
Butterfly Tamer in the Apocalypse

On the day that mana arrived on Earth, everything changed. Those who were worthy of the energy were blessed with unimaginable powers, but those who weren't were transformed into monstrous beasts that threatened the very survival of humanity. Enzo, a seemingly ordinary college student, is one of the chosen few who received the blessing of mana. But his powers are far from ordinary - he possesses a genius-level intellect and a fierce determination to survive in the new world that has emerged. Enzo quickly learns to harness his powers and becomes a force to be reckoned with, feared by even the most mythical of creatures. As Enzo journeys through the post-apocalyptic landscape, he encounters many ordeals, and he can only count on himself if he want to survive and live another day...

Karme · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

One last struggle (4)

The lizard, realizing that its fiery assault was not enough to break through Enzo's defenses, let out an enraged bellow. It was running out of options, and desperation fueled its attacks. With a final burst of energy, it lunged forward, its massive jaws snapping shut on the protective cocoon.

Enzo's eyes widened in alarm as he felt the crushing force of the lizard's bite. The cocoon strained, and for a moment, it seemed as though it might shatter under the immense pressure. But Enzo, with the last of his strength, called upon his carnivorous and poisonous butterflies to attack the lizard's mouth from within.

Without hesitations, the swarm of butterflies rushed forward and entered the mouth of the red lizard. The inside of the monster was still hot, but the butterflies couldn't care less.

The carnivorous butterflies, their mandibles sharp and relentless, bit and tore at the flesh inside the lizard's mouth. The beast's agonized roar vibrated through the cocoon as it released its hold and stumbled back, blood streaming from its jaws.

As for the poisonous butterflies, now that they were inside the creature's body, it was really easier to poison and paralyze its body.

Seeing that, Enzo didn't waste a moment. With the protective barriers disintegrating faster and faster as the second pass, he launched himself forward once more, his sword gleaming as he aimed for the lizard's eyes, the most vulnerable spot he could see.

The blades struck true, and the lizard's roar turned into a gurgling cry as it lost its vision. It thrashed wildly.

Its massive body convulsed uncontrollably, and with each spasm, Enzo could feel the ground tremble beneath him.

In its death throes, the lizard swung its massive tail with brute force, a final, desperate attempt to take down its adversary. Enzo, having inflicted the fatal blow, attempted to evade the tail, but the sheer speed and unpredictability of the massive appendage caught him off guard.

With a sickening impact, the tail struck Enzo, sending him hurtling through the air. His body crashed through the thick underbrush, and pain surged through him as he collided with a tree. His vision blurred, and he struggled to regain his senses.

Meanwhile, the lizard, its world plunged into darkness, continued to thrash wildly, its powerful tail wreaking havoc in all directions, creating a chaotic and deadly battlefield.

However, even though Enzo was out of commission, his butterflies were still doing their best to kill the giant lizard from the inside.

And in the end, the once mighty creature was now in the grip of its own death throes, its movements growing more erratic by the second. The combined assault of the carnivorous butterflies tearing at its mouth and the poisonous butterflies spreading their paralyzing toxins within its body had left it utterly incapacitated.

Enzo tried to stand up again, but his legs wouldn't move. Even with his healing butterflies' desperate attempt to heal their master, it was almost useless. Sure he was getting better thanks to them, but his body was way too exhausted for it to move under such circumstances. He needed to rest, even though there was still a deadly creature wanting to kill him.

"Come on Enzo, stand up!" Despite everything, Enzo was stuck on the ground.

The giant red lizard moves forward, smelling Enzo's scent

Enzo lay on the ground, his body battered and his strength drained. Despite the urgent need to get up and defend himself, his limbs refused to obey, and his vision swam in and out of focus.

Seraphina, witnessing the perilous situation, continued watching everything with a smile on her face. Until now, Enzo has proven himself to be a formidable fighter. He learned quickly, and although he could do better, he was still amazing for an outsider, especially since he had the lineage of the butterflies. Although they were strong fighters, their real strength lay in their abilities to control butterflies.

So Enzo being able to fight so well was already incredible.

So even though he was in danger right now, she knew she didn't need to worry.

After all, with a final, violent convulsion, the lizard went still. Its body slides on the ground until its head reaches Enzo's feet. It lay there, motionless, its once fearsome presence now reduced to a lifeless husk.

The butterflies finally finished their job and exited from the monster's lifeless mouth. They all rushed toward Enzo to make sure he was alright.

"Thank you, guy-..." Enzo could only mutter a few words before passing out, the exhaustion finally kicking in.

He didn't even have the time to check the rewards he got, as well as one of his partial goals.

[Congratulations! You have reached level 50. You have gained two points to distribute freely.]

[Congratulations! You can improve one of your class' skills.]

Alas, he wasn't conscious right now, so he couldn't see anything or celebrate his rewards.

Seraphina watched as the battle came to a dramatic and victorious conclusion. Enzo had faced down a formidable opponent, and with the combined might of his butterflies and his unwavering determination, he had emerged triumphant.

With a satisfied smile, Seraphina approached Enzo's unconscious form and gently examined his injuries. Thanks to the healing of his butterflies, he was almost as good as before, his wounds were slowly but steadily closing.

As the butterflies swarmed around their master, they seemed to emit a soothing, protective aura. Seraphina couldn't help but be impressed by the bond between Enzo and his winged companions. She knew that it was supposed to be an unimaginable bond when one becomes the Monarch of Butterflies, but for a mere prince? It was unheard of.

'It seems that destiny has a plan for this young man,' Seraphina thought to herself as she continued to observe Enzo's peaceful face and all the butterflies swarming around him. It was a scene to behold.

As the night deepened, Seraphina decided to set up a protective barrier around the area to ensure his safety while he rested. She knew that there were other creatures in the surroundings, and the commotion caused by the battle might attract unwanted attention. With a wave of her hand and a few whispered incantations, a shimmering, translucent dome formed around them, blending with the natural surroundings.

"At least, he got some pretty amazing loot."