

After a tragic death we find out Kyle Davids (7) was really just a piece of code created by an A.I called C.O.D.E which is now being used as a mass production unit for thousands of cybernetic soldiers which would change the world forever. Although the government have still yet to achieve the technology necessary, yet…One group of people have seen what they are planning to do so they were able to do what the government hadn’t, they created one host body and attached one C.O.D.E subject that was reachable because of an error they had supposedly found a subject trapped in a virtual place between life and death. Will they end this suffering or lose it all? But is this really a chance for revenge? Are they really who they say they are though? [LIES! IT’S ALL LIES!]

Bradley_A_T_Bright · Sci-fi
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36 Chs

Chapter 5: The truth?

The new information was still being processed through my rusting brain. I was forgotten by them. Thrown away like I was trash.

Rain began to pour down making the unstable pile of trash impossible causing me to fall down into the marshy mud floor. Before I do anything, I have to find a place or at-least some dry clothes.

But before I could get anywhere I was hit in the back of the head knocking me out clean.

I didn't wake back up until only to see a plain bright white room and a man in a plain black trench coat with white hair and green eyes on the chair in front of me looking at me from head-to-toe.

"Subject 7. So they really did throw you away. Ha, billions spent just for you to throw away another one."

" Techtra… rich corporate assholes who throw about money like its confetti!"

"Who?" I was more confused than the time that I went to an escape room, I was with my military troop as soon as we got out of there.

"Techtra are the ones who built you and threw you away. The bastards who created that simulation WE WERE TRAPPED IN!"

"WHAT. No your wrong, they can't be…h…how would you know?"

"Wrong… ha. 4 would get a kick outa you if he heard that. How would I know… because we're the same. The simulation created was by 1. But he didn't want this to happen."

[1 as in the message I received before coming back.]

" as in subject 1?"

" Yes… You know him?" The man showed an intrigued look on his face raising his eyebrow.

"He wanted to see me. He text." I was starting to wonder who or what 1 was.

"He text. Of course he sent by the neural encryption space, why didn't we think of this." He sat pondering on his seat.

"The what encryption space? The text came whilst in my room." This space had to be something to do with the simulation.

"my room? We have a telepathic system between all of us, no room. They must've done some modifications to the bodies after we escaped."

The man decided to get up an leave but not before untying me.

The first thing I tried was of course check if the door was locked, which was indeed the case, leaving me to wonder what had happen just a few minutes ago. The man had called him 7 but could't understand why. He also said he was like me and mentioned 4.

Was I really not the only one brought into this world from the simulator?

The door opened slowly revealing the man from before and another man with grey eyes and black hair.

"So 7 this is 4." The silence lasted 3 seconds

"Why do you keep calling me 7? My name is Kyle Davids." The seven thing was starting to get annoying.

"Oh, you still use your human name. 7 means subject number 7. I'm 6, you've met 4 and 9 is at the D.O.C.K but the rest are gone except 1 who is still being held by Techtra making the simulation run. Welcome to the revolution."

I've now gotten a solid publishing schedule.

The few next chapter will be released on mondays 08:00 GMT.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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