
By the Beach

Arthur and Helena, two strangers, met at a fateful moment when each desperately needed comfort. Arthur had left his family to escape his narcissistic parents' emotionally draining environment, while Helena sought refuge from city life and Israel's vengeful parents. She grieved the loss of her billionaire boyfriend, Israel, who she vowed to love forever. Helena's trust was fragile as she opened up to Arthur and found solace in his comforting arms. She felt herself falling for him until she realized the truth about his identity - a truth that threatened to break her trust in him forever. Now Arthur must prove his pure intentions to Helena to keep her in his life. But can Helena ever trust him again? Does Arthur's love have the power to replace Israel in Helena's heart, or will he lose hope and choose what is safest for himself? This is not your typical Billionaire story – this is a story about battling love and trust amidst chaos and despair.

LimitlessJuly · Urban
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88 Chs

I'm Not The One For You

Arthur became increasingly preoccupied with the rumors as he went home from court. He couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, as if every move he made was being scrutinized for evidence of his supposed relationship with Pamela Lewis. Even in the court, he added more bodyguards to help him and Nathalie escape the media.

He tried to focus on work, but his thoughts drifted back to Helena – her warm smile, her eyes lit up when she talked about her writing, and how fiercely she loved those close to her, especially her parents and best friend, Gabby.

"Helena deserves better than this," Arthur mused aloud, his resolve hardening. He would do whatever it took to protect their relationship from the prying eyes of the media. And when the time came for Helena to join him in the city, he would ensure their love story was the only one worth talking about.

He was sitting in his spacious living room, the city skyline as a breathtaking backdrop to his thoughts. His phone rang, disrupting the quiet solitude of the penthouse.


"Hi, Arthur? It's Gabby."

"Gabby! How can I help you? How's Helena?" Arthur asked excitedly.

"I'm no longer in San Antonio anymore. I'm in the city, back in my usual life, and looking for a job as soon as possible," Gabby said.

"Does it mean Helena is doing great and she doesn't need your company anymore?"

"She's doing amazing and coping. After the first therapy session, she insisted I could return to the city and find a job again. She promised to continue her therapy online while I'm gone."

"That's good to hear," Arthur said in relief.

"Actually, Arthur, I wanted to meet with you," she said, her voice warm and amicable. "I've heard about the new rumors circulating around, and I hope we can discuss these things and also Helena's progress. I'm in the city now, so if you are available, let's meet."

"Of course, Gabby. I'd be more than happy to meet with you," Arthur replied, genuine excitement coloring his tone. "And I'm eager to hear more about Helena too."

"Great! So, where can I meet you tonight?"

"I'm working in my penthouse now. Can you come here? I'll give you the address."

"Sure. Send it to me, and I'll be there."

Arthur hung up the phone, his heart swelling at the thought of meeting Helena's closest confidante. He knew Gabby played an essential role in Helena's life, and he couldn't wait to learn more about how Helena was doing in San Antonio while he was gone.

Arthur welcomed Gabby into his home with open arms. She was as lovely as he had imagined – her smile radiant, her presence warm and comforting.

"Thank you for inviting me, Arthur," Gabby said, taking in the luxurious surroundings. "Your penthouse is beautiful."

"Thank you, Gabby. Please, make yourself comfortable." Arthur noticed Ashton walking in as they sat, carrying a tray of coffee and pastries. "Ah, Gabby, I'd like to introduce Ashton, my secretary. He's been a great help to me, especially with all the recent media attention."

"Nice to meet you, Ashton," Gabby said, extending her hand. Ashton smiled warmly and shook her hand before setting down the tray.

"Likewise, Gabby. If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask," Ashton said.

As the conversation flowed between Arthur and Gabby, discussing what happened in San Antonio, Gabby couldn't help but steal glances at Ashton. Something about his gentle demeanor and kind eyes piqued her interest.

"Arthur, I'd like to talk about the photos circulating on every social media app from your best friend's engagement party. I wouldn't have left Helena if I had known about this," Gabby said worriedly. "I know this thing would eventually trigger her insecurities, and I'd love to be there with her reminding her there is nothing she should be insecure about."

"Gabby, thank you so much for all your efforts in helping Helena. Ashton and I are doing everything possible to take down all the photos and the rumors about me and Pamela dating."

"I know you'd do that, Arthur. But I'm afraid that wouldn't be enough. Helena needs assurance. I can only wish she didn't check her social media today. I didn't even dare to mention this to her now. But last night, she saw the article about your best friend's engagement, so she might check social media today."

"I know, Gabby. I'll do whatever I can to give Helena the assurance she needs. This is not a pity problem for me, especially when Helena is involved," he said firmly.

When they were done talking, and Gabby was satisfied with Arthur's assurances to Helena, Arthur called Ashton to take Gabby out of the penthouse.

"About the job hunting, you're doing. I might help," Arthur said just as Gabby stood up. "Send your resume to Ashton's email, and we'll find a suitable position for you in any company possible."


Arthur nodded. "You are Helena's friend, so you're not so different from me either."

"I'll do it as soon as I get home. Thank you, Arthur. I got to go."

"Take care," Arthur said. Ashton escorted Gabby from the living room on her way out of the penthouse.

"Actually, Ashton," Gabby said, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Would you mind if I got your number? In case I have any questions or need assistance while in town."

"Of course, Gabby," Ashton replied, a hint of surprise in his voice. He quickly scribbled his number on a piece of paper and handed it to her.

"Thank you," she murmured, tucking the slip of paper into her purse.

"Take care, Gabby," Aston said as he walked her to the door. "I'm looking forward to seeing you again."

"Of course, Ashton. See you soon," Gabby said flirtatiously. Unlike Helena, she is the girl who goes after what she wants, especially men.

With a final wave, Gabby left the penthouse, her thoughts filled with anticipation for the future and the connections forged between them all, especially Ashton. Will she be able to work in the same company as Ashton? The suspense is killing her.

Meanwhile, Helena is still reeling about the call Lauren gave her and hasn't eaten since then. It's cold in the evening, and she's still outside listening to the slapping of the wave on the shore as if it could help her calm down and form the best decision for her and Arthur.

The phone buzz took her out of her reverie, Arthur's name flashing on the screen. Desperate for reassurance, she answered immediately.


"How's my baby," Arthur asked, trying to be enthusiastic. But he didn't hear from Helena on the other side.

"Helena, listen to me," Arthur implored, urgency lacing his voice. "There will be more rumors about me and Pamela, but none are true. I love you, and only you."

Helena hesitated, the memory of Lauren's words clouding her thoughts. "Arthur, I--" she started but faltered, uncertainty creeping in. Lauren might be right; Pamela is the one suitable for Arthur. "Arthur, I think we should stop this now."

"Baby, no," Arthur was shocked. "Whatever that is bothering you, whatever you heard about the media, whatever it is circulating on social media. None of them are true. Believe my love. Helena, you trust me, right?" Arthur asked desperately.

Helena could feel herself slipping away, her will to fight dwindling. She couldn't bring herself to say the words she knew Arthur needed to hear. "I believe you. But I'm not the one for you, Arthur," Helena said, her voice brittle.

"Who said that to you?" Anger was evident in his voice. "Helena, you are the woman for me, baby. Please," he begged.

"Goodbye, Arthur," was all she managed before hanging up.

Tears pricked at her eyes as she clutched her phone to her chest. Her heart ached, the pain of losing Israel resurfacing alongside the fresh sting of potentially losing Arthur.