
By the Beach

Arthur and Helena, two strangers, met at a fateful moment when each desperately needed comfort. Arthur had left his family to escape his narcissistic parents' emotionally draining environment, while Helena sought refuge from city life and Israel's vengeful parents. She grieved the loss of her billionaire boyfriend, Israel, who she vowed to love forever. Helena's trust was fragile as she opened up to Arthur and found solace in his comforting arms. She felt herself falling for him until she realized the truth about his identity - a truth that threatened to break her trust in him forever. Now Arthur must prove his pure intentions to Helena to keep her in his life. But can Helena ever trust him again? Does Arthur's love have the power to replace Israel in Helena's heart, or will he lose hope and choose what is safest for himself? This is not your typical Billionaire story – this is a story about battling love and trust amidst chaos and despair.

LimitlessJuly · Urban
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88 Chs

I Will Bring Hell In You

The sound of a ringing phone jolted Helena. She didn't even notice she was almost at the center of the river; water almost reached the phone in her pocket. She retrieved the phone from her pocket. It was Gabby calling. She was trying to figure out whether to answer the call or not. Finally, she swiped the screen to take the call and put the phone on her ear.

"Ellen, how are you?" Gabby asked worriedly.

Helena had no answer and hadn't gotten out of the water yet.

"Ellen, answer me. What's wrong? I was so worried about you. Arthur called me."

Helena's eyes widened upon hearing Arthur's name. Why did he call Gabby? Does he care that much about me?

"Ellen..." Gabby's voice took her out of her reverie

"Gabby, help me," she cried.

Gabby's heart dropped as she heard the desperation in Helena's voice. "What's wrong, Ellen? Where are you?"

"I'm in the river," Helena answered in between sobs.

Gabby gasped. "What are you doing in the river? Are you okay?"

Helena tried to steady her breathing. "I don't know. I just... I just needed to clear my head. But then I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize I was already in the middle of the river. Gabby, my head is so messed up."

"Ellen, don't do anything stupid. I'm coming for you. I already took a week's break so I can accompany you. I want you to get off the water now, Ellen, please. Can you do that for me?"

"Yeah," she answered, almost in a whisper. Helena got off the river and slowly walked back to the campsite while Gabby was on the phone trying to console her.

"Gabby, I'm all alone in the forest."

"I know. Arthur called me, asking if I could come and visit you for a few days."

"He did?"

"Of course, he did. He gave me a sketch I could follow to find the campsite he created. Ellen, he cares so much about you," Gabby said sincerely. Gabby's words were tender and steady, conveying genuine love and concern.

"I don't know Gabby. I don't think I could ever trust him again. Besides, we are not meant for each other, just like Israel and I; we have different paths. His world is different from what I have," she said, breaking into tears.

"Helena, don't say that; you don't know what could happen. Just focus on yourself for now and let everything fall into place. And don't worry, I'm coming to you now." Gabby tried to comfort her friend, hoping her words would ease Helena's worries.

"Thank you, Gabby. You're the best."

As they ended the call, Gabby packed her bags and prepared what she needed for her San Antonio stay. Helena couldn't help but feel grateful for Gabby's support. She knew she had a long way to go in dealing with her complicated feelings, but knowing that her best friend cared for her made it a little easier.

And as she walked back to the campsite, she wondered what the future had in store for her. She went to her tent and removed her shirt and wet pants before laying on her sleeping bag with only her underwear on. She was unmotivated to do anything. She didn't even have her coffee and hadn't eaten since the past night making her weak and unfocused.

Meanwhile, Arthur got a message from Ashton first thing in the morning. It was Lauren Lewis's number. He immediately dialed the number, eager to talk to Lauren.

"Hello, who is this? Make sure this is important as you have disturbed me early in the morning," Lauren Lewis said on the other line, upset.

"This is Arthur Hendricks, and I'll make sure not to spoil your morning, Mrs. Lewis."

"Mr. Hendricks, what a surprise," she said with a change of tone. Suddenly she became lively. "Is there anything I could do for you?"

"I should be asking you that," Arthur retorted. "I heard about the downfall of Lewis Group. I could be of help."

"That's very kind of you to offer a helping hand, Mr. Hendricks," she said, bubbling with enthusiasm. Mrs. Lewis surely knew Arthur would be the Hendricks empire's Chairman after his father's passing. And being as opportunistic as she is, she would take every opportunity to get a favor from him.

"Of course, but in exchange, I need a favor from you, and I won't take no for an answer."

"Absolutely, Mr. Hendricks; let me know, and I'll do it."

Arthur breathed deeply before continuing in a stern voice.

"Leave Helena alone."

"What?" Lauren answered in shock.

"You heard me, Mrs. Lewis. I'm not repeating myself."

"Why would you want me to leave that bitch who killed my son. That whore deserves to live in hell." Her words came out of her mouth rapidly like bullets fired from an automatic weapon.

"Mrs. Lewis, if you don't leave Helena alone. I will bring hell in you. And one more thing, I don't want you calling Helena dirty names."

The call ended after he said it, and Arthur was confident Mrs. Lewis got his message.

Arthur reached the city just in time for breakfast. He grabbed a coffee from a drive-thru before heading to his penthouse. The latte he got reminded him of Helena; it was her favorite. He is not a latte lover, but he hoped to get a taste of what Helena likes now that she is far from him.

His heart broke, thinking he was far from her and won't be able to personally protect her. But he vowed to ensure her safety from the Lewis. He will do everything he can to take down whoever wants to hurt the one he loves, Helena.

Arthur entered the elevator on the top floor of Hendricks Tower, a building that dominated the downtown skyline. The symbol of their group of companies was carved directly into the tower's stone walls, the letter H which stands for Hendricks.

A doorman dressed like a butler greeted him with a warm smile. "Welcome back, Mr. Hendricks. We are glad to see you again," the old man in his 50's said.

The other staff greeted him cheerfully. Clearly, they were glad to have him instead of his bitch and terror mother, Alicia. Arthur simply nodded and didn't reply to his staff; he was tired of hours of travel without sleep.

The doors slid closed, and he was alone in the mirrored lift. A familiar scent met him when he entered the elevator - sandalwood mixed with citrus. He pressed the button for its penthouse and felt it rise smoothly toward his private world. The doors opened into an enormous living room filled with ferns and artwork.

The penthouse is perched at the top of a towering skyscraper, its windows glimmering in the early morning light. The surrounding view of the cityscape is breathtaking. The penthouse is lavishly decorated with modern furniture, velvet curtains, and soft lighting.

Arthur sat on the couch, still holding the latte coffee. He sipped on it, giving him the boost he needed with Helena in mind. He then dialed Alicia's number, which the woman answered on the first ring.

"Hello, son, I know you'd call me," Alicia Hendricks said on the other line. Her voice is soft and gentle.

"I am back for a reason and on one condition. This time I run our empire without you interrupting me." Arthur didn't wait for Alicia's response as he cut the call. He was certain Alicia couldn't do anything but agree; she had no power over their companies.

The board members trust Arthur to run the companies instead of his mother. It was satisfying to know the table had turned. Alicia and Robert used to treat him like a tool they could use, but now they don't have power over him. Especially since Robert, his dad, is now dead.