
Butterfly Tamer in the Apocalypse

On the day that mana arrived on Earth, everything changed. Those who were worthy of the energy were blessed with unimaginable powers, but those who weren't were transformed into monstrous beasts that threatened the very survival of humanity. Enzo, a seemingly ordinary college student, is one of the chosen few who received the blessing of mana. But his powers are far from ordinary - he possesses a genius-level intellect and a fierce determination to survive in the new world that has emerged. Enzo quickly learns to harness his powers and becomes a force to be reckoned with, feared by even the most mythical of creatures. As Enzo journeys through the post-apocalyptic landscape, he encounters many ordeals, and he can only count on himself if he want to survive and live another day...

Karme · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Allies or Threat? (14)

The abomination's body, though pierced through the heart, still fought to survive. Enzo struggled to maintain his grip on his sword as the creature thrashed and convulsed. It lashed out with its remaining strength, its claws raking across Enzo's side, leaving deep gashes.

Pain coursed through Enzo's body, but he refused to release his grip on his sword. He knew that if he gave up now, the abomination would have a chance to regenerate once more, and he couldn't allow that. He wouldn't have enough strength to fight against the other abomination if he were to wait again.

With sheer determination, he twisted the blade within the creature's chest, causing it to emit a final, blood-curdling scream.

Black blood poured from the wound, and the abomination's movements grew weaker. Its wings flap with far less strength than earlier.