiner who was left open in the air with no way to dodge.

A slim blue line flashed in my gaze as I willed more mana into my sword, releasing an air slash that intercepted the stream of water before it could reach Rex.

Gracid clicked his tongue furiously when he realised his attempt failed. Leaving such an opening, it was obvious that he wanted to save what he thought was their only hope at victory. Cedric capitalised on the expellers mistake and launched a projectile of water that hit Gracid directly, sending him tumbling a few metres.

Right after the downfall of Gracid, Rex who was stranded in the air tried his best to shield his unprotected chestplate before being subdued by the constant barrage of fireballs.

"Match concluded!" The voice of the Professor boomed across the classroom. "Valen and Cedric will proceed to the higher classes as promised, please congratulate them for this achievement."

Applause exploded from the crowd of students watching as Cedric walked towards me and hung his arm over mine.

"We did it. We god damn did it." he panted, beads of sweat falling from his wet hair.

"You mean I did it," I said, turning my head to the side.

His face lit up with an unknown fury. "No, WE did it!"