
The 'Dungeon of Fury' (5)

In another realm, five individuals were gathered around a round table while a seat stood vacant. There were three men and two women, all emanating a sense of superiority. Their beauty was nothing short of stunning.

However, it was all hindered by deep frowns on their faces.

"How can this be possible?" One of the women said in disbelief. She had long green hair and pink eyes.

"The queen died a few centuries ago," One of the men with white hair and green eyes said in turn. "Yet she didn't leave any offspring behind."

The third man, with silver hair and blue eyes, leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. "There must be some mistake. We've been monitoring the realm closely. It's impossible for a successor to appear suddenly."

"Perhaps it's a hidden bloodline," the second woman suggested, her hair flowing like liquid gold and her eyes a deep shade of violet. "A distant relative with dormant powers awakened by some external force."

The last man, who had black hair and eyes as dark as the night, scoffed. "Dormant powers don't manifest themselves out of thin air. Someone must have meddled in the realm, causing this anomaly."

"But who could it be?" The green-haired woman asked. "Only a monarch has the power to choose an heir, and ours died."

"Then do you suggest that it is a hidden bloodline?" The other woman asked.

"It is a possibility," She answered with a nod. "But once again, it is impossible to awaken this power alone."

The man with white hair and green eyes spoke up, his voice measured and authoritative. "We must consider all possibilities. It is indeed rare for a hidden bloodline to manifest spontaneously, but it's not entirely unheard of. However, I agree that the emergence of such powers is often triggered by external influences."

The silver-haired man leaned back in his chair, his fingers tapping thoughtfully on the table. "We need more information before we draw any conclusions. We should send our best agents to investigate discreetly, and find out if there are any rumors or sightings of a powerful newcomer in the realm."

However, right before they could all agree, the black-haired man was suddenly hit by a realization. "Could it be that the prince is on the newly awakened planet?"

"You mean Earth?" The purple-eyed woman asked. "It is true that the Eden hit Earth a few days ago. However, it is too soon for someone to awaken their powers yet. And a Butterfly Prince can't appear without a predecessor."

The man with black hair nodded thoughtfully. "You're right, it does seem unlikely. But we cannot ignore any possibility. The emergence of a Butterfly Prince is a significant event, and we must be thorough in our investigation."

"There is still a problem though." The silver-haired man said. "We can not interfere with planet Earth yet. Meaning that we would not be able to locate the new prince."

The green-haired woman furrowed her brow. "Indeed, the rules of non-interference prevent us from revealing ourselves to the inhabitants of newly awakened planets. And Earth is no exception to this rule."

The purple-eyed woman nodded in agreement. "Exactly. We cannot risk exposing ourselves or our realm to undue attention. The emergence of a Butterfly Prince must remain a secret until we have more information."

"Indeed we can't allow any other realms to know about this fact. We can't let anyone have our monarch killed again!" The silver-haired man said with conviction in his voice.


With the new class selected, Enzo felt a rush of excitement and anticipation. He never expected such a significant evolution simply by choosing a class! The power coursing through him was undeniable, and he could feel the connection deepening between himself and the butterflies that surrounded him.

Enzo's mind raced with possibilities as he contemplated the abilities and potential of the Butterfly Prince class. The words "Create an army and rule over the Kingdom of Butterflies" echoed in his thoughts. What did it mean to rule over the Kingdom of Butterflies? How vast and powerful was this realm that he was now a part of?

However, it wasn't what was important right now.

Thanks to his new class, Enzo's body changed greatly. While he wasn't offered any types of bonus stats, he was gifted instead by a whole bunch of new skills and abilities. His already existing one were further improved, while the new ones he got were a perfect fit for him. Moreover, his overall capacity improved as well, as if letting space for a new stage of improvement.

"I guess I'll just have to learn how to fly? And get a whole bunch of new butterflies? Having an army of a hundred butterfly when fighting against the guardian will sure be of help, right?" A big smile was present on his face. He couldn't wait to see what he would be able to do with this new power.

In the days that followed, Enzo delved deeper into the Dungeon of Fury, honing his skills and experimenting with his new abilities. The bond between him and his butterflies had become inseparable, and he felt their presence in every fiber of his being. It was as if they were extensions of himself, responding to his thoughts and emotions with unwavering loyalty.

One of the most intriguing abilities Enzo discovered was the power to communicate with the butterflies on a deeper level. Through his ability 'Kingdom's Embraceé, Enzo could share his senses with his butterfly, meaning that he now had eyes everywhere. And it wasn't all. The instincts of insects were better than those of humans. And by sharing it, Enzo was more prepared when facing his enemies.

Moreover, as his army of butterflies became bigger, Enzo's capacities grew as well. The core of his class was his butterflies. And while he himself was strong enough to be a force to be reckoned with, he only showed his full potential when surrounded by his butterflies and fighting alongside them.

Not to speak about his new ability to fly.

Having wings was the same as having new limbs. It was as of he became a baby and needed to learn how to walk again. He hurt himself a lot during all the time he used his ability, but at least he somehow managed to fly.

More or less.

It wasn't usable in a deadly fight yet, though.

Nonetheless, he felt grat by all those changes.

Even after he got his mid-tier carnivorous butterfly, the fury forest was still a living hell. Having to fight from dusk to dawn wasn't the greatest thing either. In fact, he would rather be surrounded by zombies than to stay in such environement.

However, now that he had more butterflies at his disposal, it became a completely new matter. While some plant monsters were still annoying to deal with, most of them couldn't do anything against Enzo anymore.

After all, it was mostly a one sided fight.

And after another week had passed, Enzo finally felt ready.

Ready to fight the guardian of this hellish place.

Next chapter