
Cain Astral

Warning!! The start is a Wish-Fulfillment event!! -------- Started from birth Living till death Waiting till next life Trying to find rest ---------- This is the story of Cain Astral who meets god and gets a few wishes. Yeah, I'm pretty sure you know the rest. -------- "Why are you reincarnating me?" "Mhmm....Maybe I'm bored?" --------- Cover is not mine. I simply found it on the internet and looked and found a cool picture and I decided to use it. Don't like it? Well Suck It UP!. Well back to point. Cover doesn't belong to me and if the creator wants me to take it down please ask me. I actually don't wanna get sued.

PenguinsAreCool · Urban
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4 Chs

Wow, I actually died?

"Sigh, My name is Foster Mayum and I am an average looking guy. I'm 22 and I have so many regrets when I was younger. I mean, I'm still crazy young and I already have like a gazillion regrets. A simple job working as a convenience store owner. No need to get into the details Parents dead, no siblings, no girlfriend, no wife, not even a dog.

Ahhhh! What a pitiful life I live. walking down the sidewalk and 9:30 pm, I see a kid with a soccer ball standing in the middle of the road and i assume that the soccer ball rolled over to the street and a kid with zero knowledge actually went in the middle of the street trying to get a soccer ball. Well I wont judged. I see a car quickly driving and i discovered that its being chased by police cars and swat cars. " Kid! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" I screamed but it goes on deaf ears.

I react quickly and run to the kid and pick him up and start running to the sidewalk. But unfortunately the damn runaway car's tire got shot out and is swerving towards the sidewalk. I react quickly and through the kid to the sidewalk softly or maybe not as softly as i tried but hey, it better than being killed by a chased car right?

Before the car runs into me I turn my body and stick up the Great Finger at the driver. The car runs into me and I feel my spine break along with many bones and I got hit flying into the glass store of my own shop.

"Ha! Damn! What a nice life I had. Yep!

Foster didn't have much to think of since he died a few seconds after he got hit by the car. 'Well at least I got to stick the Great Mount Burstmore middle finger at the driver before i got hit.

'Everything is turning black

Oh my, I'm actually dying.

Hmmm, What the hell! People say when your dying you don't feel any pain but those last few seconds I felt the worse pain of my life.

Wait, why am i still thinking. Wait?! Could it be?! I'm alive?!'

"Hahaha no child."

'Huh?' I look over to that voice I just heard and I see and old man with a straw hat, long white hair that goes down to his waist. Pale skin with perfect symmetrical face and a built body that most bodybuilders cant compare too. He was freakishly handsome for an old man like him.

Hmm now that I look around, is see plain darkness but i can see the old man perfectly fine so it actually very unlikely I'm alive or it could be i got kidnapped and I'm have a case of schizophrenia.

"Hahaha, well thank you child for the compliment"

'He read my mind didn't he?'

"Indeed I did"

"Who are you, what are you, where am i?" I ask some questions because I'm dead ass wondering where I am.

"You're not panicking?" The old man curiously ask

" Am I supposed to?"

"Well for people to die and come to a abyss black place while seeing a talking old man."

"Ehh. There is a first for everything." I said

"Well okay, no used delaying over past matters. Let me answer your question you ask me before. My name is Maker, and I am the supposedly so called God your world imagined. And you, young man. There is not much to say except that you are dead. This place is something I jus created for the purpose of meeting you. I brought your soul before it can go through the Decision of Choice to either go to the afterlife where there is only peace and joy or to either go through the cycle of reincarnation and be reincarnated with no memories of your past life."

The old man explained everything i was wondering.

I was stunned. Hearing he was God, me being dead and now a soul, purpose for meeting me, the Decision of Choice. I lied. I'm utterly speechless. I always congratulated myself for having a calm mind but now my mind was just....just...WOW!

i managed to calm myself after god knows how long since I have a feeling time moves very differently in here but its just a feeling. I finally ask a simple question but the answer to that question nevertheless almost broke my mind.

"Why did you choose me?"

"Hmm, lets just say I was intrigued by your mentality and courage to save that young boy at the end of your life but that would be a lie. The truth is....

I was just so majorly bored. Imagine being me who has to watch and create over a gazillion of life forms and all that kind of nonsense. OH! Its just so hard being this handsome and amazing. It so hard just being me!"

Yeah I'm done. Hearing him and watching him flex and dance and do some weird poses just makes me want die and throw up at the same time. Sigh, Damn Baby Boomers.

"Do I have a choice to reincarnate with my past life memory intact?"

"Uhh, No. If you want your past life memory intact in your next life then that will count as a wish but you get three wishes and you will be reborn into a modern society, very similar to your old world but an alternate version. The world that you will be reborn into will also have some benefits and new adventures."

"Ok since i have brought your soul here its time for you to get three wishes before you get reborn into another world." The old man explained everything that I need to know as of right now or maybe not but I don't have anything that comes to mind right now. So I will just focus on thinking the other two wishes I want since one wish will be used to keep my memories intact in my next life.

After a while of thinking, Foster finally thinks of the wishes he wants.

" The first wish is for me to keep my memories of my past life when I'm reborn into my next life. My second wish is for me to have Godly Talent. The third but not least and definitely my favorite, I want to be dangerously handsome."

The old man thinks for a bit and decides that the wishes the Foster proposed was adequate.

"Okay, now you will be reborn in another world with a smartph-" the old man covers his mouth.

Why the hell is this old man so childish. I groaned.

"Ahem. let me say it again. You will be reborn with the three wishes you have requested into another world. Good luck child." The old man smiles warmly since he created all the beings in the many universes and galaxies. He is the father of all and now he is sending one of his children to another home. He purposely made many races with flaws so they can develop themselves and find their own way.

I look at him before replying." Thank you old man for another chance." Foster also smiles warmly and it shocks the old man since he knows that Foster is not one to smile like that because of his past experiences.

"Hmpth! Just say what you want." The old man waves his hand across after acting weirdly and sends Foster to his new destination

Foster smiles excitedly due to a new adventure and excitement he had never experience before

" Its time to catch th-... Damn it" Foster curses under his breath

"Its time to live a life with little to no regrets this time."

The light shines on Foster and blinks him away.

The old man snorts after Foster gets sent away " I hope that this old man will finally get excitement this time around."


In Another Destination
