
By sacrificing the wicked, a better world is created.

What happens when the former CIA commander reincarnates in DC wanting to punish all the guilty? Read on and find out. Warning: These stories have heavy content. And I already make it clear, that my MC is not someone kind to criminals who cannot be useful to anyone or who do not seek redemption.

gglhbjkyyj · Movies
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34 Chs

Chapter 8:

Author's note.

{N / A: to be clear, all of the characters described are fictional, and I don't have any DC characters}.

To make up for the disappointment the announcement caused, here's another chapter for today

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Continuation of the previous chapter:

[I don't know, and even if I did I wouldn't tell you]. (Leon).

[He massacred more than 3,000 people yesterday, he has to be arrested]. (Batman) said angrily.

[I don't care, you guys had a chance to prove you could make it work with Cobblepot, and tell me how it ended?]. (Leon).

[He fled under their noses not even 2 days after being arrested]. (Leon).

[This is beside the point now]. (Batman)

[Yes, I did warn you of the consequences of letting him get away again, and yet you did it]. (Leon).

[You doubted the situation, and the result was this, it was your negligence that triggered Hassan's response]. (Leon).

[This is not fair, we are not responsible for the arrests]. (Super man).

[You sent a psychopath who trafficked people and forced them into a life of prostitution there knowing that he would run away]. (Leon).

[And don't give me the classic, we can't do anything, you guys have a damn space station, but can't you build a decent prison for the criminals?]. (Leon).

[You could have solved the situation easily, and you didn't, now bear the consequences]. (Leon).

[Don't make us]. (Batman).

[Forcing what?]. (Leon).

[You cannot force me into anything, I am already recognized as an American citizen and I have my rights]. (Leon).

[And even if I didn't, how exactly do you plan to get the information out of me?]. (Leon).

[Like the Martian?]. (Leon).

[His mind will fry if he tries]. (Leon).

[And Wonder Woman's tie will be burned the moment she tries to use it on me]. (Leon).

Seeing that Leon would not cooperate, and without any other choice, Batman said:

[John]. (Batman).

In the next moment Martian Manhunter's eyes shone, however it was not like anyone had expected.

[ARRRRGGGG]. (John) fell while holding his head and roared in pain.

Instead of getting the information as they expected, he fell to the floor screaming in agony.

[I warned you, uninvited guests in my mind always have a tragic fate]. (Leon).

[What you do with him?]. (Superman) said angrily

[I did nothing, but an anti-intruder magic formation in my mind on the other hand, was not as kind]. (Leon).

Batman seeing Leon's calm said:

[How can we help him?]. (Batman).

[If you take it away from me for a few hundred kilometers it should go out of effective range as long as it doesn't try to access my mind from that distance]. (Leon).

As soon as Leon spoke, Superman did not hesitate, he took John and took him away at breakneck speed.

After they left Leon turned to Batman and said:

[Now please leave my house]. (Leon).

[Leon, I know you've tried to believe in the League and the government before, I'm begging you, trust us once more and help us to stop this bloodbath]. (Batman) said bowing without any alternative.

Looking at Batman, Leon sighed when he said:

[Leave a number that I can contact, I will try to convince Hassan to give it one more chance, solve the problem with the Cobblepot and this time make sure he gets stuck]. (Leon).

[I will not intercede a third time]. (Leon).

Listening to Leon, Batman nodded and signaled for the others to leave while he left a cell phone on the table.

After they left, Leon waited a few hours and started the theater once again, changing places with the Golem.

[Hassan how many times am I going to have to say that you can't hide from me?]. (Golem).

[I was not hiding, I was looking for wiretaps before I appeared]. (Leon).

[It looks like the League came to you]. (Leon).

[Yes, they came, and asked for one more chance to stop what's going on]. (Golem).

[I already gave them a chance for their insistence and the result was Cobblepot running away and hiding, I could have got rid of the problem permanently the first time]. (Leon).

[Yes, I know, but I believe that this time it will be different, they already noticed that there is no way to track you]. (Golem).

[And we both know that they are outside trying to get in, but they can't.] (Golem).

It was true, Leon knew they were trying to get in, but his Magecraft like Solomon was of an insane level.

And the first thing he did was to put up a barrier that would prevent any living being from entering the building.

He linked the barrier to himself as Leon, so that while he was breathing the barrier would work as it should.

And it would help to age his body when it should, the barrier took a few hours of vitality a day, something that was equivalent to the time that he remained integrated with Hassan and other servants.

And that was what Leon was counting on to keep his aging up to date.

After a few minutes of silence, Leon looked at the Golem and said:

[Okay, let's test if this is true, I will give the League and the Government 1 week, to locate and arrest Cobblepot, but this time it is better to be arrested]. (Leon).

[And I want videos of this every day, the moment I stop receiving the videos is the moment when I start doing things my way again, and I will not stop a third time, even if you are the one who I ask]. (Leon) said and disappeared.

After that Leon guided the Golem to another blind spot where he had left his cell phone, switched places with the Golem, and only afterward did he allow the League to enter.

When they entered his apartment once again Leon said:

[Will they like to deal with the barrier?]. (Leon).

[Let me guess, it was your friend who understands magic]. (Batman).

[Yes, he really is very good with that kind of thing]. (Leon).

[I know about the cameras in the house, so you may already know about how the conversation took place]. (Leon).

[Yes]. (Batman).

[So do yourself a favor and don't fuck with everything, I won't intercede a third time, this time make sure they stay in prison where he is sent]. (Leon).

Leon knew it was impossible, Cobblepot had many political secrets at hand, and they would demand that the League send him to a prison that they could manage, and that way he would run away in a month at most.

The only method that would be viable for the League to keep him in prison was if they were willing to expose these politicians.

Something the League would not do.