
Cadaver Wanders

Semper Invictus lost everything shortly after gaining everything. He was betrayed and thrown into a bottle dungeon, left to rot and be forgotten. Hysterically, he cried a promise which is heard by a goddess. She granted him partial immortality which he will use to extract vengeance in the "nicest" way.

Esecleus · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 40

Even if you're a citizen of the city, you are also bound by the same fate as the newcomers. They can become money for people too since they are humans themselves too and have blood, flesh, bones, and organs.

The intentions of the three foolish guys with annoying grins on their faces were crystal clear.

'Hmm? Thugs and heavy drinkers who do not have money anymore to support their vices.'

Being the six-foot-tall man that Invictus was, men with average height, can't help but feel small and offended being looked down.

'These beer-bellied scums are trying to rob me of what little money I have.'

Shamelessly, Invictus took everything Rahel gave to him. She knew his circumstances and added more Plata he can use while he moved forward with his motive.

"This ain't a mask town, boy. Take that ugly piece of crap off your face!"

'I wanna leave a strong impression on everyone who's watching us right now, but at the same time, I don't wanna attract attention. This is gonna be a pain in the ass.'

Before the dude who is trying to unmask Invictus could reach for his face, Invictus grabbed his arm.

They reeked of alcohol, and different kinds of stench Invictus does not wanna smell anymore.

"Suddenly trying to grab someone's face. Now, that's not nice."

All eyes were on them, waiting for some action to happen where one

side will fall and then they will do the cleaning later on.

Interrupting with what the scum was about to do, it angered him and the other two beside him.

His forehead was crinkled, his expression was slightly twisted, and his intentions changed.

The man in ragged clothes quickly and forcefully retracted his arm only to swing instead of backing down. His actions marked the start of their fall. He instigated the fight, therefore, destroying them is now inevitable.

'If I leave them be, they will keep on pestering me.'

Invictus jerked his head ever so slightly, nearly grazing his mask.

"It's you guys that initiate this fight. Don't hold a grudge now."

The lack of magic or 'skill' does not bring Invictus down. He has learned multiple types of martial arts and fighting styles to compensate for his lost abilities.

"But I'll let you guys off the hook if you stop now."

Invictus was dead serious, glaring daggers at them with those eyes of his. He has also learned the ability to direct intense amounts of bloodlust to his target by just glaring at them.

But the three hoodlums could not believe Invictus, taking his words as a form of mockery, although fear was instilled in their heads just by meeting

Invictus' gaze.

"Zark, I think we should listen to him."

Both of Zark's underlings wanted to stop, but his pride would not let him. He was now keen on making Invictus have a taste of Haven City's fists.

"Why should I?! Can't you see all those people watching us?! If we back down now just because of a punk who's acting tough, everybody will think that I'm a pushover!"

You would not want people in Haven City thinking of you as a coward, a pushover, or a gullible person because power is everything in the city, and without strength, you'll become food or money.

Zark's pride refused him to back down and just let Invictus go on his way. In fact, he was pissed at his friends but did not let them leave his side.

"Who are you two?" Invictus asked the two behind Zark.

"My name's Hue," answered the bearded fat guy whose clothes were the same as Zark's.

And the other also stated his name: "I'm Quinoa."

There was a huge resemblance between the three although they were not related or anything of the sort. Might be because of the clothes and the same bellies they possessed.

"Hue and Quinoa... Leave if you must. Zark won't live another day, but since you two value your lives, the both of you shall live longer."

An indirect and passive threat toward Zark was ineffective. He clearly was not having it and must be really wanting some beating.

"What?! Are you two really gonna fucking leave me here?!"

Fear could be traced in his words, trembling at each end, and anxiety transparently showed on his face in the form of sweats. He was sweating bullets.

"It's not too late to leave, Zark. You, a citizen of this city," Invictus paused for a second, his eyes staring back at the waning pride in Zark's gaze.

"You yourself should know how things work here, right? I'm no ordinary wandering stupid fool whose own feet brought me here. So, if you're still keen on trying to nab me and rob me of my money, I'm afraid you must perish. 'Cause you see, Zark. I'm at my wit's end. If you don't want to receive all the wrath I'm about to unleash in this city."

And to think that Zark's pride needed some push and passive threats to lower itself... Invictus could see Zark shrinking in his feet, his expression suddenly showing constant fear in his eyes and whole face.

"T-Thank you for sparing our lives," he said tremblingly and rushed Hue and Quinoa away from Invictus.

The three scurried away as fast as they could without looking back at Invictus.

"Fucking hurry up before that bastard changes his mind."

Sighs of disappointment were faintly heard from everybody watching, even the bigshots secretly peering through window panes were in utter disbelief. They could not believe that Invictus just let the three go without breaking some bones or teeth.

"Was that it? Are we not gonna see some blood spilling on the ground?

Bones breaking? And guts scattered everywhere? Really, there is none?"

Disappointing as it might seem for the bystanders, things went the way Invictus wanted the events to go. His choice of actions and passive-aggressive threats toward the three left quite an impression on the

people that saw him.

'Now that I've made quite the impression on everybody, they should not bother me for now. I will have a peaceful time planning my dark schemes here.'

Invictus was not there to meet someone or make friends with most of the notorious criminals in Estaria. He won't be acting all friendly with everyone. His main reason for dropping by is to stir chaos and finally set them free.
