

Get in" he says and I stop to weigh my options. I ignore his offer and start to run home on my own when the chasers burst out of the forest and sight me. They start chasing me and the car comes closer with the door still open. "Get in" he shouts and I shrug "How can I be sure you are not with them and after my life also" I ask and he smiles. The smile was so sinister you could feel the devilish emotion behind it "if I was you would be long dead" he replies and I t felt more like a threat than a sentence. The sentence sends shivers down my spine. Once I get myself I roll my eeyesat the behaviour. What a proud asshole. I look behind me and the chasers were getting closer. I was finally in the middle of the devil and the deep sea. Just as the chasers get close enough I choose the lesser devil and jump into the van. Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen.  A single tragedy turns his whole life upside down. Now he has to leave his home, family and everything he has known his whole life to a new world and life he knows nothing about and to spoil it all. He is being hunted by an all powerful being. Follow Jason on his magical and unearthing journey to becoming the most powerful being to step this planet.

Ipadeola_Ifeoluwa · Fantasy
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20 Chs



'Finally the day we have been waiting for such a long time to see is here. If a few days is categorised as a pong time though' I thought as I get up from my bed to open the door for the noise makers behind my lack of peace of mind. They knock the door repeatedly and with how tired I am after last night it feels like they are banging my head. Can you just freaking stop.

We were staying at the little palace which was the royal home close to the temple so the rooms weren't as big as the palace's own. It doesnt take me long to put on a robe and stagger all the way to the door opening it.

Standing at the front of my door was an entourage of people I have never seen before. I step away and let them in as they bow and start to set up their stuffs not even giving me a care. I try to speak to them to get to know what was happening but it was like they were not ready to listen to a word I said. 

"Would you fucking stop and explain what the hell is going on here?" I snap in a loud voice and they all stop to look at me, finally I have their attention "who are you guys and what are you doing in my room?" I ask and the one that looks like their leader walks up to me. He was a young man in his late 30s with brown eyes blue hair and lean structure around 5'9

"Sire we are the palace maids assigned to help you get ready for the ceremony" he says and I chuckle. I have been trying for the past few days to convince everyone in the palace to stop with the shitty boss names and just call me my name. All my efforts were futile though I must add.

"I don't remember complaining I'm cripple. I think I am old enough to get ready myself so if you will excuse me?" I say and stretch my hand showing them the door. The leader shakes his head 

"I'm afraid we will have to insist by the king's order" he says and I grunt before closing my door, fucking king's order. It can be so annoying not being able to counter someone decision over your life, well not me. I have been going against a lot of his orders recently that I just want to give him this one so i let them continue.

They get to work immediately, doing their best at getting me ready for the ceremony. I never really thought about this day since they told me about it but right now I was scared the shit out of my mind but I couldn't show it to anyone or I will be seen as weak and I cannot be weak. None of my acquaintances were here to support me also making it a little harder than normal. Over the time I knew those guys I have gotten a little attached to them and they just left me alone.

Once they were done I look at myself and I was sure I couldn't do a job as good as this in a million years. They made sure my clothes were of the perfect colour matching each gem colour, curled my hair nicely and even beaten edge my eyebrow. I was handsome before I know but now I am a walking god in the midst of men. I was putting something that looked like a robe but instead of other colours it was pure gold which made it more dazzling than others. I smile at my reflection as they all bow and walk out. Finally peace

"Like what you see" a voice asks and I turn to see it was just Elias. 

"Yeah thank God you ordered them to cause I would have chased them away"i say and he smiles

"Im surprised you didnt chase them out despite my orders" he jokes and i chuckle.

"What can I say I'm in an accepting mood today" i reply and he laughs for a while "so what brings his highness to my room" I ask and he smiles 

"Just wanted to check on you" he says gently "how are you doing. You know it is okay to be nervous and overwhelemed" he says and I chuckle.

"I'm not nervous and definitely not overwhelmed. I just want to get this whole thing over with and move on to the next chapter of my life which I'm sure you already have planned out for me" I reply adding a hint of sarcasm in the final words and I saw his demeanor change but as a king he quickly replaces it with a smile

"Just know I'm always here if you want to talk and you always have a choice. The life is yours always so you make the final decision" he says and I nod before he walks out a little crestfallen. I fall on my bed and sigh heavily. I just can't imagine myself being that same normal loner human boy who had fights with his mom and plays mind games with his dad.

I'm sure mom and dad would be worried sick, or maybe dad alone would have visited every private investigator on earth just looking for me. I miss them a lot and would give anything to get back to them but I have to get a hang of this thing before going back to them or else I'll be more of a danger than a son. Now to face my problems head on like I was raised.

I get up from my bed and head downstairs to the dinning hall where we ate breakfast before heading into the cars that drove us straight to the great temple. As a ward of the king himself I had to do the rites like a royal and also have to do it at the Great Temple.

We arrive at the temple and it was the same as the day before. It was an ancient temple that was made out of gold and marbles and is very large by the way. Just seeing the building sent shivers down my spine as all the events of yesternight flash through my mind again.

The driver opens the door of the car i was with the other royals once we park and the Prince and Princess get down on the red carpet placed for us. The press rushes forward and take multiple pictures of them as they wave smiling. Typical royal life.

They both face me aince i was seated in the car. SUAP was glaring while Tom had an encouraging smile on his face. Way to have polar opposite siblings. I know they are not really my siblings but i have alwasys wanted siblings so I might as well enjoy it. I take deep breaths to calm my erratic heartbeat with my eyes close.

"You can do this Jason, you are strong, confident and powerful. Never forget that" I mutter my grandpa words to me all the time as i get down from the car. By the time I alighted the king and queen were already here. I walk up to them and all the cameras and lights were on me. Someone has got a lot of fans.

We stand there for a while just smiling and waving giving the press enough time to take pictures. That gives me time to check my new family out. The Queen was in a Blood Red robe beautifully made with golden embroidery. She was beautiful and the diamond crown on her head with their beautiful crystals accented the regal aura she had.

The King was also in a bright Gold robes completely embroidered with black wool. He was handsome with his hair packed and his crown. His golden brown eyes had this light to them and he was as regal as any King can get. The Prince was also in a Blood Red Robe with golden embroidery. He also had a diamond crown with shinning crystals.

The princess I must add was the most beautiful. She was in a light blue robe with golden embroidery and golden heels. Her diamond crown was also sparkling and the crystals were there to accentuate the worth of the crown. She had on little make up and her hair was wavy insted of the usual bun.

She catches me checking her out and blushes a little before glaring me. Did she just blush, i think the whole pressure is already telling on me. That is impossible stop dreaming Jason. We were escorted by guards into the building and once we got to the door we had to wait to be called in. 

"Welcome the family of his highness King Elias Durla" the announcer says and the large door was open and they all walked in first was Elias and Sheila hand in hand, then Thomas and Elizabeth leaving only me "and the main reason we are all here, the newest royal, the manipulator himself, Prince Jason Dawson" the announcer shouts and I walk in as the whole crowd gets on their feet. 

I thought Elias said only few dignitaries, I'm sure half of the whole of Taslania is present here. The whole temple was packed with curios eyes and it felt overwhelming but I kept my head held high with a smile on my face as I walked up to my seat right beside Thomas. A lot of questions were racing through my brain. What the hell am i doing?, what happens if I am no manipulator?, what happens next if I am?

I push the questions deep into my mind as soon as the ceremony began. The first period was used to introduce dignitaries and then invite in the elders until it was time for me. I was called forward and I went there. The elders were the ones who handled ceremony and they were very stern looking. I stood in front of 7 elders putting on a different colored robe each. Each robe was of each of the different crystals. They surround me and chanted for a while before putting something on my forehead as a mark.

I was asked to wash my hands into 7 bowls and they mixed it with other things, chanted again and the things all muddled together to form a potion which I was given back to drink. Yeah it was very disgusting, might I add. After that I really thought it was over but it was just the beggining. 

Each of them left and came back with a pouch and stood in front of me like before. They opened the pouch and each was holding a plain crystal placed on a ring-bearer pillow matching their robes. I was asked to touch each of them. I touched the green first and it started glowing the same colour. The crowd burst in applause and I move on to the next colour. The whole crystals glowed the same colour of their holders very bright until I reached the final crystal. 

It was not held by any elder instead it was placed on a golden ring-bearer pillow on the altar. I stood in front of it and before I even touched it I felt a connection to it unlike anything. It felt like a part of me has been missing for so long and I just found it. I touch it and It began to glow a golden light even brighter than the others. The brightness spread from the crystal to me and I began to emit a golden light. I feel power rush into me in enormous amount. It felt like all the energy in the world was coming into my body and it didn't stop.

Immediately I feel the power it rushes to my mind and my eyes closes. I open my eyes instantly and I wasn't in the temple anymore but in a completely dark place. The place was so dark I couldn't see right ahead of me. I try to call out but no sound came out. Ifall on my knees screaming I to the abyss when suddenly I see a bright light shinning.

The moment I see it I feel a strong pull toward it. I don't know but it felt like the light was here to save me from the darkness. I knew it was safe for me. I try to move but the darkness has held onto my legs and I hear a sadistic voice speaks.

"You can't illuminate the world if you can't find your light. You are too scared of who you are to even walk to the light" he says and I was already worried forcing my legs but it wasn't budging

"You are lieing. I'm not scared of what I can do because I don't even know what I can do" just reply and the voice chuckles evilly.

"Keep telling yourself that. Ever since you were born you have felt and known what you are and what you can do. You have always known you are not normal and you kept denying" he replies and I keep struggling as the light begins to dim and I start sinking.