
Buy My Husband

After years of pursuing Andrew Collins, I, Andrea Hart, have finally made the difficult decision to let go of my unrequited love. In an unexpected turn of events, my family arranges a marriage for my younger sister to a wealthy stranger. Filled with a sense of responsibility, I step in to save her from this situation by agreeing to marry the stranger myself. Little did I know, the stranger I am marrying is none other than Andrew, the man who has consistently rejected me in the past. Just as we start to find happiness and harmony in our marriage, two months later, Andrew shocks me by requesting a divorce. "I will pay you handsomely," he said without hesitation, his voice filled with a mix of resignation and desperation. "I will accept all of your conditions without complaint. I can give you everything. Just please... divorce me." He pleaded with me, his vulnerability shining through.

AveryLeigh_1 · Urban
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92 Chs


Andrew's expression turned grim as he absorbed the news broadcasted on the television. Could it possibly be Andrea? Had she been involved in an accident since leaving the house? A whirlwind of worry, fear, and guilt consumed his heart, leaving him with only the hope that she was safe and unharmed. Determined to find answers, he stormed out of the house and hastily drove his car through the surrounding area. In the midst of his frantic search, he contacted his secretary, urgently requesting that they reach out to the police to inquire if his ex-wife had indeed been in an accident.

His grip tightened on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white with tension. After an hour and a half of relentless searching, his eyes caught sight of a familiar figure sitting on a swing. He abruptly halted the car, his brow furrowing as he strained to confirm if he was truly seeing the person he longed to find. And there she was, unmistakably Andrea.

With a surge of relief, he stepped out of the car and hurried towards her. Standing before her, he scanned her face intently, his gaze traveling over her body, searching for any signs of injury.

I slowly lift my gaze to the figure standing before me, a rush of familiarity flooding my senses along with the scent that once brought comfort. However, the vibrant light that used to radiate from my eyes has now dimmed, replaced by dark clouds of uncertainty. Andrew stares at me intently, his voice commanding, "Let's go home."

Confusion swirls within me as I struggle to comprehend his sudden change of heart. Just last night, he had cast me out, forbidding my return. So why is he now standing here, acting as if nothing happened, demanding that I come home?

Like raindrops falling from the sky, tears stream down my face. "I don't want to go home," I murmur, my voice barely audible.

His response cuts through the air, cold and detached. "Look at yourself. You're drenched from the rain," he remarks, as if my current state is of no concern to him.

"It's none of your business. I am not your wife," I retort, emphasizing each word, a reminder of the shattered bond between us.

His surprise is evident, momentarily taken aback by my defiant words. He should have known better. I am no longer a part of his family.

Attempting to regain composure, he clears his throat. "What if something happened to your baby? Will you blame me and make my grandfather hold me responsible? You always find a way to sabotage my marriage!"

I couldn't bear to look at him, his words piercing my heart with their cold indifference. It became painfully clear that his concern for me only stemmed from the fear of facing his grandfather's scolding. He didn't truly care about me or our baby. It shouldn't come as a surprise, as I should be accustomed to his treatment by now. But why do I still feel this way?

Anger surges through me, fueling my determination to distance myself from him. I refuse to breathe the same air as him. However, to my surprise, he catches up to my steps and lifts me off the ground, carrying me in his arms. I struggle to break free, but his grip is unyielding. 

Before I can fully comprehend what's happening, I find myself seated in the car, and he secures the seatbelt around me. He swiftly moves to the other side, opening the door and taking his place behind the wheel. The car sets into motion, and I'm unable to escape.

As we continue our journey home, his speed gradually slows, caution replacing the initial haste. I steal a glance at him, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. Turning my head to the window, I focus on the passing scenery. My heart beats louder in my chest, its rhythm echoing in my ears. Unconsciously, I place my right hand over my chest, silently pleading for it to calm down. His gaze catches mine in the rearview mirror, and he asks, "Are you feeling unwell?"

I muster all my strength to maintain a poker face, refusing to reveal the turmoil within. Opening the windows, I let the soft breeze brush against my face, attempting to find comfort in its gentle touch.

"Why did you let her come back?" Kelly's voice seethed with anger as she confronted Andrew. The tension hung heavy in the air as he began to undress, preparing to take a bath. He glanced at her with a weary sigh.

"Are you even listening, babe?" Kelly demanded, her tone filled with accusation. "Have you forgiven her for stealing your important documents?" Her words served as a harsh reminder of the reason why he had driven Andrea away.

"I'm tired," he dismissed her, his weariness evident in his voice. With that, he retreated into the bathroom. As the water cascaded around him, a sudden realization washed over him. Unlike Kelly, Andrea had never been a nag, even during their marriage. Memories flooded his mind, vividly recalling instances when she had scolded him back in high school for being unkind to a girl he had rejected. Andrea had always borne the hurtful things he said to her, but she never allowed him to mistreat others. She is also someone who will always refrain from speaking ill of other people or causing them harm.

"Have you lost your mind?" Grandpa Sebastian's voice thundered through the Chairman's office as he angrily threw the documents at Andrew's face upon his entrance. The weight of disappointment and frustration hung heavily in the air. "Because of that woman, you agreed to a high-risk investment? Can't you see that she's only after your money?"

Andrew attempted to explain himself, but his words were cut short by his grandfather's escalating anger. "Instead of investing in the development of our website, you chose to allocate the funds to invest in your mistress's family's company?" Grandpa Sebastian's voice grew louder, his accusation piercing through the room. "Is it truly necessary to invest in Divine Couture? Or are you simply trying to please your future father-in-law? How shameless of you to use company funds for your personal matters!"

"Grandpa, Kelly is no longer my mistress," Andrew asserted, his voice filled with determination. "I have thoroughly examined the proposal, and I genuinely believe it has the potential to bring us significant profit."

Grandpa Sebastian countered, his tone laced with skepticism. "The cost outweighs the expected return," he argued. "The board of directors greeted me with complaints as soon as I entered the building! If this investment fails, who do you think they will hold responsible? And when I am no longer here, do you honestly believe you can stand on your own and maintain the position of CEO? Who will defend you?"

Andrew took a deep breath, his gaze meeting his grandfather's with unwavering determination. "I assure you, Grandpa, nothing will go wrong," he declared, his voice filled with conviction. With each step forward towards his desk, he continued, "Here is the wedding invitation. Whether you choose to attend or not, I will still marry her."

Andrew's decision had been made, and he was prepared to face the consequences, even if it meant challenging the expectations of his grandfather.

"I brought you some gifts," Chester said, a warm smile gracing his face as his hands were filled with an array of fruits and snacks. My eyes lit up at the sight of my favorite treats.

"Thank you so much. These are my favorites," I replied gratefully. I guided him to the living area and gestured for him to take a seat.

"But that's not all," he continued, and to my surprise, the servants behind him entered the room, carrying boxes.

I couldn't contain my excitement as I stood up, curiosity bubbling within me. "What are these?" I asked eagerly.

Chester opened one of the boxes, revealing an assortment of baby items. My heart swelled with joy and anticipation as I carefully took each item out, savoring the moment.

"It may be early, but I wanted to start preparing," I remarked, feeling a mix of emotions.

"We can always buy more once we know the gender of the baby," Chester reassured me with a gentle smile.

Eager to set up the nursery, I turned to Aunt Rosemary and asked, "Let's bring these upstairs, please." With a nod, she led the servants towards my room, ready to create a cozy space for me and my baby.

As we entered my room, Chester's voice took on a more serious tone. "I have a favor to ask, Drew," he began, his eyes filled with a mixture of hope and shyness.

Leaning in, eager to hear his request, I nodded. "Of course, Chester. What is it?"

"When the baby is born, I wanted to be his godfather. Can I?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine longing.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter, his request catching me off guard. "What are you talking about? It's a given!" I exclaimed, my laughter echoing in the room.

A spark of joy ignited in Chester's eyes. "Really?" he asked, a playful teasing tone lacing his words. "I thought I should give you a bribe so you can't say no to me."

Still laughing, I held my belly and replied, "Chester, you are not just a friend. You are my most cherished friend, and at the same time, Andrew's best friend. You will always have a special place in our lives."

Taking a step forward, I embraced him tightly, gratitude and warmth filling my heart. Chester had always been there for me, offering unwavering support. I couldn't thank him enough for his friendship and the love he showed towards our growing family.

Little did we know, as we stood there, cherishing the bond we shared, a mysterious presence loomed just beyond the slightly opened door.