
Call of War

Vapour · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: The Theory Behind Mana

"Huuuhhh?! Since when were you guys our roommates?" Tyrus blurted out.

"We could ask the same question." Cedric retorted.

"Well, I'm actually kind of glad it was you guys. If anyone else saw us like this they would be more… surprised to say the least. Ain't that right captain punch first and ask questions later." He looked at Leon.

"Right." He huffed and lifted himself off the ground.

I stepped back for a second to gather my thoughts. The chances of us being grouped together here were definitely possible, but unrealistically low. Had someone set us up?

I flashed back to the time when I felt the presence fall onto me after I had defeated Leon. No, it couldn't be related, not this early on.

"Hey, this room is really cool. Was it designed by an elf?" Tyrus pondered, running his hands down the neatly carved walls.

"You've got a good eye." I complimented, but he just shook it off.

"I've had many encounters with elves, hell, even half the maids at my family manor are from an elvish background."

Leon patrolled the room and inspected it like some critique before an idea clearly popped into his brain. "Who's going to sleep on the two beds on the raised platform?" Pointing at the much nicer and more relaxing sleep area.

For once the room was quiet.

Everyone present froze as we watched to see who would make the first move. My mind raced at the possible routes I could take to get there the quickest but because I was one of the furthest away, my chances would be low. I would have to play dirty if I wanted to clean one of the beds.

Tyrus, whose legs were itching to go, couldn't hold back any longer and darted to the platform with an unnatural speed for a long-range caster.

"What th-" Cedric was cut off before two boulders of rock encased his unsuspecting feat and left him stuck in an awkward position that was half bent over.

Knowing what was coming next thanks to Cedrics sacrifice, I jumped from my position just in time to avoid the emerging rock that erected itself by my feet.

Mid-air, I utilised the mana around me and sent a current of flames from my feet that launched me towards Tyrus who had almost reached the bed.

"Woah back off man!" Tyrus shouted, releasing a net of wind that I barely dodged, veering me off course as my shoes scraped across the floor from where I landed.

I grunted in annoyance and how much I underestimated Tyrus's spell formation time as I saw him coat his legs in wind, much like I had done with fire, but his was much more sustainable and got him to his destination in seconds.

A piercing whistle flew towards Leon, but he skillfully dodged it using his earth affinity to make a foothold to his left so he could move away to the side.

Five more aquatic pellets whizzed past me as Cedric screamed from the top of his lungs.


How honourable and heroic, your sacrifice shall be remembered I muttered softly to myself, sprinting alongside the right of the room while Leon built a wall of stone that shielded him from the barrage of bullets.

"Oh no you don't!" He hissed, sending forward a row of rocky spikes aiming to block my way.

"Like that can stop me." I boasted and released a spiral of flames that melted the spikes coming towards me.

Tyrus, who was sitting on his bed gracefully, slyly aimed a finger towards me as a small ball of wind formed.

"You dare shoot that at me and I'll burn your bed instead." I huffed, still sprinting towards the bed that was almost in arms reach.

Tyrus immediately pulled his hand back and used it to brush his hair back.

With one last valiant leap, I felt the warm embrace of the mattress before snuggling deeper and finding a good position.

"You owe me for this one," Cedric said promptly, but the daggers he received from Leon silenced him.

Cedric and Leon both trotted back to their beds which commoners would kill for, both looked downwards and unpacked their stuff gloomily.

"Ungrateful swines." I muttered.

"Says the guy that almost scorched a fellow student over a bed!" Tyrus pointed out whilst rolling in his bed with an annoying laugh.

The night was eventless after that and everyone went to bed soundly, the exhaustion from the first days of school still taking its toll.

My eyes gradually started to shut and my consciousness faded into a screen of darkness.

Pain seethed into my body as I shuddered and flung myself in a fit of agony. My eyes screamed open to a dark, galaxy filled void where I lay on a glass-like plate, drifting off into an unknown abyss.

Digging my talons of nails into my arms and tearing the skin off them, concentrated black blood came oozing out and lining my body which turned a sickly purple with black cracks manifesting on my once faultless skin.

Tears sputtered out of my eyes in streams that flooded the platform around me.

A blend of purple and black metallic spikes protruded out of my back and shoulders as the tips lit ablaze in a blend of different coloured flames. Unable to bear the pain for any longer, I did the only reasonable thing I could comprehend. My now white and purple arm shuddered as it raised to my chest, the black talons pressing hard against the area above my heart. Hesitating only slightly, I willed my hand forward as the demonic hand penetrated my heart, knocking me to my knees and forcing me to curl over as I felt my breaths grow thinner and weaker every time. At last, the nightmare had ended.

My eyes flickered open as I found myself back in the very room I had drifted off to sleep in. Everyone else was still huddling under the blankets with an occasional murmur from Tyrus who was talking about being rejected by a girl or something like that.

What the hell was that dream? Was it even a dream? It felt so real like I had actually lived through it all.

Part of me was still scarred by what I had experienced, but too fearful to confront the issue so it was pressed to the back of my mind.

Checking the time, I woke up my roommates who all moaned and threw whatever verbal abuse they could at me.

The first lesson of the day would be Theoretical Magic. What a drag I thought to myself as I got dressed in my uniform. I probably would have enjoyed the class, but having it straight after I woke up was not a fun ordeal for my half-asleep mind.

After we all had gotten changed and left the room, we headed to the class with Leon and Tyrus because they were in the same class as us as well. How convenient I thought.

We arrived two minutes before the lesson started so we got involved in some idle chatter. It wasn't long before the teacher finally came out and invited us all into her room.

"Welcome! Welcome! Today I'll be teaching you theoretical magic." she clasped her hands beside her hand and smiled brightly. "I'm sure you remember my name from the last lesson, but for those of you who were absent before, I'm Professor Harley from high house Greenguard."

I thought she was particularly young for a Professor at Ashburn academy. Professor Harley was in her mid-twenties, so why would this school hire someone less experienced in this world than the hundreds of other senior teachers that have applied? High house Greenguard. They were one of the few top houses even among the higher families. Having the name itself was considered an honour because of the past accomplishments of mages that Greenguard had nurtured.

Although high house Cynrad was more influential when it came to military and diplomatic matters, Greenguard has been slowly expanding its power in other regions.

Still, why would someone from Greenguard teach here? Surely they would have more important duties.

Putting the thought to the side, I listened to what the Professor had wanted to say.

"Last lesson we didn't really cover much," she pouted with a frown on her face. "but! This time we're gonna delve into the really interesting stuff like the different ways mana can be manipulated."

Sitting near the back of the class with my group, we all watched her dance about in her rosey red dress while her short white hair swung around her neck. The Professor's face was wingless, probably because of her youthful age, but I could be sure that she took great importance in making sure she was appealing and presentable.

"Alrighty," She said, twirling on her heel before coming to a halt. "Who can name me both types of ways in which we can use mana?"

A hand shot up instantly from a girl with blue hair at the front.

"Expelling and confining, Professor."

"Very good." The Professor acknowledged, nodding her head. "Elaborating further on her answer, the majority of people can only use mana by either expelling it or confining it. The difference between the two is that expellers can shoot their mana out in the form of spells, whilst confiners can reinforce and coat their body with the mana of their personal affinity. I'm sure some of you hardworking students in this class can already manipulate mana in both ways, but for the rest of you, it is only possible to do one of them. Do not fret, over time you will gather more experience and eventually be able to gain this ability too." She sprawled both arms into the air as a small diamond of fire levitated above her hand and in the other, a harmonious wind was enveloped her palm, acting as some sort of shield.

With a snap of her fingers, both elements vanished. "Cool isn't it?"

A synchronised ooing came from the class, but for people like me, these were mild party tricks at best.

"So, as I have told you, confiners are able to confine and reinforce mana into their limbs." she began, strolling across the room with her hands folded behind her body. "However, body parts aren't the only thing you manipulate mana into. The alternative is weapons of course." Materialising a rapier in her hand, she held it upwards. Much like the Professor's last demonstration, a mix of fire and wind engulfed the fragile-looking sword before dispersing as quickly as it appeared. The Professor shrugged. "We don't have much time so feel free to talk amongst yourselves and see whether your partner is a confiner or an expeller, hell even both."

Following the advice given by Professor Harley, almost all the students promptly turned to their partners and began inspecting each other.

"So," Cedric started, catching the attention of everyone in our group. "I'm only capable of expelling, what about you guys?"

"Same here." Leon echoed sternly. "Only difference is that I can use confining instead of expelling."

"Plebians, of course the talented and ever so intelligent Tyrus is miraculous enough to be able to use confining and expelling." Tyrus boasted, spreading his arms as if waiting for a round of applause or some form of praise.

"Get off your high horse," I scoffed. "I'm able to do it as well."

"Someone seems grouchy today." he murmured.

"That means we've got two people who can use both ways of mana, one powerful confiner, and one mediocre expeller," Cedric concluded, clasping his hands together. "We've got a really good lineup so far but we're lacking a support."

"I think we are good on our own," Tyrus intervened. "Why do we need an extra person when this team is already a powerhouse."

"A powerful team is useless if they're drained and have no one to help them. It's only natural for a team to have a support, regardless of how amazing they are." Leon snorted before regaining his neutral stance. His stiffened posture and calculating eyes told me that he was giving his honest thoughts.

"Well depicted, Leon." I said, reaffirming what he had said to quiet down Tyrus. Standing up and facing the group, my voice went to a serious tone. "Cedric has identified possible supports for us but the first one I encountered before recruiting you guys, has been my main aim." I pointed out where she was hiding in the mass of students and my group discreetly studied her.

"Alice from house Croft eh?" Tyrus questioned as Cedric confirmed it with a nod.

"An acquaintance?" I asked.

"No, but I've heard of her before. My house even tried to recruit her for a Trial expedition." Tyrus explained as we all listened silently. Inspecting his fingernails, he looked at her again. "She denied openly, much to the dismay of my house. Was so confident that she didn't even give a valid reason, just turned down the offer and moved on."

"Do you hold a grudge against her for that?" Cedric asked, with a slight tinge of worry on his face.

"Of course not! I'm grateful to her for telling those old bags of bones something they didn't want to hear for once." he barked while his joyful expression returned to his face.

Professor Harley reappeared on her podium and shouted across the room. "Class dismissed! Make sure you don't leave anything and get out of here before the next class arrives." Wavering everyone off before setting up for her next lesson.