
Butterfly Tamer in the Apocalypse

On the day that mana arrived on Earth, everything changed. Those who were worthy of the energy were blessed with unimaginable powers, but those who weren't were transformed into monstrous beasts that threatened the very survival of humanity. Enzo, a seemingly ordinary college student, is one of the chosen few who received the blessing of mana. But his powers are far from ordinary - he possesses a genius-level intellect and a fierce determination to survive in the new world that has emerged. Enzo quickly learns to harness his powers and becomes a force to be reckoned with, feared by even the most mythical of creatures. As Enzo journeys through the post-apocalyptic landscape, he encounters many ordeals, and he can only count on himself if he want to survive and live another day...

Karme · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Memory of the Beginning (1)

As he looked at the petal, he hesitated before consuming it. On the one hand, he would probably get some answers regarding what he was supposed to do in this place, while on the other hand, he didn't know if it was the right thing to do. After all, he would be defenseless, and he would rather send his butterflies away to not risk them dying in an unwinnable fight to protect him.

More than that, he didn't know how potent this petal would be. 'A part of his class lineage' could either be a lot of information or not enough to give him answers.

'Well, what am I waiting for? It's not as if I'll lose anything by swallowing this, right?'

With a determined nod, Enzo placed the petal on his tongue and swallowed. At first, there was a subtle taste of sweetness, like honey, and then warmth spread through his body, reaching even his fingertips and toes. It wasn't an uncomfortable sensation, but it was foreign and made his heart race.

As the warmth intensified, Enzo's surroundings seemed to blur. The grassy hill, the trees, and the sky began to melt together into a swirling vortex of colors. He felt weightless as if he was floating in an ocean of sensations.

When the swirling colors finally settled, Enzo found himself standing in a place that defied description. It was a realm of shifting lights and shadows, a dreamscape that seemed to dance on the edge of his consciousness. Before him stood a figure, cloaked in mist, its features shifting and changing as if it was an embodiment of his thoughts.

"Who are you?" Enzo's voice trembled slightly as he spoke to the enigmatic figure.

The misty form seemed to chuckle softly, the sound echoing through the surreal landscape. "I am the first monarch, young prince." The voice sounded calm, yet it was also filled with power. "The monarch who led the butterfly kingdom to glory."

Enzo's eyes widened in astonishment. This figure before he claimed to be the very first monarch of the butterfly kingdom, the one who had paved the way for the butterfly royalty. Yet, strangely enough, he felt as if he had already heard this voice somewhere. Albeit the language was different, it still looked alike.

"You… you're the first monarch?" Enzo's voice held a mixture of reverence and disbelief. "But that's impossible. You should be long gone by now. Even the last monarch died ages ago, I think."

The misty figure nodded slowly, its form shimmering like a reflection in the water. "Time is a complex tapestry, young prince. What you perceive as linear doesn't always apply to realms beyond your own. I exist as an echo, a presence woven into the fabric of your lineage." The voice started to sound clear, and slowly, Enzo could discern a feminine voice.

Enzo's mind raced to comprehend the implications of what he was hearing. The first monarch... although it sounded insane - after all, the first monarch died a long, long time ago - stood before him. But well, what wasn't strange since the Eden descended?

"Why am I here?" Enzo asked, not wasting any time. His voice was a mixture of curiosity and urgency. "What am I meant to do?"

"What you're meant to do?" The monarch repeated. "I do not know. The butterfly kingdom was destined to die long ago. Although a remnant of it still remains, it is a matter of time before it disappears without a proper monarch." Her voice translated with a hint of sadness. "However, I do not wish for you, a young prince from a new realm to feel obliged of following the same path as your predecessor."

Hearing those words, Enzo felt a little at ease. He thought for a second that people will force him to lead a kingdom, and even more so the first monarch, but it seems that he was wrong.

However, he still didn't get any answers.

"Once again what am I supposed to do?" Enzo's voice held a mix of uncertainty and determination. "I've been thrust into a realm of chaos and dimensions merging. How can I possibly make a difference? I don't have any allies. I don't know how to go back to my planet. I'm alone in here. There are people waiting for my head. Only problems appeared since I came here."

"Young prince, do not forget that you will never be alone." The voice sounded strict this time as if it didn't like what he just said. "Wherever you go, butterflies will be with you. They are your most trusted allies, and no amount of connections will change this fact!" Enzo was taken aback by the sudden increase in voice but still tried to remain calm. "

"Butterflies?" Enzo's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He understood the sentiment, but how could butterflies could make a difference in a world of chaos and danger? They were magical creatures with unique powers, yes, but how could they stand against the threats he was facing and eventually face?

The misty figure seemed to sense his doubt, and its form rippled like water reflecting the changing winds. "Young prince, the power of the butterflies is not to be underestimated. They are not mere insects. They are the embodiment of your royal blood, of your connection to the butterfly kingdom. Their abilities are vast and varied, and they can be your greatest strength in the battles that lie ahead."

Enzo's skepticism began to waver. He had witnessed the prowess of his butterflies in combat, how they protected him, and unleashed devastating attacks on his enemies. But still, the challenges he faced seemed far beyond their capabilities.

"They are more than just warriors," the first monarch's voice continued as if reading his thoughts. "They can scout for you, manipulate illusions, heal your wounds, and even unravel the threads of reality to some extent, and do so much more! But their true power lies in their unity with you, their prince. The stronger your bond with them, the more their potential will be unlocked."

Enzo felt a flicker of hope amidst the uncertainty. He had always considered his butterflies as companions, but he had never fully comprehended the extent of their abilities or the depth of their connection. The idea that they could be his allies not only in combat but in navigating this complex new world was both comforting and empowering.

"But what about the people who want to harm me?" Enzo's voice quivered slightly. "The woman who attacked me, she knew about me. She called me a butterfly prince. So it means that people know about my existence now."

The misty figure's form swayed like a gust of wind. "The knowledge of your existence is not confined to the realm you came from. The convergence of dimensions has woven threads of connection between realms, and whispers of your arrival have spread. Some may see you as a threat, while others as an opportunity. Trust no one easily, for not all intentions are pure."

"Then-..." Enzo wanted to say one last thing, but before he could, the monarch's voice resounded one last time.

"I do not have much time left, prince." Her voice was filled with urgency. "While I couldn't give you the answers you seek, I hope our discussion will help your future decision."

"No, but-..." He tried reaching for the first monarch, but the mist slowly started to disappear, carrying with it the last words of the monarch.

"As a gift, I'll let you see a part of my memories. I hope it will be of help, young prince."

And just like that, Enzo's vision once again became filled with colors before he got transported somewhere else.