
Cadaver Wanders

Semper Invictus lost everything shortly after gaining everything. He was betrayed and thrown into a bottle dungeon, left to rot and be forgotten. Hysterically, he cried a promise which is heard by a goddess. She granted him partial immortality which he will use to extract vengeance in the "nicest" way.

Esecleus · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 39

"You're finally chasing your dreams, Aeriel. I'm glad."

Invictus couldn't be happier at the moment. They reached the border of Estaria and Doloria. Rahel and Aeriel will soon leave to live in Doloria, and Aeriel will fulfill her goals there.

"And here you are, about to stride in a quicksand where your chance of survival is nigh."

"Ah, are we gonna start this again before we part ways?" Growled Invictus.

Aeriel cackled, "you sound so fed up about it, Lord Invictus. Don't worry. I won't try to smooth-talk you. Just be safe, always."

Rahel already bid his farewell to Invictus and does not have that much to say to him. She left to give Aeriel and Invictus some time alone to have proper temporary goodbyes to each other with the goals they have in mind.

"We're about to chase after our goals in life and are gradually drifting apart from each other."

A small part of Doloria had been seized by King Estaroth in their last invasion. The success of Estaria was beneficial to both Estarians and Dolorian's. Why? It's quite simple.

The citizens of Doloria can now easily go across the border of Estaria using the seized small part and while the Dolorians seek refuge in the neighboring kingdom, Estaria hugely profits from it because King

Estaroth's plan can smoothly progress. His long dream of taking over the whole kingdom of Doloria, which was originally a part of Estaria is at hand.

"Whichever path I decided to take, everything will lead to the destruction of Estaria."

A question dawned on Aeriel's mind, curiosity getting the better of her.

"But what if King Estaroth successfully takes back Doloria who was originally a part of Estaria? Will you aim to plunge Doloria into chaos too if the worst ever happens?"

Well, of course, the thought already crossed Invictus' mind even before he started with his big, dark dream.

And the answer is "no, I'll simply give it back to the rightful successor of the throne. I won't just choose anyone. I'll make sure to choose someone who can guide Doloria to the right path. That is if the worst happens."

Invictus' answer was something Aeriel expected and wanted to hear from him. She clearly expressed her delight in his answer and finally had the courage to leave and wave her hand without crying like a child.

"I'm proud of you, Aeriel," he muttered as she walked away with a smile on her face, jubilantly waving him goodbye. "May your journeys to success show you the man you'll love and spend the rest of your life with?"

And so Aeriel and Invictus went on their separate ways without looking back at each other. Both of them do not know when they will meet each other again or if there will ever be a time again that they will meet after fulfilling their dreams and goals.

"Lowering one's pride and becoming shameful is not so bad. In fact, it is a must if people like me whose vengeance is so great to the extent that they will use whatever means necessary just to take revenge."


[Haven City]

The name of the place was a haven itself, yeah. It is the home for notorious criminals; murderers, kidnappers, gamblers, and sex offenders. Be it any kind of irredeemable piece of shit humans, you can find it in Haven City.

On the outside, the city seems like your typical run-of-the-mill place where establishments and houses were erected a few meters apart from each other, people in carriages and in feet coming in and out in their normal clothes.

However, as soon as you set foot in the city, you will immediately smell that it reeks of crime and disgusting transactions going on even in broad daylight.

Haven City is a lawless place. So, if you are suicidal or just crazy enough to ever go to this place, you must know how to defend yourself. Although not everyone is your enemy, some are also not gonna be your friends.

"This is the worst place a woman can visit. Of all the women I know in my life, only Cleoantra can survive here without getting violated or killed."

In fact, the ant lady had gained quite a fame in Haven City. Cleoantra became infamous but only in that lawless place, making a name for herself.

"She became the embodiment of self-proclaimed justice in this city. An anti-criminal that shows no mercy to people that dare display atrocities."

Many have tried to get rid of her in her time in Haven City but no one was successful until Cleoantra found a thrill and excitement in adventure and monster hunting. Killing lowlifes do not amount to the thrill of discovering the world gives her anymore.

"Once she got a taste of the fresh air in the outside world, Cleoantra never set foot again in this prison hell where she grew up."

Each pair of eyes were shooting daggers at Invictus, observing a newcomer in Haven City is a common thing.

"Well, well, well, the poor guy must have no idea what place he just stumbled upon."

Pickpocketing is rampant, fraudsters use children as bait, and quarrelsome people go there only to pick fights with everyone and prove their strength, each type of scum can be seen in the streets of Haven City.

Even kids can't be trusted.

"The only people you should trust are yourself. This applies to everyday life and trusting someone depends on whether they can earn it or not."

An ordinary person that has no idea or knowledge about the city and can't independently protect themselves would not last a day. Foolish people in Haven City are bound to die and become money for everyone.

Each and every part of your body is valuable to them. Not even an ounce of your blood will be thrown away or spilled.

"Hey there, fella."

'And some of these people are still stupid enough to make their move on newcomers. Everybody in this city knows when to approach a lone wanderer.'