
Calamity Blood (BL)

Arima Tensei, a boy whose change of fate would decide the fate of the country of Neo Argos. Amidst monsters named Calamities and human eating vamps the madness will unleash. All this while he would struggle to live in peace with his childhood best friend, whom he fell in love with.

angelspyx · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


"He's here." Vixen announced in a low whisper. Everyone except Arima and Evan bowed down. Vixen gestured Arima and Evan to bow as well. In front of them a vamp came out of the metal door.

He had on a black shirt and deep red vest coat, a black leather jacket to the length of his knees to top it off and a pair of plain black jeans. The man looked aged, but not weak. He had a charming aura around him. If not for a few wrinkles, this man could have easily been mistaken for a young man in his 20s with dyed hair. His hair was long and curly upto his shoulder and a goat-like beard sticking out of his chin.

"Eat, but not the living." Everyone except Arima and Evan hailed. "He's the father." Vixen whispered to them. The father walked up to Arima and Evan. His mere presence was making the metal and bricks covered building seem to be filled with serenity.

"Come with me, children" the father said as he gestured Arima and Evan to stand up and follow him. He lead them to a room which seemed like past time had come to a halt. There was a fire place in the corner, some paintings (not much famous but were pretty), a chandelier hanging from the ceiling giving the room a yellow wash and a set of sofas covered in fine dark red silk. An arrangement like those in the 23rd centuries films featuring rich people.

"Have a seat, Arima. You too Evan." The father said. They did so. "I have already heard of what has happened. Tell me the details." Arima told him what he told everyone. The Calamity attacking him, the transformations, the fights etc. "Hmm..." The father said stroking his beard. "Aren't you missing something?"

"Missing what?" Arima asked.

"The part about the Creator."

Arima was dumbfounded. "How do you know about that?" He asked. The father shifted to a more comfortable position. "If you are the creator's ascendant," he said "I'm the person who was his co-pilot in the inventions and the person who let himself be the first one to be experimented on when they created the improved sample of the virus."