
Buy My Husband

After years of pursuing Andrew Collins, I, Andrea Hart, have finally made the difficult decision to let go of my unrequited love. In an unexpected turn of events, my family arranges a marriage for my younger sister to a wealthy stranger. Filled with a sense of responsibility, I step in to save her from this situation by agreeing to marry the stranger myself. Little did I know, the stranger I am marrying is none other than Andrew, the man who has consistently rejected me in the past. Just as we start to find happiness and harmony in our marriage, two months later, Andrew shocks me by requesting a divorce. "I will pay you handsomely," he said without hesitation, his voice filled with a mix of resignation and desperation. "I will accept all of your conditions without complaint. I can give you everything. Just please... divorce me." He pleaded with me, his vulnerability shining through.

AveryLeigh_1 · Urban
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92 Chs

Blessing or Curse?

We found ourselves lying on the same bed, his eyes fixed on the ceiling while my head rested in his arms. What exactly are we doing right now? I can't seem to comprehend the nature of our relationship. Are we lovers or just friends?

Amidst all the confusion and uncertainty, here we are, seeking comfort in each other's presence. Breaking the silence, Andrew spoke up, "I will be getting married by the end of the week."

"I know," I replied, my voice tinged with a mix of emotions.

"Will you be happy for me?" he asked, his gaze still averted and his expression unreadable. I couldn't decipher his thoughts.

"I will," I responded curtly, trying to hide my true feelings.

"Thank you," he replied, his gratitude catching me off guard.

"For what?" I questioned, genuinely curious.

"For letting me go," he whispered softly.

"Congratulations," I said with sincerity, even though it pained me. I had spent years pursuing him, and we were married for just two months before we got divorced. Despite his lack of affection towards me, I should be grateful that I am carrying his child. This is the moment I must let go. You deserve to be happy, Andrew.

He lifted his body from the bed, preparing to return to his room. "Andrew," I called out, hoping to catch his attention. He turned towards me, waiting for my request.

"Can I ask you a favor?" I inquired, my voice filled with anticipation.

"Tell me," he responded, his tone attentive.

"Can you choose a name for our baby?" I asked, my heart fluttering with hope.

He paused for a moment, seemingly lost in thought. Then, he spoke softly, "Asher. It means blessing." Without another word, he turned his back and left the room.

I had expected him to scold me or dismiss my request, as he often did. But his immediate response caught me off guard. Could it be that he had already considered this possibility before I even asked? The thought lingered in my mind, leaving me both surprised and hopeful for what the future held.

The days seemed to pass by quickly, with Andrew consumed by his work and the preparations for his upcoming wedding. Our interactions within the house became scarce, leaving little opportunity for us to spend time together.

Unfortunately, the news surrounding our relationship refused to fade away. Reporters continued to camp outside the gates, eagerly awaiting any new developments. To make matters worse, my mother intentionally added fuel to the fire by granting an interview to one of the reporters.

"Our precious daughter has never been in a relationship before," she revealed, her voice filled with emotion. "When she learned that her grandfather had arranged a marriage for her, she initially resisted. She confessed that there was someone she had feelings for since high school. However, she eventually accepted her fate and agreed to marry, only to discover that the groom was Andrew Collins, her long-time high school crush."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she continued, "Despite our modest background, she showered him with love and devotion. But it seems that fate had different plans for them. They were simply not meant to be. She couldn't capture his heart."

"I can't believe you said that to the media, Mom!" I exclaimed as soon as I came across the viral interview.

"I did it for you, you ingrate!" my mother retorted, raising her voice. "We need people to take your side and condemn that vixen!"

"Mom, please stop this. You're only making things harder for me," I pleaded, feeling overwhelmed. "How am I supposed to face my ex-husband when you're pointing fingers at his future wife?" I let out a sigh of resignation.

"You fool! I thought you were smarter than this," she snapped, gripping her phone tightly. "This is the perfect opportunity to attack. We need to use the media to destroy their relationship. Andrew will soon realize that it's you who truly loves him!"

"Mom, let's just end this conversation. You're giving me a headache," I said in frustration, ending the call abruptly.

"This is getting even more interesting!" Penelope exclaimed with wicked laughter as she came across the news.

"I've enlisted a group of skilled keyboard warriors to flood Ms. Levine's online presence with negative comments," Maya said, a smug smile playing on her lips.

Penelope laughed heartily as she checked the growing number of disparaging comments online. "Excellent work. Make sure to reward them with a satisfying lunch," she commanded, relishing in her devious scheme.

"Any updates on the Levine family's financial troubles?" Penelope's eyes remained fixed on the computer screen as her fingers busily scrolled the mouse.

"Yes, as you requested, Harper has prepared a detailed report on their failing business and mounting debts. It will be strategically released just one hour before their wedding," Maya reported, her voice filled with anticipation.

"Our plan is nearly complete. We just need Kelly to make her move. Then we can strike two birds with one stone," Penelope chuckled, reveling in the impending downfall she had orchestrated.

Kelly climbed the stairs with heavy footsteps, her heart weighed down by the burden of the upcoming day. Tomorrow was meant to be her big day, filled with joy and excitement. However, the relentless online criticism and scathing comments had dampened her spirits. Determined to confront Andrea, she made her way towards her.

"Where is that bitch?" she demanded, her voice echoing through the walls. "Andrea, come out! You coward! How dare you use social media to destroy my reputation!"

Aunt Rosemary hurriedly trailed behind her, attempting to diffuse the situation. "Miss, please calm down. Andrea is currently resting."

"Call me 'Madam'! Tomorrow, I will officially become Andrew's wife!" she commanded, her voice filled with authority as she continued to call out Andrea's name.

I was startled by the voice echoing from downstairs. It was unmistakably Kelly. With a surge of adrenaline, I quickly stood up, slipped on my slippers, and rushed out of my room. Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I headed towards the intense confrontation that awaited me. I knew it was Kelly, fueled by the actions of my own mother. I couldn't blame her for her anger and frustration. If I were in her shoes, I would likely feel the same way.

Hurrying to the head of the stairs, my heart pounded in my chest as I witnessed Kelly venting her fury on Aunt Rosemary. My heart went out to her, knowing the pain she must be experiencing. "I'm here, Kelly. Leave her be. Talk to me instead," I pleaded, hoping to defuse the situation.

Like a tempestuous storm, Kelly stormed up the stairs and, without warning, grabbed hold of my hair. I took a step back, taken aback by the sudden and aggressive move. "Wait! Let go of me!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with shock and alarm.

Enraged, she shouted, "Why should I? You deserve this, you cunning woman! I know you orchestrated all of this!"

I struggled and pushed her away, desperately trying to free myself from her grip. Aunt Rosemary swiftly dialed the phone downstairs, urgently calling Andrew to come home.

"I didn't mean for this to happen," I gasped, trying to catch my breath. "No, what I mean is... my mom didn't anticipate the consequences of her actions. She didn't think it would escalate this far!"

In an instant, a loud slap reverberated across my face, leaving a stinging sensation in its wake. "I don't care about your excuses!" Kelly spat, her voice filled with contempt. "You wanted to portray me as the seductress who stole your ex-husband, but in reality, you're the one who tore us apart! You've been like a wall standing between us! Andrew had been searching for me for years. You wouldn't have had a chance to marry him if I had met him first!"

Her words hit me like a cold splash of icy water, jolting me into a harsh reality. She was right. Andrew hadn't truly intended to marry me. He had been forced into it, seeing traces of her in me. Before I could fully comprehend the situation, Kelly lunged at me once again, her anger and frustration consuming her. 

"Leave us alone!" she boiled in anger, gripping my hair even tighter. I desperately tried to pry her hands away, my heart pounding in my chest. "Get out of our lives! You've already gotten what you wanted! You have Andrew's baby! What more do you want from us?"

"Stop it, Kelly! You're hurting me!" I cried out, my voice filled with pain and desperation.

"You can't destroy us! I will marry Andrew! I am the only one who can be Andrew's wife! You and your baby have no place in this house!" she continued to slap me, her grip on my arms tightening.

Instinctively, I cradled my growing belly, protecting my unborn child. "I have no intention of ruining your marriage! I have moved on. I no longer have feelings for him!"

"Are you lying to me? Or are you lying to yourself? I can see through your every move!" Enraged, she shouted, "Get out of this house right now, or I will kill you!"

In a blink of an eye, I found myself falling from the stairs. Time seemed to stand still as I caught a glimpse of Kelly's face, filled with a mix of shock and guilt. What had just happened? Was this all a terrible dream?